Chapter 24: "Doom's Unveiling"

Upon arriving, Deborah couldn't help but throw a sarcastic remark as she showed me the empty garages.

"Here are the empty garages you asked to see.

Happy after seeing how empty it is?" she said, trying to mask any hint of admiration while avoiding direct eye contact with me.

My response was more to myself than to her, spoken aloud in a musing tone.

"This works, I guess," I muttered, my gaze fixed on something unseen as if calculating.

As a pause settled, i inquired about the community's needs for food and supplies, prompting confused looks from Keinan and Deborah.

Meanwhile, seemed lost in thought, my eyes scanning the air as if examining invisible details.

Unbeknownst to them, I was mentally calculating their requirements, accessing the system's shop view to purchase the necessary items:

10 kilos of food, including various vegetables, seeds, spices, meats, rice, flour, soda, and water, along with weapons like AK-47s, Glock 9s, and machetes, as well as medical supplies like medicine and bandages.

Keinan and Deborah chimed in to explain their needs, unaware that I had already accounted for everything, my actions seeming strange to them.

Nevertheless, they acknowledged my thoroughness, ready to proceed with my plan, albeit with a hint of confusion.

Standing before Deborah and Keinan, I turned slightly, my gaze flickering between them as I issued my warning in a low, firm tone.

"What you're about to see, don't ever mention it to anyone, and don't entertain any funny thoughts," I instructed, my words carrying the weight of urgency.

With a swift flicker of my system, the supplies and weapons materialized before us, revealing an impressive array of high-level equipment and top-notch weaponry.

Their expressions of amazement only confirmed the impact of what lay before them.

As they began to voice their questions about the source of these resources, my response was sharp and unwavering.

"Don't fucking ask how," I snapped, my tone leaving no room for debate. "You have ten minutes to sort things out here before you show me their location."

Leaving them to absorb the gravity of the situation, I turned away, my mind consumed with thoughts of revenge.

It was then that Keinan and Deborah finally understood my seriousness.

They exchanged a glance, their expressions mirroring each other's concern.

It was clear they realized that I wasn't taking this situation lightly, and their shared apprehension spoke volumes.

Deborah turned to Keinan after Ace left the room, her voice tinged with a mix of disbelief and apprehension.

"You know he's really going to do this, right? And what he did in here... it's like magic.

All these supplies appearing out of thin air, didn't even surprise me.

" She let out a sigh, her hand gently resting on his shoulder.

"Your brother summoned... i mean your brother, he can summon a demon or whatever that terrifying thing was to kill his enemy.

I think he might really go through with this."

Keinan chuckled at Deborah's words, attempting to lighten the mood with a joke. "Yeah, right, and I'm Batman, right?" But his jest faded as he caught the seriousness in Deborah's expression.

" I never joke around, Keinan. You know that," she warned, her tone sobering.

"And deep down, you kind of already sense it too, You know it.

He's got a screw loose like me."

She smirked, a sinister gleam with lewdness in her eye that caught Keinan off guard.

"Why are you smiling like that? did you... fuck him or something?'' as a joke Keinan said without thinking clearly, Keinan's suspicion lingered.

But Deborah quickly denied it in cold manner.

''Yeah, right! he can only wish '' while diverting the conversation.

"Anyway, let's our men know what to do here, before we set out."

With that, she walked away with authority, leaving Keinan to ponder her words.

Yeah ain't no way Ace did something like that, haha!

What am i thinking.

He still looked at me the same as before the apocalypse.

Little did he know his big bro is a savage. 

As I sat on the balcony, the gentle breeze provided a momentary respite from the turmoil swirling in my mind.

Every detail of the plan played out vividly before me, each element meticulously crafted to ensure our success.

Dawn Jester would serve as the initial distraction, drawing attention away from our true intentions.

With Reaper's stealth and precision, we would strike from within, catching them off guard and instilling fear.

And then last but not least, Chief Demoniac would debut his arrival to lead our undead soldiers into battle, a formidable force that would tip the scales in our favor.

It was my strategy, my path to vengeance.

As Deborah and Keinan approached, I turned to them, a twisted grin playing on my lips.

"Are you ready?" I asked, my tone laced with anticipation and a hint of menace.

Keinan let out a sigh, his voice tinged with concern as he addressed me.

"So, what's the plan? You know the streets are crawling with zombies, right? Just waltzing out there with three people is suicide, Ace."

Deborah quickly interjected, her tone sharp and commanding.

"Keinan, shut the fuck up. He's already helped us. Let him do as he say."

I ended the dialogue with a tone of cold decisiveness.

"Just stop asking and stop worrying like a bitch," I declared,

My voice firm and unwavering. "And just follow me."

Outside the gate, I motioned for Deborah to lead the way.

From the depths of the abyss, Reaper emerged, his eerie silhouette looming over us.

His scythe-like hands gleamed menacingly in the dim light as he knelt before me, acknowledging my command with a simple "My liege."

Keinan's reaction was expected, but I couldn't help but feel a pang of satisfaction at his surprise and fear.

As Reaper vanished, dispatching the zombies with ease, I couldn't resist a smirk.

"Oh yeah, say hey to Reaper, my right-hand man, I guess."

With a nod, I urged them forward, following Deborah's lead as we sprinted into the unknown.

"We're taking a detour," I stated coldly, my voice slicing through the tension. With a swift motion, I surged ahead, setting a brisk pace as we veered off the main path.

As they try to follow me

"We're heading to this side of the entrance,"

I replied tersely, my gaze fixed ahead as we raced through another narrow streets, as reaper cleared the way.

As we sprinted through the streets, Reaper moved with swift precision, his scythe slicing through the horde of zombies like lightning.

We covered several miles in mere 2 minutes, the sound of Reaper's scythe cuts through the air echoing around us with each strike.

The undead fell in droves, their decimated bodies littering the path behind us as we pressed forward towards our destination.

Ace motioned his hand, signaling the others to stop as they arrived at the Super24Open store.

Without a word, he entered the safe code, his movements precise and deliberate.

As they approached the door, it swung open, revealing Pam standing on the other side. Without hesitation, she rushed forward and enveloped Ace in a tight hug.

Pamela lou finally said in dialog. 

, ye' gon a tell me who this people is ace?

"Well, Pam, i said grinning sharply

let's just say they're folks I've got some business with," I replied, with a tone cryptic gazing at Keinan for assistance.

"Hey, guys," Keinan chimed in with a friendly tone. "I'm Keinan, Ace's brother, and this is my boss. We live in a community not to far.

As he then explained how much Ace had helped their community a lot.

With a amusing grin Deborah smiled saying nothing. 

I than said intently with a sinister smile.

"I will have to go out hunting again,"

I declared with a cold monotone voice, as my eyes glinting with determination to scheme something evil.

"My boys are hungry for karma."

So i have to head back out for a bit.

As Hiro and Emi screamed my name rushing hug at me.

I held the best poker face i could at the time.

"Hey, Hiro, Emi," I greeted warmly as they descended the stairs.

"I'm off to take care of some business, but don't worry, pam and mary will keep you both safe," i assured them, before saying i had to head out again to confront some threats lurking beyond in the apocalypse. 

"Hey, Hiro," I said, my tone firm but reassuring.

"be good, alright? Listen to Pam and Mary."

He then turned to Emi, offering her a gentle smile.

"And Emi, you gotta listen to your big brother, okay?

Look out for each other.

As i turned around i nodded to Deborah, lead the way," I instructed, my voice firm and authoritative.

With a nod from Deborah, we surged out onto the street again, Keinan at my side as we followed her lead.

As we ascended to the rooftop of the apartment building adjacent to the sprawling shopping center, tension thickened in the air like an oppressive fog.

The sight below was ghastly, with two buildings standing ominously close to each other, their once vibrant structures now overrun with the undead.

The ground was littered with zombies, their decaying bodies sprawled out in grotesque poses, while severed heads adorned spikes like macabre decorations.

Every step we took seemed to amplify my raging fuel for revenge, the weight of that darkness settling heavily upon me.

While the distant moans of the undead echoed through the air, a constant reminder of the peril that will occur.

Deborah gestured towards the entrance of the building, her gaze fixed on Ace, waiting for his decision.

Keinan, his concern evident, voiced his doubts, "Ace, sending Reaper solo against 7000 people? That's madness."

Ace paused for a moment, the weight of the situation pressing down on him. With a silent, sinister resolve, he responded in a low tone, "He won't go alone.

" Deborah and Keinan exchanged incredulous looks as Ace summoned Dawn Jester, the doom bringer of hell.

Towering over them with terrifying size, the demonic figure kneeled before Ace, its gaze sending shivers down their spines.

With a swift gesture, Ace motioned for Dawn Jester to rush into the front entrance of the store, setting in motion his vengeance for himself and Keinan.

With a terrifying, blood-curdling scream, Ace commanded, "Unleash, my legion!"

As Chief Demoniac appeared with my undeads.

No mercy guys.

This time... no meercy at all, let loose reaper as he vanish. 

Let there be carnage..

Gazing down as Dawn Jester jump at the mall entrance screaming like a demon troll wreaking everything in his path.

Balance Update: In the last chapter, Ace's balance of good and bad karma points shifted slightly:

Good Karma Points: 5M

Bad Karma Points: 25 + demoniac+1000 undead = 0M

In the last chapter, Ace bad karma points balance got drained leaving him broke.

Ace Lackey's:

Ibliss: Guarding Kingdom gate, cant be summoned.

Cronus: Guarding Kingdom gate, cant be summoned.

Reaper: Can be summoned.

Demoniac: New Edition, Can be summoned.

Dawn Jester: Can be summoned.

Undead Soldier: Can be summoned, 1000 Strong fast, but dumb can't do task other than killing and guarding.