17. Immortal Chang, Chang Shuqian

Upon hearing my suggestion, a few Winged Snakes immediately began discussing its feasibility. They argued back and forth all morning, mixing archaic phrases with plain language, and I even caught the words "ok" and "no."

Finally, it was the twisted form of the White Winged Snake that spoke up:

"My brothers agree with you. The Shamanic Tribe had some connections with us in the past, and indeed, one of our kin once attended their school. Moreover, this Barrier will inevitably require a destined person to transmute us, and you are likely that person. Today, I will occupy a place within you. You cannot bear the position of my elder brother, as it would cost you your life. From now on, the Winged Snake Clan will be honored guests in your school. As for Huang Xian, we have already sensed its presence, but everything in the world follows its own law, and we cannot help it revert back. That is something it must figure out for itself."

"Moreover, if we had the means, I would not be white anymore. You must remember this: no matter how powerful, one must abide by the rules of the universe. Whoever caused its transformation is the one who can reverse it. This is a task for you alone. Alright, let me introduce our group of nine brothers. From now on, we're all in the same boat. My brothers are Chang Shukun, Chang Shulun, Chang Shuleng, Chang Shuyi, Chang Shushan, Chang Shunuan, Chang Shuren, Chang Shukun, and my name is Chang Shuqian."

After speaking, the White Winged Snake turned into a wisp of white smoke and entered my body. I had always felt a sort of emptiness since being 'struck by the light,' but now my body seemed somewhat filled.

As I pondered the names of these Winged Snakes, I realized they came in pairs: Kunlun Mountains, Cold and Warmth, Benevolence and Righteousness, Heaven and Earth.

But the name of this Ninth Elder was somewhat inauspicious, Chang Shuqian.

"Always losing money."

With it by my side, I definitely can't gamble, or I'd lose everything.

After a while, Chang Shuqian drifted out from my body, grumbling discontentedly, "It's you who would lose money, you unkind girl, even mocking my name. After the occupation, I know what you're thinking, and if you continue mocking me, I'll devour you. Just be secretly pleased; although we had ties with the Shamanic Tribe, very few have managed to invite us. You're the first from a non-Immortal Family to get the Winged Snake Clan on your side. You ought to feel honored. A Shaman disciple needs to have several Immortal Families for protection, or at least some small ghosts to guard you, which you lack. My elder brothers will surely continue their cultivation here, so I shall follow you."

"When you establish your school, make sure to offer us something nice during the holidays! My brothers and I want to taste the current cuisines, crave meat! Delicious food! Drink the finest and most expensive wines in the world, do you understand? Also, while the Winged Snake Clan may not be the most righteous group, we do not engage in lowly, shameful, contemptible acts. Now that we are guests of honor, you cannot partake in such acts, or beware, I might devour you."

After speaking, Chang Shuqian shrank in size and coiled around my wrist like a bracelet.

Any legitimate Ma outside would have a protective spirit with them at all times, ensuring their personal safety, and if they encountered a fork in their path, the same spirit would emerge to protect the Chuma Disciple.

Aside from Master, I had no other from the Immortal Family. A genuine Immortal Family protector would never use their true form,

and having a true god like this accompany me was a singular occurrence.

"Rest assured, after I go out, I'll find a place to stay and then offer delicious food... I understand the ancestors must be suffering from confinement; I will handle this matter."

The dark green Winged Snake, whose name is Chang Shulun, the second eldest, said softly,

"There is no rush for the food. Let's get to the main issue. All you need to do is take Ninth Elder outside. Once he passes through the Barrier, it will be considered broken, and we will no longer be trapped here. We will then recuperate and multiply in this place. You and Ninth Elder are now bound together; if you encounter any trouble, we will all be aware and not let you face it alone. I see you haven't formally established a school yet, but when you are ready, we will give you a gift."

By comparison...

The eldest was too solemn, while Ninth Elder was a bit too frolicsome.

The second eldest seemed much more normal...

"Yes, I will rely on all of you from now on."

I turned and walked away, feeling a warmth on my wrist. Looking down, I saw that Chang Shuqian's wings were falling off and his body was losing its earlier luster.

Suddenly, my wrist became bloody, with the original silvery body of Chang Shuqian stained by blood as the wings and snake skin peeled away.

Just as I was about to stop, I heard Chang Shuqian's voice.

"Little girl, stop worrying about me and keep moving forward. After we get out, it's normal for our cultivation to diminish and for our realm to drop. I'm the ninth in the hierarchy, so from now on, don't call me by my full name. You know it's not auspicious! Don't tell outsiders! Just call me Ninth Lord, that will do! Move it! Once we're out of this cave, Ninth Lord won't be in pain anymore! Go!"

I could hear Ninth Master Chang's voice, struggling with pain, and my heart naturally ached for him. I hurriedly took large strides and ran outward. There were too many Ying Stones and crystals in the passage. When we came, we groped our way in little by little. While escaping, I was practically tumbling and crawling just to get out of the passage.

The moment I ran out of the tunnel, I heard a loud roar behind me, and a large hole collapsed in the mountain. Others might not see it, but I saw eight Winged Snakes leap out.

Their wings were shedding, but the nobility of the magical creatures was still there.

All of a sudden, I remembered something important and shouted loudly,

"Sirs, if you see anyone from the Huang Family in the future, please be merciful. They helped me a lot this time."


I heard the voice of my oldest brother, Chang Shukun, and I bowed...

By this time, Ninth Master Chang had recovered his composure somewhat. Seeing the injuries over my body made him feel a stir of emotions.

"You foolish girl, I told you to hurry up, but that doesn't mean you should disregard everything! These wounds on you..."

I looked down at the scratches on my body. I was so focused on running out earlier that I didn't notice if I had fallen and gotten hurt.

The Ying Stones and crystals weren't particularly sharp, but if one was careless and rushed through them, it was inevitable to get injured.

"It's just some superficial skin wounds, it's not a big deal."

After saying this, I suddenly felt as though something was watching me. I turned back to look at the collapsed hole, only to see a black smoke emerging from it, drifting off to the other side.

Is there something else in this cave?

"Alright, since it's nothing serious, let's head back."


I actually wanted to ask more questions, but seeing that Ninth Master Chang had no response, I didn't speak up. After agreeing, I immediately headed back.

I couldn't believe I hadn't died!

So... now there's only one thing I need to do, and that's to settle the score with that fatso Jia Boren!

Even though without his meddling I wouldn't have had such an adventure, if not for this adventure, I would have been the one to die today.

On the way back, I could feel Huang Xian nearby. I whispered,

"Go to Bai Family Village, bite that fatso hard for me. I was caught in that damned guy's trap and almost didn't make it back. Remember, don't bite him to death. His life is mine to take."

After sensing that several Huang Xian had vanished in an instant, I smiled, and my steps slowed down.

Since they were on their way, there was no need to rush.

Jia Boren's life was as good as mine.