13. What about the agreement that together we live, apart we die?

"Uncle Lu, hurry up, you're running out of time."

After I finished speaking, I glanced at Anna and we both walked over, each of us grabbing one of Lu Mingwei's arms, and quickly moved forward.

Jia Boren saw Anna holding Lu Mingwei's arm and said coldly,

"Bro, look at what your girlfriend is doing. I told you she was no good. You just wouldn't believe it! Look now! Hooking up with a rich guy!"

Jia Bodong remained silent, and Jia Boren spat on the ground without saying anything more.

After about an hour, we left the range of the Five Senses Miasma and smelled the fragrance of osmanthus flowers within a few steps.

We had arrived.

This was the range of the Undead Fragrance and should be near the coordinates.

I did not see any Yellow Skins lurking around, but as we passed by, I saw many dead poison snakes and scorpions, knowing it was those few Yellow Skins clearing the path ahead for me. The poison snakes here all had triangular heads, extremely toxic.

If the poisonous miasma and venom truly harmed the members of the Immortal Family...

I worried a bit in my heart and discussed with Master whether we could really tell if it was a matter of life and death, to not drag the whole Immortal Family into this.

Master didn't seem to care about this. It snorted and said,

"My aunt was right, you and your grandma are cut from the same cloth. She always said your grandma was good in every way, just too kind-hearted. After getting married, she lacked that bit of boldness. Today, people of the Huang Family are willing to risk their lives for you, first, because they owe gratitude, which is the calamity they should face, second, in the future, if you establish your own branch, you can offer them a place. Who wouldn't like a scion of a family like you? Who wouldn't give it thought? Go on with peace of mind today. They all know what they're doing. We all have the nature of being bold and confident. Don't be so timid and small-minded."

"Our Huang Family's Chief Hall has always been deemed a lesser house, always saying that only the Hu Mang houses are grand and orthodox. How can you revitalize our Chief Hall with this attitude? Open your mind! Open it! We're not afraid of dying, what are you worried about? Moreover, these poisonous creatures here haven't even become spirits, they can't hurt us. We are Huang Xian! Do you understand? We are not ordinary animals! Ah, such a blockhead."

I was suddenly reprimanded out of the blue, yet I didn't feel any anger, just thinking that Master was right. I was being overly cautious, afraid of involving others.

Actually, the relationship between the Immortal Family and Di Ma is a mutual entanglement.

The road ahead became increasingly difficult to navigate, with uneven ground and many animal carcasses and bones. After another hour, we arrived at the center of the Undead Fragrance, the scent of osmanthus flowers so strong it was headache-inducing. The leaves in our mouths were still effective, and aside from the headache, I felt nothing else in my body.

Most of the trees were withered beyond recognition, leaving only the trunks.

The number of dead poisonous creatures on the ground increased, indicating the Immortals Family had indeed made every effort to protect me.

There were so many dead snakes and scorpions; it felt like they could be used to make several barrels of infused liquor.

This was also the location of the coordinates given by Lu Mingwei's father. The leading Yellow Skin jumped out from behind a large tree trunk, holding another kind of herb in its mouth,

"There's a barrier inside, we can only protect you up to this point. This herb is an antidote; if there are poisonous creatures inside, you can try using this."

"Okay. Thank you. You can go now. I'll remember today's events. If I manage to come back alive, I will surely treat all of you to good wine and meat."

The leading Yellow Skin curled its lips into a smile, stood up, and bowed,

"We'll wait for your return."

At that moment, the Yellow Skins behind the tree began to hum a song...

"Loyalty and righteousness, worth a thousand gold... Brave the knife mountains and the sea of fire... what's there to fear!"

The song was familiar, and in my mind, a vision of a woman with a scar singing with a kitchen knife appeared...

Yellow Skins... still watching Stephen Chow's movies?

Lu Mingwei and his group still couldn't hear the song, only the yowling cries of the Yellow Skins.

The calls were loud and resonant, one after another...

Witnessing this scene, everyone was astonished. Jia Boren, who still had some grudges against me, didn't dare to act rashly anymore.

It's not something I could explain to them, that this was actually the result of the accumulated merits and kindness from years past.

When it's time to put on an act, you still have to do it.

After dispersing Yellow Skin, I searched around for usable corpses of poisonous snakes and scorpions...

If handled properly, soaking them in alcohol could be a great tonic!

Taking those back, whether for gifts later or for selling, would make for top-notch presents!

Seeing me busy picking up corpses and ignoring them, the Jia brothers started working with the Luoyang shovel and their eating utensils. In no time, they found a way to enter, but the looks on their faces were anything but good.

Jia Bodong squatted on the ground, constantly touching and smelling the soil, while Jia Boren helped him turn over different layers of earth.

"This soil contains blood, and there's a stench of rotting. The tomb within is no small affair, I fear it may be a ambush of 'zongzi', if we enter the tomb, life and death are unpredictable, likely a slim chance of survival," he said.

After expressing his concerns, Jia Bodong became hesitant. Jia Boren spit out and cursed,

"Big brother, if we don't go down, we'll truly be at a loss. We've also lost a few brothers. If we don't take something back up, what will we give to the families of the two men? We can't just empty our savings, can we? We... I... am out of money anyway."

Hearing his younger brother say this, Jia Bodong reluctantly nodded. Anna's expression wasn't great either; without a word, she turned to gather the gear for descending into the pit.

Their speed at digging the robber's tunnel was extremely fast, with Jia Bodong leading the way and Jia Boren clearing the dug-up earth. I hadn't smelled anything at first, but as the layers of earth were continually turned, the putrid smell came rushing to my nostrils.

It completely masked the scent of the Undead Fragrance.

I packed the cleaned up snake and scorpion corpses into a small bundle and then went over to watch them work.

Anna approached Jia Bodong and whispered something to him. Seeing Jia Bodong only shake his head in response, she stood to the side without offering to help, her expression terribly sullen.

As Jia Boren complained while shifting the earth, he said,

"Women are such a hassle, not helping with this or that. I have no idea what my brother sees in you. If you ask me, Xiao Fang from the village is much nicer. Ah, men! They're helpless in the face of beauty, hmph... seductress."

Hearing Jia Boren's grumbling, I glanced sideways at Anna and noticed she didn't even spare Jia Boren a look, seemingly holding no regard for this future brother-in-law of hers.

Are relationships within the Mojin Brigadier this tense now?

Isn't it... 'united we thrive, divided we die'?

Isn't that what novels always write?

I felt a bit deceived, but then it hit me, nothing strange about it. After all, I read quite a few novels about tomb raiders before, didn't I? Weren't they abstruse and filled with all sorts of difficult words?

Most of the Immortal Family live for a hundred years, and many can even transform into human form to live in the cities.

How could they still be speaking in archaic tongues?

They've long since kept pace with the times!

The robber's tunnel was quickly completed. The goose that was brought in to test the air had long been poisoned to death, and Anna had to light several specially made matches and throw them down to make sure the air was breathable and safe before she slid down first.

Jia Boren and Jia Bodong, carrying the corpses of the elders, also slid down. After Lu Mingwei went down, I was the last one to follow.

Sliding down the tunnel they dug, I looked up and was astonished by the scene in front of me.

It was Ying Stone and Crystal.

A myriad of colorful Ying Stones and Crystals filled the passage...

There wasn't even any place for us to set foot. I warily coiled up my ponytail.

Something was off about this place. Ying Stone is formed in volcanoes; it should not be with Crystals, and even if it were, it wouldn't be sticking straight out of the ground like this.

These were deliberately placed here by someone.

Jia Boren was about to knock off a piece when Anna stopped him.