Chapter 83: It's Not Jiang Cheng Again, Is It?


The influence of Tongtian Sect in Liang Kingdom is all managed by the Tongtian Sect's Liang Kingdom's main helmsman based in the Capital.

Directly below the main helmsman, corresponding to Liang Kingdom's state-level administrative regions, there are helmsmen.

One level down from the helmsmen, corresponding to Liang Kingdom's county-level administrative regions, there are sub-helmsmen.

Since Wuyue City is a county-level city in Liang Kingdom, similar to a city below a province on Earth, the highest leader of Tongtian Sect in Wuyue is the sub-helmsman of Wuyue.

In the midst of Wu Mountain, at an inconspicuous spot on the mountain's waist, there is a thatched cottage.

This thatched cottage is very simple, so much so that saying it has bare walls wouldn't be an exaggeration.

Around the cottage there is a cleared patch of vegetable garden, but the soil fertility is mediocre, and even the green vegetables don't grow well.