Chapter 32 School Bully Brother Pig

At Zhi'an No. 1 Middle School cafeteria, there were over a dozen windows serving food, followed by rows and rows of dining tables. Lin Feng and the chubby Zhang Zhen were sitting towards the back, but Pig Brother entered through the front door of the cafeteria, so when chubby Zhang Zhen saw Pig Brother, the latter hadn't yet noticed them.

"Man, I tell you, hanging out with you today really brings out the worst luck! Pig Brother's here; let's get the hell out of dodge..."

Seeing Pig Brother step into the cafeteria, chubby Zhang Zhen became jittery, like a spooked bird, and hastily tried to drag Lin Feng away. But Lin Feng remained unmoved, casually pointed to his plate with his chopsticks, indicating the uneaten food, and said indifferently, "Run for what? Chubby, don't you know wasting food is shameful? At least let me finish eating first!"