Chapter 8 Stand Out

"Right... school beauty, if you follow our Brother Monkey, you'll benefit..."

"Monkey's wife! Haha... the school beauty of Zhi'an No.1 Middle will become our Monkey's wife..."

"Brother Monkey, go for it! Monkey's wife is shy... You can take the initiative and kiss her..."


The few riffraffs following Monkey were all egging him on, which made Monkey even more smug. He stepped closer to Qin Yanran, saliva almost drooling, his sleazy eyes narrowing. He pulled out the few hundred yuan in 'protection money' he received today, flaunted it in front of Qin Yanran, and called out, "How about it? Beauty... Stick with me, Monkey, and I'll treat you well. Give me a kiss today, and let's consider it sealing the deal! This money is all yours..."

With that, Monkey reached out with the money, but Qin Yanran dismissed his hand with disgust and shouted, "Who wants your filthy money! Get out of my way... I will absolutely not kiss you..."

Frightened, Qin Yanran quickly backed away, and upon seeing Lin Feng and the chubby Zhang Zhen coming her way, she immediately cried out, "Help... help me..."

"Crazy, no good... Look... that Monkey is trying to be inappropriate with our school beauty! Crazy, we have to think of a way to save her..."

Originally, chubby Zhang Zhen was planning to pay the 'protection money', but when he saw his goddess, the school beauty Qin Yanran being harassed by Monkey, how could he stand it any longer? He immediately wanted to rush over. However, seeing Monkey's seven or eight underlings, he lost his nerve and turned to look at Lin Feng helplessly.

"This Monkey, the bullying is intolerable, not only extorting 'protection money' from students of our school but also daring to harass our female classmates... This is beyond endurance!"

Lin Feng had never been one to tolerate riffraff like Monkey, and seeing the school beauty Qin Yanran in danger, he quickly stepped forward, putting himself in front of her, and confronted Monkey, "Monkey, what are you trying to do?"

"Who's this brat? You think you can call Monkey by his name? Shouldn't you be calling him Brother Monkey? Our Brother Monkey fancies your school's beauty, and now he wants to make her his Monkey's wife... Brat! Get lost, don't stand in the way of Brother Monkey's good fortune..."

Next to Monkey, a bleached-blond punk with a cigarette in his mouth immediately came forward to drive Lin Feng away. At this moment, Qin Yanran was also a bit startled. She looked at Lin Feng standing in front of her and found him very familiar, and then she remembered that he was Lin Feng, the underachiever from her class. The student who, in her eyes, was always dragging down the class' grades had unexpectedly stood up for her in this moment.

"Brat! Get out of the way. What I, Monkey, do is none of your business, do you need to be kept in the loop? Hand over the 'protection money' quickly and scram while I'm still not changing my mind! Trying to play the hero to save the beauty? Don't you even know which tier you're on..."

Monkey looked at Lin Feng with a mocking face. To him, Lin Feng, with his skinny arms and legs, was just a high school student who could easily be beaten up by any of his underlings.

"Brother Monkey... Brother Monkey... this is my bro, we've paid the 'protection money'... pay, pay, pay... and we'll get lost right away..."

At that moment, chubby Zhang Zhen unheroically approached with a smile on his face, waving a twenty-yuan bill in the air and handing it over to one of Monkey's bleached-blond underlings.

"You fatso, weren't you just talking about saving the school beauty? How come all of a sudden you're so spineless..."

Lin Feng looked at his teammate, Zhang Zhen, the pig, and couldn't help but feel a mix of laughter and tears.

"Crazy, they call you crazy, but have you really gone mad? Monkey is with the Tiangou Gang, we can't afford to mess with them... Look at his seven or eight underlings, do you think we're a match for them?" Zhang Zhen could only turn back and whisper helplessly to Lin Feng, "Didn't you see how many of our schoolboys have gone past without daring to lay a hand on Monkey? The school beauty is pretty... but if you offend Monkey for her sake, he'll have someone beat you to death or cripple you..."

Not only did Lin Feng hear what Zhang Zhen said, but so did the school beauty Qin Yanran, who was being protected by Lin Feng. She initially felt relieved that someone was willing to rescue her, but upon hearing Zhang Zhen's words, her heart immediately sank. She knew about the influence of the troublemaker Monkey in this area and figured Lin Feng wouldn't dare to cross Monkey to save her.

"Did you hear that, you little shit? This fat bastard is right... playing the hero! You gotta be a hero too, motherfucker! Ha ha... Today, I, Monkey, have taken a fancy to this school beauty. Hurry the fuck up and get lost... don't fucking block my view," Monkey said to Lin Feng with obvious pride, advancing and slapping Lin Feng's cheek with one hand, arrogantly telling him to scram.

But Lin Feng was not Zhang Zhen, the fatso, who would tolerate such humiliation and disdain. Lin Feng slowly raised his head, stared at Monkey's arrogant demeanor, and then suddenly kicked him hard in the abdomen, shouting, "Fuck off... This is our Yi Zhong's territory. The one who should fuck off is you..."


Taken completely by surprise, Monkey never expected Lin Feng to dare to lay a hand on him, let alone with such a ferocious kick that sent him flying. The seven or eight little thugs under his command froze too. They followed Monkey around collecting protection and toll fees, encountering tough guys before, but they had never seen anyone like Lin Feng who just kicked without a second word.

"Motherfucker... How dare you kick our Brother Monkey, you wanna die..."

"Brothers, beat him up.. let him know the consequences of kicking our Brother Monkey..."

"Kill him! He even dares to kick our Brother Monkey..."


The few thugs who recovered from their shock immediately surrounded Lin Feng, some clutching steel pipes, while others even pulled out folding fruit knives from their pockets.


Qin Yanran had always been a good girl at school, never witnessing such scenes, and was instantly terrified, screaming out loud. Taking advantage of the chaos, her bestie, Hong Fangfang, quickly pulled Qin Yanran towards the school.

"Yanran, hurry... take this chance and run..."

"Fangfang, but... but Lin Feng... he's in danger..."

By the time Qin Yanran came to her senses, she was already being dragged out of the alley by Hong Fangfang and was near the school gate. It was fifty-nine minutes past seven, and the class bell was about to ring.

"We can't worry about that now, Yanran. Anyway, Lin Feng and Zhang Zhen are just poor students... Getting into fights is nothing new... We better hurry to class or we'll really be late..."

Out of breath, Hong Fangfang, pulling a guilt-ridden and worried Qin Yanran, entered the school and then made her way to Class 3 Year 2.

However, at that moment, Lin Feng, in a rage, after giving Monkey a fierce kick, only realized the gravity of the situation when he saw the seven or eight fledgling thugs charging at him.

"Oh my God! You're fucking crazy... You actually kicked Monkey... We're screwed now... What are you standing there for? Run..."

Seeing the little thugs rushing over, Zhang Zhen, the fatso, was scared shitless and quickly pulled Lin Feng to run.