Chapter 244 I Thought I Wouldn't See You Anymore

He turned around in surprise, looking at the tightly closed shop door.

The metal door outside had already been pulled down, and Sheng could not see the incoming person, standing up in frustration and anger.

That lunatic, how dare they disturb his good deeds?

He looked in the direction of the door, gritting his teeth in fury. On this side, Song Weiyi and Zhao Mengmeng sensed hope.

It must be Pei Yibai, it must be them.

The two exchanged a knowing glance, each seeing the hope reflected in the other's eyes.

Zhao Mengmeng's hands were tied behind her back, and because her captors were not paying her much attention, the binds were not very tight.

She was secretly thrilled to discover this and, summoning all her strength, she twisted her hands outward.

The tape came loose, and in that instant, her hands were free.

At the front door, there was a loud "clang" as the unlocked metal door was pushed upwards.