Chapter 25: "Unleashing the Legion"

I gazed upon the scene unfolding before me. Dawn Jester, Reaper, and Demoniac led my undead soldiers in a relentless assault on Mordekai's people.

The sheer power and brutality on display were both awe-inspiring and terrifying.

Deborah and Keinan stood beside me, their faces a mix of fear and astonishment as the battlefield erupted into chaos.

In a matter of minutes, Reaper appeared before me. "My liege," he greeted, his unsettling, terrifying smile as eerie as ever.

"We found some prisoners claiming to be travelers in cages, and we located Mordekai."

I nodded, the cold resolve within me hardening further.

"Take the prisoners to a safe place for now," I commanded, my voice steady and unyielding. "We'll interrogate them later."

In my mind, I contemplated my decision.

With my lie detection skill, all I had to do was ask people something and, if they lied while my skill was activated, I would know immediately.

I had been using this skill for a while now, and it had proven invaluable. This would be no different.

As Reaper vanished into the shadows to carry out my orders, I steeled myself for the confrontation ahead.

The time for reckoning had come, and I would ensure that Mordekai paid for his transgressions.

The thrill of impending vengeance surged through me as I prepared to confront the man who had caused so much suffering.

"Leave Mordekai to me," I said, the determination in my voice matching the cold fire in my eyes.

I gazed upon the scene unfolding before me. Dawn Jester, Reaper, and Demoniac led my undead soldiers in a relentless assault on Mordekai's people.

The sheer power and brutality on display were both awe-inspiring and terrifying.

Deborah and Keinan stood beside me, their faces a mix of fear and astonishment as the battlefield erupted into chaos.

My forces were a sight to behold. The undead moved with terrifying speed, their eyes glowing with an eerie light that sent shivers down the spine of anyone unfortunate enough to meet their gaze.

It was clear to anyone who looked into those soulless eyes that they were utterly and completely doomed.

The undead soldiers tore through Mordekai's ranks with an almost supernatural ferocity, their movements a blur as they slaughtered everything in their path.

In a matter of minutes, Reaper appeared before me. "My liege," he greeted, his unsettling, terrifying smile as eerie as ever. "We found some prisoners claiming to be travelers in cages, and we located Mordekai."

I nodded, the cold resolve within me hardening further. "Take the prisoners to a safe place for now," I commanded, my voice steady and unyielding. "We'll interrogate them later."

In my mind, I contemplated my decision. With my lie detection skill, all I had to do was ask people something and, if they lied while my skill was activated, I would know immediately.

I had been using this skill for a while now, and it had proven invaluable. This would be no different.

As Reaper vanished into the shadows to carry out my orders, I steeled myself for the confrontation ahead.

The time for reckoning had come, and I would ensure that Mordekai paid for his transgressions. The thrill of impending vengeance surged through me as I prepared to confront the man who had caused so much suffering.

"Leave Mordekai to me," I said, the determination in my voice matching the cold fire in my eyes.

I began my journey to Mordekai's location, the battlefield behind me a testament to my growing power.

As I moved, a barrage of notifications flashed before my eyes: 200 million good karma points and a staggering 1 billion bad karma points in total.

"Why the fuck am I earning so much karma?" I demanded, my frustration boiling over.

The system's response was almost nonchalant. "Let's just say it is because a lot of deeds have been done. With it, I think you know."

I glanced at my undead soldiers, marveling at how OP they had become under chief demoniac leadership. 

The power I wielded with it was unparalleled, and with it at my grasp.

Dawn jester, reaper and my undead soldier's would bring about the brutal slaughter of Mordekai and all of it i knew this was fuk up but still they did what they did so who dared to stand in my way.

All my summons did the job easily; they loved it, showing no mercy.

Their speed, ferocity, and terrifying appearance made it clear: anyone who stood against us was fucked. And I was going to make sure Mordekai knew that firsthand.

Reaching the entrance to the hallway where Mordekai was holed up with ten of his personal guards, I could sense the disarray and panic on their end.

The air was thick with tension. Suddenly, a haunting, eerie whistle echoed through the corridor as I called out, "Where are you, Morty?"

Mordekai's voice, filled with confident bravado, echoed back, "Who the fuck are you, you bastard?

Do you know who the fuck you're messing with?

I'll fuck your mom or sister, rip her apart, and make you eat her!" He grinned maniacally, his eyes scanning the room as he commanded his guards to find me.

Turning to Keinan and Deborah, I said in a cold tone, "Stay here. I'm going to get him."

With a menacing grin, I moved forward. "So it's you, huh?" I taunted as I looked directly at Mordekai. "I'm here to serve you karma."

Before he could react, I vanished, reappearing suddenly behind him. "Boo," I whispered, startling him. Mordekai spun around, but I was gone again.

Mordekai, still defiant, barked orders at his guards, "Kill him! Now!" But before they could react, Dawn Jester's massive hand tore through the roof, taking out six of his guards in one swift motion.

The top of the building was ripped off, exposing the chaos outside.

Mordekai's eyes widened as he finally saw the full extent of the carnage.

His people were being slaughtered, his defenses crumbling. The realization hit him like a ton of bricks – he was completely outmatched.

Fear crept into his eyes as he watched Dawn Jester wreak havoc, his confidence evaporating. He dropped to his knees, rushing towards me.

"Please, spare me! I can get you anything you want – supplies, women, power!" he pleaded desperately.

I simply grinned menacingly at him, my eyes cold and unyielding. "It's time for you to pay, Mordekai," I said, my voice dripping with finality.

The room was filled with the sounds of destruction and panic as my summons continued their assault.

Mordekai's men were paralyzed with fear, watching their leader crumble.

They knew they were outmatched, that their fate was sealed.

Mordekai looked up at me, his bravado completely shattered.

He was just another coward, begging for his life in the face of true power.

"You thought you could get away with it?" I sneered, stepping closer. "You thought you were untouchable?"

Keinan and Deborah watched everything unfold in total disbelief.

As they witnessed the sheer power and brutality of my power and my summons, they understood the full extent of my capabilities.

This whole time, they knew that if i was on their side, i could be their savior. But if you ended up as my enemy, you wouldn't wish to live through that.

The sight was surreal.

Dawn Jester tearing through the building, Reaper silently dispatching enemies with ruthless efficiency, and the Demoniac leading the undead soldiers with terrifying precision—it was a massacre.

Keinan and Deborah exchanged a glance, the same thought running through their minds: Ace was a him!

As Mordekai fell, defeated and begging for his life, the realization set in. I wasn't just a normal man; I was a harbinger of destruction for those who stood against me.

My eyes, cold and unyielding, conveyed a promise of retribution to any who dared oppose me.

Keinan, breaking the silence, murmured, "If Ace is on our side, we have a chance. But God help anyone who stands against him."

Deborah nodded, still processing the scene before them. "He's our savior or our worst nightmare, depending on which side you're on," she whispered.

The battle came to a close, and we stood victorious. My summons had done their job, and justice had been served with unrelenting ferocity.

With a final, swift movement, I delivered the blow that would end his reign of terror. Mordekai head rolledd, his guards scattering, knowing their leader was defeated

As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, a notification from the system flashed before Ace's eyes: "1 billion bad karma earned."

It was a staggering amount, a testament to the carnage that had unfolded.

My expression remained impassive, betraying nothing of the turmoil within.

I knew that every action had its consequences, and this was the price of my vengeance.

The prisoners, all 1000 of them, begged for their freedom, pleading with me to release them. With a stern yet composed demeanor, i responded, "I will speak to each of you in due time. For now, I will divide you into two groups."

His voice carried authority as he continued, "The first group will receive supplies and be free to go their own way.

The second group will have the opportunity to join me in my kingdom, which lies far from here.

Only the bravest will be accepted.

Those who choose this path will be equipped with weapons, food, and gear, and in return when they reached the destination alive, they will receive incredible favors and gifts."

My words hung in the air, offering a chance for redemption and a new beginning to those willing to take it.

Keinan's question pierced the silence as we stood amidst the aftermath of our encounter with Mordekai.

"What will you choose to do now?" he asked, his voice tinged with curiosity and concern.

I met his gaze, considering my options. "I will head back to my kingdom," I replied, my tone steady.

Balance Update: In the last chapter, Ace's balance of good and bad karma points shifted slightly:

Good Karma Points: 500M

Bad Karma Points: = 2B

In this chapter, Ace good & bad karma points balance shifted immensely.


Ace Lackey's:

Ibliss: Guarding Kingdom gate, cant be summoned.

Cronus: Guarding Kingdom gate, cant be summoned.

Reaper: Summoned.

Demoniac: New Edition, summoned.

Dawn Jester: Summoned.

Undead Soldier: Can be summoned, 1000 Strong fast, but dumb can't do task other than killing and guarding.