Chapter 9 Reprimand

Fatty Zhang Zhen really hadn't expected Lin Feng to be so bold; to think he'd even dare to kick members of the Tiangou Gang, including the small-time leader Monkey. Wasn't that just asking for death?

As seven or eight blond hoodlums wielding steel pipes charged at them, Fatty Zhang Zhen quickly grabbed Lin Feng and ran, but he found he couldn't budge Lin Feng at all. Instead, Lin Feng was clenching his fists, glaring at the hoodlums. The moment the first hoodlum rushed up to him, Lin Feng had already seized the steel pipe from the hoodlum's grasp and then kicked him flying away.


Another hoodlum was sent flying by Lin Feng's kick, which left Fatty Zhang Zhen dumbstruck, "Madman, you... when did you become so powerful?"

But Lin Feng had no time to answer Fatty Zhang Zhen's question at that moment since the other hoodlums' steel pipes were quickly bearing down on them—and Lin Feng had to ensure Fatty Zhang Zhen's safety as well.