Chapter 211 Heart Attack

"Auntie must be in the kitchen now, persuading Teacher Xu to break up with me! It seems my acting wasn't too bad after all, I guess I can consider the mission Teacher Xu gave me... 'Perfection'..."

Sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, Lin Feng was watching TV and leisurely enjoying the fruit from the fruit plate. However, his eyes kept darting around, especially when he glimpsed Teacher Xu's pink bedroom across from him—his heart couldn't help but stir.

"Last time, it was in Teacher Xu's bedroom... I don't know why... that night I was so tired, I just ended up holding Teacher Xu and sleeping all night... That feeling... it truly was wonderful..."

As he reminisced about the feeling of holding Teacher Xu in his sleep, the corners of Lin Feng's mouth couldn't help but lift slightly. But the moment he thought about Teacher Xu marrying someone else one day, being embraced by another man, Lin Feng's mood turned sour instantly.