Chapter 5: Making Mistakes and Angering Elders

Song Weiyi looked timidly at her angry father, "Dad, but isn't Mr. Sheng also not part of our family?"

Rong Jing'an ground his teeth, "Is he the same as him? Mr. Sheng is your father's good friend."

Good friend? Mr. Sheng probably never even took notice of you, only your father would dare to say such a thing.

Song Weiyi looked up, her gaze shyly fixed on her man. "Since, dad's good friends can come to our family banquet, then dad's son-in-law, all the more has this qualification, right?"

The room instantly plunged into a terrifying silence.

Dad's son-in-law? The man Song Weiyi was holding hands with?


Two words made Rong Jing'an shake all over, nearly rolling his eyes back and fainting on the spot.

"You... What did you say..." In his heart, Rong Jing'an still refused to accept this reality.

"Is this your boyfriend?" His voice was fragile when he considered the possibility of a boyfriend, then became much more forceful.

Rong Jing'an patted his chest lightly and propped himself up at the table, his body drenched in cold sweat.

"When did you dare to date a boyfriend in secret? Didn't I warn you not to mess around with romantic relationships in college? When did you become so disobedient?"

With that, his critical gaze, cold as ice chips, shot towards Pei Yibai standing next to him.

An embroidered pillow with nothing inside, daring to date his daughter?

"Did this man seduce you?" He directly laid the blame on Pei Yibai, without saying anything else.

He had seen ridiculous fathers, but he had never seen one as ludicrous and selfish as this.

Song Weiyi thought she had long stopped caring, but when Rong Jing'an said those words, directly pushing the blame onto Pei Yibai, her heart was stabbed hard.

It was numb, it was painful.

She opened her mouth, wanting to explain something, but the man beside her held her hand down.

She looked up, only to see him giving her a calm look, without a trace of fear or anxiety.

Suddenly all the sadness vanished, and Song Weiyi swallowed back all the words she had intended to say.

"Weiyi, dad has said it, men from outside, they can't be trusted. They will only deceive you with their lies, otherwise why would your father make such a demand?"

Was it not just to sell her for a good price today? Song Weiyi thought to herself with an inward laugh.

"You are dad's daughter, could your dad harm you? Just be good, listen, break up with this man. Later, dad will find you a better man," Rong Jing'an blurted out.

It had been a while since Mr. Sheng left, and he feared that if Mr. Sheng returned at this moment and heard something he shouldn't, getting angry...

Rong Jing'an shuddered and cast out the possibility from his mind.

Thinking of this, he looked at Pei Yibai with a tough stance, "Did you hear what I said? Please disappear completely from my daughter's sight from this moment on."

"Dad..." Pei Yibai hooked his lip, addressing Rong Jing'an rather formally as dad.

"What dad? Are those two words you can just call out? Mind your language, or I won't be polite with you!" Rong Jing'an was furious with embarrassment.

"Did you hear me? Get out immediately, or don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"From today on, you two cut off all contact, or I will make you pay the price!" Rong Jing'an issued his final ultimatum.

Ten million, compared to a thousand? Even a fool would know which one to choose.

Song Weiyi bravely stood up, "Dad, are you talking about now?"

"Isn't that obvious?" Rong Jing'an roared.

"But the Civil Affairs Bureau is off work now, and they don't work on Saturdays either. Even if we hurry, the earliest we can get a divorce would be next Monday."

The Civil Affairs Bureau! Divorce!

Did these words completely drive Rong Jing'an out of his mind?

"What? What did you say?"

"Dad, this is your son-in-law, and he's my husband too. Do you understand now?" Song Weiyi explained earnestly.

"My God!" This time, Fu Zining's face turned pale from shock.

"Song Weiyi!" Rong Jing'an squeezed these three words out between his teeth, looking as if he was about to devour her.

Rage stricken, and having already promised something to Elder Sheng, everything suddenly fell apart at this moment.

He raised his hand and swung it towards Song Weiyi's face.

"I told you to get involved with an unknown man and to get married without consulting your parents or respecting your elders. If I don't teach you a lesson today, you'll be too arrogant for your own good!"

His hand raised high, he vigorously swung it toward Song Weiyi.

She could have dodged, but Song Weiyi did not want to. She would take it as a payback for Rong Jing'an bringing her into this world, knowing he wouldn't dare to beat her to death.

With her eyes closed, Song Weiyi waited calmly for the slap to arrive.

After a long moment, it still hadn't reached her, prompting her to open her eyes.

Out of nowhere, a pair of white, slender hands appeared before her, firmly gripping Rong Jing'an's hand.

She looked on in a daze, unable to snap back to reality for a long time.

"What are you doing? Rebelling, are you? What kind of trash are you to dare to stop me!" Rong Jing'an, unable to break free, was livid, his face the color of liver, furious with embarrassment.

In front of him stood Pei Yibai, his expression as calm as ever. "Dad, if you have any anger, take it out on me. Why resort to violence? Besides, Weiyi is a girl; such a slap would surely break her heart."

The calm tone, coupled with a cool demeanor, although somewhat haughty, made one's heart tremble.

"Take it out on you? Fine, I am eager to see who is so daring as to abduct my daughter." Rong Jing'an's pride was wounded, and he was boiling inside, itching to vent his frustration.

"Dad, if you're angry, take it out on me; it's not Yibai's fault." For the first time, Song Weiyi felt protected by a creature named 'husband,' and naturally, she couldn't bear to see Pei Yibai being blamed or even scolded by Rong Jing'an.

Rong Jing'an stomped over, "I'll deal with you later." He pushed Song Weiyi aside, grinding his teeth as he glared at Pei Yibai.

At this moment, his right wrist was still throbbing with pain, and seeing the face of this "son-in-law" only reminded him of what had just transpired.

As Rong Jing'an was about to rebuke Pei Yibai, the door to the private room was pushed open, and Elder Sheng, dressed in new clothes, appeared once again.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting..." His hearty laughter ceased abruptly upon seeing Pei Yibai, and he frowned.

Isn't the Fu Family only supposed to have one son? Who is this then? Could it be another one of Rong Jing'an's illegitimate children?

"Dad, we have guests; whatever grievances you have can wait. Let's not give them a reason to laugh at us," Pei Yibai glanced discreetly, noticing Elder Sheng and the fact that Rong Jing'an had pressured him to break up with Song Weiyi, and he almost immediately understood the situation.

Sheng Zhenguo, notorious in the industry for his philandering, innumerable lovers, having married several wives, all of whom either went mad or died.

If Song Weiyi truly married him, wouldn't it be pushing her to a dead end?

A trace of disgust flickered across the depths of Pei Yibai's eyes, condemning the father who was a beast in gentleman's clothing.