Chapter 35 Dog Bites Dog

"Ouch... it hurts! You bastard... why are you sitting on me? My... my other hand is broken because of you... Are you in cahoots with that stinky kid Lin Feng or what?"

Pig had no way of anticipating that Dog, standing a little over three meters away, would somehow end up crashing into him. Dog, who weighed a good two hundred pounds, had flopped down so heavily that he immediately broke Pig's other arm, causing him to howl in pain on the ground.

As for Pig's other lackeys, they were all thrown off as well, looking battered and bruised. And Lin Feng, the target of their attack, was left unscathed, standing on his tiptoes and mocking them with glee, "Oh my! I didn't expect you guys couldn't understand plain speech... I did warn you to watch your step because it's slippery, but you didn't care... With the example of that pig right before you, the fact that you still fell is truly impressive!"