Chapter 26: "Alliance in Blood"

The air was thick with the stench of death as the bodies of Mordekai's men lay scattered around us, a grim testament to our victory.

But our triumph was short-lived as the sound of approaching footsteps echoed ominously in the distance.

A horde of ten thousand strong, the largest we had ever seen, marched toward us, drawn by the scent of blood and carnage.

With a sense of urgency, I activated my Talent Scout, eager to assess our strengths in the face of this new threat.

Keinan's combat stats revealed him to be an SSS Breacher Heavy Tank Specialist, a formidable ally in any battle.

Deborah, on the other hand, possessed the Idol President Talent, making her a natural leader with the ability to gather and inspire people—an invaluable asset in our quest for survival.

Turning my attention to our arsenal, I browsed through the weapon section, seeking equipment to bolster our defenses.

Among the options, I discovered an automatic shotgun equipped with special ops features and a heavy shield, perfect for close-quarters combat.

Additionally, I found two semi-automatic pistols, each with its own unique design and capabilities.

As the zombie horde drew nearer, I knew that our only chance of survival lay in cooperation and strategy.

I gasped in awe as i reviewed Keinan's combat stats, marveling at the sheer power and skill displayed.

"Bro, you're too OP!" I exclaimed, rushing up to Keinan with a mixture of admiration and excitement.

Keinan looked confused at my reaction, but before he could ask, the system continued, " Tier 3 shop Vip Unlocked! Congratulations!"

My confusion turned to surprise as the system explained further.

"There's this combat XP pre-workout powder available right now limited edition.

I grinned with excited look i grabbed 9999999 pack of each flavor

Mango, strawberry, cola, watermelon, lychee and peach.

My cart came to a total of 100 million, indicating the significant investment I've had made in enhancing my own and their combat abilities by simply drinking these this.

When the total flashed before me, I barely registered it. The 100 million points seemed insignificant compared to the potential it held for my own and my people growth.

As I turned to face him, I couldn't contain my enthusiasm. "Bro, you're going to love this," I exclaimed, eager to share the news with him.

Keinan's confusion was evident as he looked at me, waiting for an explanation.

With a wide grin, I handed him the gear and weapons I had selected, watching as realization dawned on him.

"Wear all of it now," I urged, my voice filled with conviction. It wasn't just about enhancing his combat abilities; it was about empowering him to face the challenges ahead with confidence.

As Keinan began to equip himself with the new gear, I felt a surge of pride.

Seeing him embrace the opportunity for growth fueled my determination even further. Every piece of equipment he donned represented a step closer to achieving his full potential.

In that moment, amidst the chaos and uncertainty of our surroundings, there was a sense of clarity. We were fighters, survivors, and allies in this unforgiving world.

With a determined expression, I filled the bottle that came with the pack with water. Turning to Keinan and Deborah, I held it out to them, my gaze unwavering.

"Drink it," I instructed, my voice firm and authoritative. "Don't ask questions."

I could sense their curiosity, their hesitation, but there was no time for explanations.

The powder contained within the supplements held the potential to enhance their abilities, to make them stronger, faster, more resilient. In this harsh world we lived in, every advantage mattered.

As they exchanged uncertain glances, I could see the trust in their eyes.

Without further hesitation, they each took a sip from the bottle, their expressions determined.

They understood the gravity of the situation, they knew this chance to seize an opportunity for improvement to grow stronger.

With the water consumed, I could feel a sense of anticipation building within me.

The effects of the supplements would soon take hold, and I was eager to see the results.

In this world where strength and survival were paramount, we needed every advantage we could get.

The battlefield sprawled before us, a scene of carnage and chaos. The stench of blood and decay hung heavy in the air as we confronted the formidable horde of ten thousand zombies.

It was a daunting sight, but I refused to let doubt cloud my resolve.

With a silent nod, I signaled for Reaper and Dawn Jester to unleash their terror upon the enemy ranks.

In a flurry of motion, they surged forward, scythes slashing through the undead with deadly precision. The air echoed with the anguished cries of the fallen as our forces clashed in a violent melee.

Beside me, Deborah and Keinan fought with unmatched determination, their skills honed through countless battles.

Deborah's leadership inspired our allies, rallying them to our cause, while Keinan's brute strength carved a path through the enemy ranks.

As the battle raged on, I found myself in the thick of the fray, my blade flashing with each strike. With every zombie that fell, another seemed to take its place, the relentless tide threatening to overwhelm us.

But we fought on, fueled by determination and the knowledge that our survival depended on our victory.

Deborah's voice rang out above the din, her orders guiding our movements with precision.

Keinan's laughter mingled with the sounds of battle, a testament to his unyielding spirit.

Together, we pushed forward, cutting a swath through the enemy ranks with grim determination.

The ground beneath our feet was slick with blood, and the air was thick with the scent of death.

The battlefield stretched out before us like a nightmare come to life, the horde of ten thousand zombies a writhing mass of grotesque flesh and bone.

Yet amidst the chaos, something was amiss.

Among the usual undead ranks lurked aberrations, twisted monstrosities that defied explanation.

These abnormal zombies were unlike anything that Keinan and Deborah had faced before, their movements erratic and unpredictable.

Some were faster than the others, darting through the melee with unnerving speed, while others seemed impervious to our attacks, shrugging off blows that would have felled a normal zombie.

As we fought, we had to remain constantly vigilant, our senses attuned to any sign of danger.

Every movement, every sound could be a harbinger of death, and we could ill afford to let our guard down.

Deborah's leadership proved invaluable in keeping us organized amidst the chaos.

Her keen instincts and strategic mind allowed us to anticipate the movements of the enemy and adapt our tactics accordingly.

Keinan's brute strength was a bulwark with his shotgun against the tide of undead, his towering shield figure a beacon of hope amidst the darkness.

But time was not on our side.

With each passing moment, more zombies poured forth from the ranks of the undead, threatening to overwhelm us through sheer numbers alone.

We knew that we had to thin their ranks quickly if we were to have any hope of emerging victorious.

So on we fought, a sense of urgency grew within me. We needed a solution, something to turn the tide decisively in our favor.

Desperation drove me to scan through the shop, searching for anything that could help.

That's when I saw it:

The 3 Tier Annihilator Death Machine can be used 1 time only.

"Fuck it," I muttered, purchasing ten of the devices.

I decided to deploy one immediately, hoping it would provide the edge we needed.

The high-tech flying disc hovered in the air, seemingly inert.

For a moment, I feared I had been scammed.

But then it came to life, scanning the battlefield.

It detected 5,167 zombies remaining, and in an instant, it replicated itself into 5,167 smaller discs.

Each disc targeted a zombie, and with a high-pitched whine, they launched themselves at their respective targets.

The effect was instantaneous and devastating.

The discs sliced through the undead with surgical precision, decapitating, dismembering, and obliterating them in a matter of seconds.

The tide of battle shifted dramatically as the horde was decimated.

The battlefield was a sea of destruction, our enemies falling in droves.

Deborah and Keinan, bolstered by the sudden turn of events, fought with renewed vigor, cutting down any zombies that strayed into their path.

As the last of the undead fell, I allowed myself a moment of respite.

The Annihilator Death Machine had done its job flawlessly, turning the tide in our favor.

I looked around at the carnage, the battlefield littered with the remains of our enemies.

"We did it," Deborah said, her voice tinged with awe and relief.'

Keinan, bloodied but unbowed, gave a grim nod. "Yeah, we did. But what now, Ace?"

I glanced at the remains of the horde, then back at my companions. "We move forward. This is just the beginning."

Balance Update: In the last chapter, Ace's balance of good and bad karma points shifted slightly:

Good Karma Points: 800M

Bad Karma Points: = 2B

In this chapter, Ace good & bad karma points balance shifted lightly.


Ace Lackey's:

Ibliss: Guarding Kingdom gate, cant be summoned.

Cronus: Guarding Kingdom gate, cant be summoned.

Reaper: Summoned.

Demoniac: New Edition, summoned.

Dawn Jester: Summoned.

Undead Soldier: Can be summoned, 1000 units