Chapter 31: Public Enemy of All Male Students

Sometimes, people are frustratingly powerless: the more you force yourself not to think about something, the more of those unwanted images pop into your head.

"Just now... was Lin Feng holding my hand right here? So it turns out... feeling someone gripping your arm tightly with concern isn't too bad after all..."

Looking at the left arm that had been grasped by Lin Feng, Xu Minjing thought of how nervous and shy Lin Feng had been, yet even more concerned about her, and she smiled warmly to herself, "I never thought I'd been scolding Lin Feng quite a bit, but in the end... Lin Feng is quite concerned about me, his homeroom teacher, huh! All that effort I put into devising a study plan for him wasn't in vain, I just hope he... really can buckle down and study hard in this last month and more!"