Chapter 212: Lin Feng, did you save my mom?

"Ah! Mom, what's wrong with you? Mom, don't scare me..."

Originally, Xu Minjing had been cheering for her own successful plans in her heart, but as soon as she saw her mother's heart attack, she immediately turned as pale as death, anxiously not knowing what to do.

"Auntie! Teacher Xu, what's happening to auntie... Is it an old ailment flaring up?"

Mother Xu suddenly fell ill and collapsed on the sofa, and Lin Feng was also severely frightened. According to the script that Teacher Xu had provided, there was no such scene! How come right after looking fine, Mother Xu just collapsed like that!

"Lin Feng, this is bad! My mom's had a sudden heart attack... Quick, quick, quick... help me call an ambulance!"

Xu Minjing, who was dumbfounded and unsure of what to do, was promptly reminded by Lin Feng and hurriedly told him to quickly make a call to get an ambulance, as she rushed forward to support her mother and panicked.