Chapter 245: Cut Off One of His Hands


The grudge with Elder Sheng wasn't something that started yesterday.

Pei Yibai's original plan wasn't to deal with him in haste, because Elder Sheng's more important role to him was that he would personally take care of the Fu Family's people, and all he needed to do was to watch from behind the scenes, igniting the situation at the right time.

But Elder Sheng's actions today had completely enraged Pei Yibai.

That hand, no matter how one looked at it now, was unsightly. If not chopped off, it wouldn't serve justice for the fright and humiliation the two girls had endured.

Song Weiyi bit her lip, her gaze piercing through the distance to Elder Sheng.

Although she was somewhat shocked by what Pei Yibai had said, she didn't oppose it at all.

Every time she thought about how her body had been seen by him, she felt waves of nausea.