Chapter 82: Jiang Cheng? Hmph, I will make sure he has a one-way trip!

On the morning of Sun Yuan's academic advancement banquet on the 25th.

Tang Qian sent a communication talisman to Lin Yao.

"Hello? Yaoyao?"

"Yes, I'm here."

Hearing Lin Yao's voice through the communication talisman, Tang Qian couldn't help but feel a hint of confusion.

In her impression, Lin Yao was the type of woman who seemed gentle but was actually proud, arrogant, and spiteful.

Therefore, Lin Yao's voice was usually light and brimming with energy, quite similar to her personality, and not like now, gentle and with a bit of... determination?

Is this still Lin Yao?

"Are you really Lin Yao?"

"Yes. What's up?"

"Oh, nothing, I just wanted to ask if you're going to Sun Yuan's banquet at noon?"

"Sun Yuan?"

"Yeah, he's Jiang Cheng's cousin, didn't you know? Zhou Yiwen and I plan to join in the fun too, after all, we're classmates, and there's nothing much to do during summer vacation anyway. The place is at Weishou Restaurant. Are you coming?"
