14. Nine Dragons Coffin Procession?!

"The fluorite and crystal here must be for balancing some kind of formation; there should be eight passages in total. Don't touch them yet; there are definitely better things inside."

Jia Boren originally didn't want to bother with Anna and was about to take action, but he awkwardly put down his Luoyang shovel when he saw his brother approaching…

It seemed that although he had plenty of complaints about Anna, he still respected and feared his brother.

"Not touching, we're not touching alright? You're never going to get rich like this. Such pure crystals could sell for a good amount of money!"

I didn't have any concept of how much these things could sell for, but my head was beginning to swell, and my temples were throbbing, as if my blood vessels were being stretched by something.

From the moment I entered this passage, I felt an endless supply of energy assaulting my body, entering my bloodstream, coursing between every cell.

Fortunately, this energy had no benefits for me, but also no harms.

It just slightly kept me from concentrating.

I frowned with some tension, wondering what kind of place this was.

Our group cautiously made our way to the end of the passage, and the scene before us shocked everyone…

There was no path beneath our feet, and one more step would be a bottomless abyss.

Looking down, it was a bottomless pit in the middle of a mountain.

On the round hole's wall, there were eight passages in total, and above each passage hung an iron chain. The chains were embedded in the stone walls on one end, and on the other, they were tied to a coffin suspended in midair.

The coffin was made of bronze with eight corners; a bronze Winged Snake coiled at each corner, and in the center of the coffin coiled another Winged Snake.

Jia Bodong said in disbelief:

"Nine Dragons... Nine Dragons Coffin Pull! I can't believe... we actually have the chance to see the Nine Dragons Coffin Pull. What kind of luck is this!"

I glanced at Jia Bodong; I knew as soon as he uttered 'Nine Dragons Coffin Pull'...

These three probably had only average skills; perhaps Lu Mingwei couldn't find the most skillful Mojin Brigadier in such a short time.

But they certainly couldn't be considered illustrious figures.


This was not Nine Dragons at all, but Winged Snakes.

My family's circumstances were not hard; we had enough to eat.

But we were not rich either, so as a child, I didn't have any extracurricular books to read. Others had 'The Five Thousand Years of History,' 'A Hundred Thousand Whys.'

I only had my granny's old notebook to read.

The notebook was thick and contained a mix of things.

But it was very interesting!

It consisted of things my granny experienced or learned throughout her life.

At first, granny didn't let me read it, saying that such things could easily change a child's temperament and distract them from their studies.

Latter, when I grew older and it was certain that I would also go out to explore, granny stopped minding.

The notebook contained records about the Winged Snake.

It was told to granny by an ancestor of the Hu Family.

The Winged Snake was a protective celestial beast created by the goddess Nuwa.

It had the body of a snake, scales, no legs, but two wings.

In ancient times, many minority tribes regarded the Winged Snake as a dragon and used it as their totem.

And this bronze Winged Snake seemed to exude a faint, strong power.

The fragrance of osmanthus still lingered in the cave. After silently putting a new Leaf in my mouth, I spoke:

"Uncle Lu, this corpse isn't meant to be placed in that coffin, is it? We really shouldn't be doing that!"

I had already made up my mind; if it was to be placed in that coffin, even if it killed me, I couldn't be involved in this.

Ancient times were all about wooden coffins, sandalwood, nanmu, birch.

The best coffins, it's said, were made of golden nanmu.

There were rumors saying that metal does not conduct yin and yang, and that coffins made of copper and iron would trap the dead forever, unable to pass on... they were generally used to suppress evil things...

The Nine-Snake Town Coffin Formation was no joke.

"No, no, no. It's said that as long as it's placed on top of the coffin, there's no need to open it..."

I stared intently at those nine Winged Snakes, something was definitely off; if they were merely statues, they couldn't possibly possess such immense power.

Way too sinister.

"There's something inside this bronze statue."

No sooner had I finished speaking than I heard Jia Bodong's voice...

"You guys wait here, I'll carry the body up. If it's just to be placed on top... there shouldn't be any danger,"

Anna frowned, her level of trust in me was the highest among these three. As soon as I mentioned there was something inside the statue, she immediately became alert.

"Ah Dong, you definitely can't go up. How about this, I'll tie the body with a zip line and then send the body over. This Nine Dragons Coffin Pull is already strange, we better be careful!..."

While the two were discussing, I glanced at Uncle Lu and said:

"Is it enough to just place the body on top, or do you need to go up there and write a bunch of talismans or something?"

Placing the body isn't scary; I'm afraid there might be some kind of ritual...

Just thinking about the talismans on the old man's body makes my eyes hurt.

Caught off guard by my question, Lu Mingwei fished out a notebook from his pocket, flipped through it for a while, and then shook his head, saying:

"No need, just putting it on top is enough. It's just that this bronze image is different from what my father described to me. This doesn't look like a dragon, but my father talked about a Golden Dragon pulling the coffin... And he mentioned an octagonal coffin made of golden nanmu, but this is... different..."

The material of the coffin is hard to pinpoint exactly, but these nine beasts on top were never dragons...

I sighed in resignation. Such things often get distorted in transmission, like with the dragon, for example. My grandma worked as a geomancer for so many years but never encountered a Dragon Immortal or Dragon God.

They say a snake can become a dragon, and carps can turn into dragons, but I've never heard of any Immortal Chang's carps truly transforming into dragons.

It could all be nonsense, or it could be extremely dangerous with no successful cases.

And the Winged Snake Clan are divine beasts; this person in the coffin may not be ordinary.

"Anna, be ready to retreat. I can definitely finish this job alone. Ropes are unreliable and easily ruined."

Just as Jia Bodong was about to tie the body to his back, I stepped forward.

"You can't go up."

As soon as Jia Boren heard this, he was pumped up to argue with me, but Anna stopped him right away. Jia Boren complained angrily:

"This girl might know her stuff with other things, but my brother's skills are unmatched. And who's more familiar with the tricks of this trade than him? Miss Anna, you might as well become my sister-in-law, but I can't back down. Once we're in the pit, we should follow my brother's orders. Didn't we set this rule a long time ago?"

He finished his remarks with an annoyed spit.

Jia Bodong didn't say anything to his hot-headed younger brother, instead turning to ask me:

"I don't have to go, but you have to give me a reason. Mr. Lu doesn't have much time left."

Of course, I knew that Uncle Lu didn't have much time left, but that didn't mean we could act recklessly.

I truly value my life.

I sighed and pointed at the nine Winged Snakes, saying:

"That bronze image isn't a dragon, but a Winged Snake. This isn't a Nine Dragons Coffin Procession, but a Nine-Snake Suppressing Coffin. The bronze snake statue contains a great energy; if you force your way up, you may risk your life. Moreover, as an expert, you should know that a bronze coffin isn't your typical coffin, and if you rashly go up, you might not come back. If that doesn't work..."

I was just about to say that I would go up if it didn't work out when I saw Jia Boren already had the body strapped to his back, climbing the iron chains like a big tree-climbing bear!

As he climbed, he cursed:

"Listen to you nattering on, let's get this done with so I can look for good stuff! The night is long and full of dreams, eh! Women's prattle never leads to anything substantial."