Chapter 21: "Silent Confessions"

The morning sun peeked through the blinds, casting a warm glow over the room as Deborah's soft touch roused me from my slumber. It was like waking up to a dream, her fingers tracing patterns on my skin as if she couldn't get enough of me. 

I couldn't help but smirk at her newfound demeanor. "Damn, it's like I fucked some sense into you," I quipped, my voice laced with amusement. 

She looked at me with those big doe eyes, a hint of mischief dancing within them. 

With a mischievous grin, she ran her nails lightly across my chest while biting her lips, as she continues by asking seductively. "Can we just stay like this a little longer?" Looking around the room, 

Then before i answer Deborah i noticed something – all the guards I'd taken out were gone. Just then. It made me remember why I was here in the first place. My family. Their faces flashed in my mind, reminding me of my mission. 

"Don't worry, I made the guards clean up while you were asleep," Deborah reassured me, her voice soothing but with a hint of something more. 

"You don't have to worry about a thing. I think after last night i...i" Her words trailed off, a suggestive smile playing on her lips as she looked at me with a newfound intensity. 

There was a hunger in her gaze, a desire that sent a shiver down my spine. But before she could continue, a sudden urgency gripped me. 

As i remembered why I had come here in the first place. Without another word, I rose from the bed and made my way to retrieve a picture of my family, intent on showing it to Deborah. 

But before I could reach it, a deafening explosion echoed through the room, followed by the heavy thud of boots rushing in. 

Ten guards stormed in, their formation tight and disciplined, and in their midst strode a tall man with a scar over his right eye. "Mrs. Deborah," he said urgently, his voice commanding as he knelt before her. Deborah's demeanor shifted instantly; her authoritative personality exude confidence. 

Deborah's demeanor shifted instantly, transforming into an aura of authority and confidence that was nothing short of captivating. 

Her long, shimmering red hair cascaded down to her waist, framing her face in a fiery cascade of curls that seemed to dance with every movement. 

With a graceful flick of her hand, she tucked a stray lock behind her ear, her actions adding to the allure of her presence. 

When she talked, she spoke with a voice that was both firm and alluring, each word dripping with authority and confidence. 

Her gaze was commanding, locking onto anyone who dared to meet her eyes with an intensity that was impossible to ignore. 

But it wasn't just her personality that made her irresistible. Her curves and body had always been captivating, but now, with this unseen side of her confidence, made me see her in completely new light. 

Every movement and command she made seemed to exude a magnetic charm, making her the epitome of a dream woman for any man lucky enough to be in her presence. 

"Mrs. Deborah," the military man began, his voice measured and authoritative. "I've already sent out a team to gather information, but all we know for certain is that it seems like we were infiltrated last night, and they planted explosive to set it off now. Our food supplies and guns were raided cleanly, that's all we know so far." 

Deborah's face contorted into a mix of rage and worry as she processed the information. Without a word, she grabbed her katana, a glint of determination in her eyes. The military man continued; his gaze fixed on the ground as he spoke. 

"As for casualties..." he paused, the weight of the words hanging heavily in the air. "We've lost twelve guards and four civilians, while 26 is seriously injured. The attackers were swift and precise, as if almost kind of knew our routine." 

Deborah's jaw tightened at the news. It was clear that this breach of security had shaken her to her core. With a steely resolve, she turned to address the guards, her voice filled with determination. 

"Prepare the others," she commanded, her tone leaving no room for argument. "We need to fortify our defenses and find out who's responsible for this." 

And with that, the room sprang into action, the urgency of the situation is clear to everyone present. 

In a sudden shaky voice, I let out "No way... Keinan, is that really you?" I gasped, my heart soaring with joy at the sight of my brother, long to be thought of lost to me. 

Keinan: "Ace..." The word escaped him in a hushed tone, laden with disbelief and hope as he struggled to process the sight before him. "Is that really you? 

Deborah: "You guys know each other?" 

Keinan: "He's my big brother." 

Ace: overjoyed "Keinan!" gives him a manly brotherly hug "Oh man, I have so much to tell you. I knew you would survive. After all, you are my brother." 

Keinan: "What are you doing here, Ace? How did you get here?" 

Ace: about to answer. 

Deborah: interjects hastily, her demeanor shifting to a more skittish and blushing state "Wow, what a small world, huh? Nice and all, but can I just borrow Ace for a minute before you guys continue your family reunion?" 

She then signaled everyone out to exit the room as Deborah signaled, leaving Ace alone. 

Deborah: "We need to talk." Her voice, typically authoritative, softened with a blush as she spoke. my confident approach made her heart race, but she couldn't bring herself to meet my gaze as i gently tucked her hair behind her ear. 

"Let's make this clear," she began, trying to sound firm despite her flustered state. "I cannot show this side to my people ever. They depend on me now more than ever, so I hope you understand what I'm trying to say." 

Meeting my eyes, she saw a different side of me for the first time – what she saw when she locked into my soul was an honest promise to protect her from the burdens she carried. 

But before the moment could linger, she interrupted with a plea, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. "Stop it if you keep doing that," she said, lightly hitting his chest before turning away unable to be honest with her feelings she walked toward the door. 

With a teasing sway of her hips, Deborah struggled with conflicting emotions. 

In her mind she thought no man had ever dared to dominate her like this before, leaving her frustrated, all her life she always believed no man would ever dare to look at her the way he did. 

Even if they did, no one would ever be strong enough to make her feel that complete mercy like she was a monster, she had to be in order to lead all these people in these difficult times. 

Deborah had no room for weakness and had to do whatever needed to survive, that what she believed. 

No man could stand a chance against her... until that evening last night. She knew that what unfolded was like i peeled away all her layers. The way i fucked and treated her made her vulnerable, as if she had thought she was untouchable until she met me. 

All by myself, i overpowered her, degrading and using her as i wanted. Even though she won't admit it to herself, she loved it. That newfound sensation, she had never experienced it before. She knew that it made her unable to cope with this newfound sensation; she was longing for it. 

She grew even more conflicted by thinking about it "Whatever," she muttered, clenching her fists in frustration. 

"Just keep what happened between us a secret." With that, she opened the door and shut it loudly behind her, leaving Ace alone with his thoughts. 

Keinan waited outside, his expression a mixture of concern and apprehension as he addressed Deborah. "Mrs. Deborah, did Ace offend you? 

If he did, I'm really sorry on his behalf," he stammered nervously, his tone filled with genuine remorse. "I know he can be... troublesome and useless at times, but he means well. Please forgive him this time." 

Deborah's eyes narrowed slightly at Keinan's words, her blush giving way to a simmering rage. "Keinan, how long have you been serving me?" she asked, her voice cold and authoritative. 

"Ever since you found me, Mrs. Deborah," 

Keinan replied, his voice trembling as he kneeled before her. 

He bowed his head even lower, a gesture of submission ingrained in him after months of service. 

"That's right," Deborah said, her voice laced with superiority. "Without me, you would've been dead by now. I trained you, fed you, and you've become one of my most trusted and loyal subjects. Remember that." 

Keinan nodded, his entire body shaking as Deborah continued to speak. "As your big brother, if I were him, I would have been very disappointed to hear those words," she said, her tone dripping with disdain. 

"I don't know what kind of man he was back then, but I advise you to tread carefully around that brother of yours. Because I'll let it slide this time, but if it were him... 

" She trailed off, her voice barely above a whisper, but the threat was clear. 

Keinan's eyes widened in fear as Deborah stood up, her presence commanding and intimidating. 

"Good luck," she said, her voice carrying a hint of mockery as she turned and walked down the corridor, leaving Keinan alone with his thoughts. 

As Deborah's footsteps faded into the distance, Keinan couldn't help but feel a sense of unease and confusion. He couldn't shake the feeling that his words had angered Deborah, but why would Ace be offended, he asked himself in confusion. 

Keinan opened the door, his expression stern as he saw me sitting on Deborah's chair. "Ace, if you want to keep your head, get down from there," he commanded, his tone leaving no room for argument. 

I couldn't help but feel a twinge of irritation at his seriousness. "Why are you so stiff and serious?" I asked, trying to maintain a relaxed demeanor. "Relax, little brother, and talk to me. How have you been holding up?" 

Keinan sighed heavily before speaking. "You've heard things have been rough around here. We're barely scraping by. People are starving, and we don't have enough manpower. But other than that, I'm okay, I guess." 

Keinan then asked, "What about you, bro? How did a usele..." He paused, seemingly about to add something else, but then stopped himself, perhaps recalling Deborah's earlier admonition. "I mean how did you get used to survive in this hellish word and all the way from... uh, Largonia City was it? Thats all the way on the other side of to the west." 

My face registered confusion at first, but then he pondered to himself, "Hmm, should I tell him about my powers?" After a long pause of contemplation, he smiled, deciding to keep it secret for now. 

In dialogue, i began to recount my journey to Keinan, but i skipped over the parts about my demon summoning and my secret abilities. Instead, i altered the story slightly to keep those details hidden for now. 

As they caught up and shared a few laughs, my voice rang out with joy. "I'm really glad you survived, Keinan. I knew you had it in you to do just that. Maybe all those zombie movies came in clutch, huh?" 

Keinan replied with playful banter, "Yeah, yeah, something like that." 

My tone turned wholesome as i continued, "But seriously, man, thank you for the call that day. Without you, I wouldn't be here today." i reached out and touched Keinan's shoulder, my expression grateful. 

Keinan seemed conflicted, as if dreading something. In that moment, i changed the subject, my tone light and curious. 

"So, since you're working high up in the ranks here, our mom must have it good living here, huh? Where is she? Does she live here?" 

Unable to meet my gaze, his eyes darted around the room, avoiding the weight of my questioning stare. 

Keinan's face twisted in distress as he muttered with a sorrowful voice, "She didn't make it." 

I didn't catch it at first, asking back nonchalantly, "Why are you whispering like this, man? Is she sick?" 

The room felt suffocatingly still, the only sound the faint rustle of fabric as Keinan took a big sight before letting out a sigh. 

Then, in a loud shout, Keinan exclaimed, "She's dead, man! She is fucking dead" 

Keinan's voice shattered the silence like glass, breaking with raw emotion as he cried out the truth. 

My eyes narrowed, a steely resolve settling over me like a shroud. my demeanor turned cold; my emotions locked away behind a wall of ice. But beneath the surface, a storm raged, my heart torn between grief and fury. 

I looked down at the floor before speaking in a cold tone, "Keinan, I want you to tell me everything. Skip no detail." 


Balance Update: In the last chapter, Ace's balance of good and bad karma points shifted slightly: 

Good Karma Points: 2+5-1=6M 

Bad Karma Points: 20+5 = 25M In this chapter, Ace bad karma points balance remained the same. 

Minions serving Ace:

 Ibliss: Guarding Kingdom gate, can't be summoned. 

Cronus: Guarding Kingdom gate, can't be summoned. 

Reaper: Can be summoned. 

Dawn Jester: Can be summoned. 

Undead Soldier: Can be summoned, 1000 Strong fast, but dumb can't do task other than killing and guarding.