Chapter 4: There Must Be Some Gesture

Describing him as an "old man" was both right, and wrong.

Apart from the somewhat representative half-white hair on his head, Sheng Zhenguo's complexion was ruddy and his smile was hearty. He looked to be in his fifties at most, which was a far cry from the seventy-year-old old man Fu Zining described.

"I'm late," Sheng Zhenguo chuckled as he began to speak, scanning the room with his eyes and pleased to see Song Weiyi sitting next to Rong Jing'an.

Although it was the first time he had seen this little girl, what satisfied him even more was that she was even prettier in person than in her pictures, especially when she was looking down and revealing that stretch of snowy-white neck, which made his heart tremble.

"What are you saying, Mr. Sheng? We've only just arrived ourselves," Rong Jing'an laughed good-naturedly, his demeanor friendly and tinged with palpable flattery and subservience.

"Weiyi, what are you sitting there in a daze for? Won't you greet Mr. Sheng?" With Rong Jing'an's words, all eyes suddenly shifted to Song Weiyi.

Bowing her head, Song Weiyi nearly lost her composure. They really weren't giving her the slightest chance, were they? They were afraid that under everyone's scrutiny, Mr. Sheng wouldn't notice her, right?

With no choice, Song Weiyi stood up, turned towards Mr. Sheng, and raised the corners of her mouth in a standard smile that revealed eight teeth.

Dad, you forced me into this!

"Good evening, Grandpa Sheng," Song Weiyi said, blinking her big and dewy eyes and greeting him with unbelievable politeness.

However, this term "Grandpa Sheng" caused Fu Zining's and Rong Jing'an's smiles to freeze on their lips.

Grandpa Sheng? What nonsense is this brat spouting now?

"Child, you can just call him Uncle Sheng or Mr. Sheng," said Fu Zining, patting Song Weiyi's shoulder lightly with her right hand, reprimanding her.

"Ah, sorry, aunt, I misspoke," Song Weiyi quickly lowered her head, looking frightened.

Fu Zining and Rong Jing'an were so busy scheming that how could they possibly know that the very act of dragging her out to greet Mr. Sheng first had already revealed a lot of information?

"It's alright, it's just a child's babble, don't take it to heart."

Hearing this, Song Weiyi internally rolled her eyes in disdain.

Mr. Sheng, since you also know I'm just a child, how could you shamelessly make such a perverted request?

Shortly after sitting down, a line of waiters emerged holding plates, entering one after another. The moment the door was pushed open, Song Weiyi caught the rich aroma of the food.

A full twelve dishes, accompanied by very high-end red wine.

Mr. Sheng sat in the most central position, with Song Weiyi on his left and her half-brother Fu Xiuyan on his right. This arrangement was extremely unusual, but at Mr. Sheng's request, who said he wanted to chat with two young people, it had been organized this way.

"Weiyi, don't just sit there in a daze, pour wine for Mr. Sheng," Rong Jing'an ordered eagerly.

"Yes, Daddy," Song Weiyi gritted her teeth.

"This child is really well-behaved and adorable. I've always wanted a daughter all these years, but alas, my wish has not been fulfilled. It's the irony of fate," he said.

At that, Song Weiyi's hand shook, and the red wine immediately splashed onto Mr. Sheng's clothes as he spoke.

"Ah..." Song Weiyi was stunned, holding the bottle without moving for a moment as the liquid continued to pour out.

This scene nearly caused Rong Jing'an to spit blood in anger.

"Weiyi, move the bottle away quickly, can't you see you've soaked Mr. Sheng's clothes? How can you not even do such a simple thing properly?" Rong Jing'an stood up, his handsome face replaced with anger.

"Dad... Dad... I'm sorry... It's all my fault, I'm clumsy," Song Weiyi stammered, pale with fright and her eyes welling up with tears.

"You certainly are clumsy. Look what you've done to Mr. Sheng's clothes!" he berated.

The calmest of all, unsurprisingly, was Mr. Sheng.

While others were either nervous or angry, Mr. Sheng had not made a peep, merely taking the opportunity to scrutinize Song Weiyi and Rong Jing'an.

Was this truly an accident, or an "accident" concocted between father and daughter? Could it be Rong Jing'an didn't want to marry off his daughter to him?

Old Master Sheng sneered inwardly. Unwilling? Initially, Fu Zining had agreed readily—if they dared to go back on their word, he had a myriad of ways to make them regret it.

"Alright, don't blame the child. Look, she's about to cry." Old Master Sheng stood up and patted Song Weiyi's shoulder with a show of tender affection.

Despite the barrier of fabric, his touch still made Song Weiyi feel very uncomfortable, and at that moment, she was grateful that she had had the foresight to wear a cardigan.

"It's just a wet dress. I'll go change into another one."

As soon as Old Master Sheng left, Rong Jing'an's emotions, earlier calmed by his placation, surged up again.

A loud "snap" was the sound of Rong Jing'an slapping the table.

"Weiyi, did you do that on purpose? Such a low-level mistake, so clumsily executed, don't think I can't see it!"

Clumsily executed?

Song Weiyi shook her head, trembling, "Dad, what are you talking about? Why would I do it on purpose? That Old Master Sheng is clearly a big shot, intentionally offending him would be like asking for death, wouldn't it? Besides, what reason would I have to do it intentionally?"

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener had intentions.

Of course, there were reasons, such as not wanting to marry Old Master Sheng?

Rong Jing'an couldn't help but reflect. Had this girl figured something out?


"Alright, alright, it was an accident. Don't blame Weiyi anymore," Fu Zining intervened. "Weiyi, Old Master Sheng indeed is an influential figure who can't be offended. So from now on, make sure not to make any mistakes, understood?"

At this point, there was a veiled oppression and intensity in her demeanor.

"I understand, Auntie," Song Weiyi nodded assuredly.


The "knock knock knock" of someone at the door caught the attention of the people in the private room.

Rong Jing'an, thinking it was a waiter, frowned and bade the person enter.

The door opened, and in came a young man dressed plainly, carrying two bags in his hands.

"You're here?" Song Weiyi's eyes brimmed with tears as she got up to meet him with eagerness.

Noticing the two gift boxes in his hand, Song Weiyi's brow twitched, and she leaned close to Pei Yibai's ear.

"Are you stupid? I already said not to buy gifts, yet you insist on being a generous fool," she looked at him with a mixture of exasperation and affection.

Pei Yibai tugged at the corner of his mouth, swallowing the laughter that almost burst forth, maintaining his unflappable expression.

"It's customary to bring something for a first meeting."

Well, that's standard practice, Song Weiyi thought to herself.

With sweet affection, she took Pei Yibai's hand and turned to face the members of the Fu family, only to meet Rong Jing'an's fiery gaze.

"Song Weiyi, what do you think you're doing?" His eyes bored into them, as if flames could erupt at any moment.

"Who is this man? Who gave you permission to bring outsiders to our family's private gathering?" he demanded, his glare intensifying as it fell upon Pei Yibai.

The young man across from them was very youthful, and his attire was ordinary. At a glance, Rong Jing'an could estimate that the clothes, the watch, and the glasses the man wore totaled less than a thousand yuan.

What surprised Rong Jing'an was that under such furious scrutiny and rebuke, the young man's expression didn't change in the slightest, and the faint smile on his lips remained just as it had been when he first entered.