Fleeting souls

As Mrs Yorkshire watched what was happening, she felt a pit of uneasiness fill her chest. If only they knew her husband had actually killed someone, they wouldn't let him live. Her mind trailed back to her nanny who was still lying on the floor of her house in the pool of her blood. After her attempt to stop the blood from flowing didn't work, she left the Nanny's side and went to grab her husband who was almost running out of the house. He had already opened the front door and was ready to flee when she got to him. She summoned every bit of power to keep him still but it ended up with her being hit continuously from his struggling movements. She hadn't noticed the soldiers standing at the front of her house till she realized she was getting weak and couldn't hold him any longer. Now, they were here and she had just found out about the useless and uncouth things he did behind her back. Taking girls from the Aremia slave merchant and using them as sex slaves? Now that was overboard. As she stared at his hanged body she felt like strangling him to death herself. Her expression became troubled as she felt a headache settling in. Her son whom she was carrying on her side saw his mother's expression and said "Mama". Though the little boy couldn't understand what was going on, he knew his mother wasn't okay. She turned to him and faked a smile while trying to play with his chubby cheeks. After the men had being hanged, some people began throwing random things at them and watching the whole scene made her headache intensify.

Mrs Yorkshire sighed as she turned her back and began to walk out of the square. Father Roberts who was sitting close to the king was also a bit troubled. When the offenders arrived, they acted in an unusual way. Mr Yorkshire was strangely not trying to fight or struggle with the soldiers. He stayed still and didn't utter a word. Even after they had hanged him, he seemed like he had accepted his fate. But the other two were the opposite. One kept uttering the words "It's evil, it's all evil" and following those words, he would scream and then burst out crying. Then the third man inflicted harm on his own self even before he was hanged, he bit parts of his body till he bled out and he repeatedly slammed his head with his hand. All three of the men were already a mess before they arrived at the square. All the behaviors they exhibited was pointing to the causative agent, the king. Father Roberts knew that it was connected to the king somehow. The smile and amusement the king had on his face was another reason to believe he was connected to it. After the men where successfully punished, the people began to return to their daily lives as they began walking out of the square. Little did anyone know that with the crowd, was a vengeful and spiteful vampire.

When the king was about to leave, Father Roberts asked for a word. "Milord, I'm sorry to ask this but didn't you find the behavior of the men strange?". Sebastian looked into Father Roberts eyes and saw the direction the conversation was leading to and he didn't mind playing along. "Their behavior? I have to admit, it was indeed strange!" Sebastian answered. "Milord, I apologise again but does it have anything to do with you?" Father Roberts asked. Deep down, he thought the king was changing for a better when it came to how he treated humans but it seems he was wrong and hoped too quickly.

"Because I hate humans doesn't mean I'm the cause of every unfortunate thing that happens to them Father Roberts. You're threading too far" Sebastian said as he gave a small smile before walking away. That smile and that statement was a subtle way of telling Father Roberts he was getting too involved in his business. Father Roberts sighed as he watched the king departing the square. He truly hoped that the king would find salvation from the pit he was in. The pit that only a few knew about the king.

Mr Nolan, who was rounding up with his duty noticed the royal carriage entering the castle. He saw the king get down from the carriage and a guard approached him and said something to him before leaving the king's side. Mr Nolan wasn't dressing the main garden today, he was only taking care of some flowers that were planted around a grand stallion statue which was situated at the middle of the castle, planting fresh flowers and wedding. When he was finished with all he was doing, he went to the king. "May you live long milord" he bowed slightly as he greeted. As usual, he'd report back to the king. Telling him if he needed to plant new flowers, buy rare ones and things like that and today wasn't an exception. "I planted new flowers around the statue milord.Some had died" Mr Nolan said "Alright.They'd give you your pay before you leave. Use it well on your family, especially now that a ball is coming up" Sebastian said before walking away leaving Mr Nolan to his thoughts.