Chapter 34 Everyone Fell Down

He fell!

Zhu Ge fell!

The school tyrant Zhu Ge actually slipped and fell on his face right in front of Lin Feng, just like a dog eating shit.

Everyone present was stunned; the originally noisy and bustling cafeteria went suddenly silent. The boys who were eager to see Lin Feng get beaten up by school tyrant Zhu Ge were completely taken aback by the scene before them.

The school tyrant Zhu Ge, who had always dominated the school, surrounded by his lackeys wherever he went, with an imposing and domineering attitude, now lay on the ground with his rear up in the air, just like a dog eating shit, right in front of Lin Feng. And it seemed he had even broken his arm, as he lay there moaning and groaning in pain.

"What... what happened? Didn't Zhu Ge say he was going to teach Lin Feng a lesson? How did he... how did he fall and get hurt instead?"

"He actually fucking fell just like Lin Feng said; this cafeteria floor is slippery..."