18. Gnaw into a large ball of meat

Normally, my temper is quite good, just as my grandmother taught me from childhood, where it is possible to forgive, one should forgive.

But it was the Wild Daoist who, before he left, imparted another saying to me that resonated deeply in my heart.

Those who threaten my life shall be cut down without mercy.

Minor issues in daily life can be tolerated, and they're not really significant. A simple smile is enough to brush them off.

But now, when it comes to life itself, that's a significant matter.

When I came back to Bai Family Village, Heizi rushed over anxiously, his face covered with sweat, his gold-rimmed glasses all askew.

He actually looked... quite charming in a distressed sort of way.

He mimicked the look of a beleaguered character one might find in a novel.

Before I could ask what had happened, he preempted me, saying,

"You're finally back. Go quickly and see. Mr. Jia Boren is about to be bitten to death by Yellow Skin. No matter how much roasted chicken I offer, it's of no use... Luckily, they seem to recognize me since I've been with you and they're not harming me. But others weren't so fortunate. They went forward and got bitten several times. The boss hasn't come to yet; you better hurry back and take charge."

Of no use? That's just as well.

It's true that Huang Xian likes chicken and duck, but this matter isn't something that can be smoothed over with just food and drink.

Jia Boren owes me his life.

As soon as I entered the courtyard, I saw Jia Boren lying on the ground, rolling around covered in blood, with several gashes on his face and arms. A few Yellow Skins had clamped onto him and weren't letting go, relentless despite his pleas for mercy and rolling.

Jia Bodong wanted to use a gun, but some Yellow Skins were baring their teeth at him, fixated. One of them was latched onto Jia Boren's throat so tightly that should Jia Bodong fire a shot, it would sever the fat man's windpipe.

In that moment, Jia Bodong didn't dare to act and could only stand still in a standoff.

"I'm back."

Seeing me, the Yellow Skins finally released their bites and stood aside, still in combat stance, baring their teeth at Jia Boren.

They seemed eager to immediately bite him to death.

With a smile, I looked at the people around, my eyes filled with icy coldness and intention to kill.

Uncle Lu was just coming around at this time. Seeing that I was unharmed, he hurried towards me...

"Are you alright? I wanted to go find you... but why did I pass out! You..."

I didn't reply to Lu Mingwei's question but instead turned my gaze toward Jia Boren lying on the ground.

"You ran pretty fast, didn't you? And you shot at me? How do you explain that?"

Jia Boren looked at me in terror, bloody and unable to say a word as he lay there, gasping for breath.

After a moment of silence, Jia Bodong fell to his knees and said,

"This is my brother's fault, and no punishment you could give is too great, only please spare his life. By the time we returned, Leaf was useless. My brother, being fat, couldn't breathe and has suffered damage to his internal organs; he's already a useless man. If you would only spare him, I'll do whatever you ask. I will follow your lead from now on, I beg you to spare my brother's life!"

Follow my lead?

I have no interest in that.

Truth be told, aside from digging a hole pretty quickly, these people haven't really done anything particularly impressive.

What's the use of keeping them?

To dig holes for fun?

Moreover, none of these three are good people. They're all opportunists, and now they speak of following the lead, but who's to say they won't stab me in the back later on?

"His life is already forfeited by me. Talk about something else, or neither of your lives will be spared. He didn't hit me, but what if he had?"

The fact that Leaf failed me was a gamble I took at the moment, and I hadn't anticipated it would actually pay off.

Of course, the Yellow Skins have nothing to say about me, but the Poisonous Miasma doesn't affect them much. Together with the difference in size, they probably couldn't estimate the effect duration of the leaf when it's in a person's mouth.

I was lucky I had switched to the protective leaves for both Lu Mingwei and myself in advance, otherwise, we would have suffered some internal damage too.

Now Anna and Jia Bodong's complexion is clearly that of someone who suffered internal injuries, resulting in a crimson color. Internal organ dissolution is irreversible, and I reckon they've both lost a few years of their lives.

As for that fat Jia Boren...

His internal injuries are even worse. Even if I spared him, he wouldn't live for many more years.

As for a way out...

There isn't the slightest chance.

I clicked my tongue, and several Yellow Skins pounced over. Jia Boren's screams echoed throughout Bai Family Village. The Yellow Skin showed no mercy, and in a short while, Jia Boren was indistinguishable as human, looking more like a raw meatball yet to be dropped into the frying pan.

It was quite a chilling sight.

Standing there, I felt a bit nauseous, but I held it in.

It would be quite embarrassing to call for someone's life and then vomit at the sight.

The villagers gathered at the entrance of the village, who had been watching the excitement, were all scared away. Lu Mingwei was standing on the side, originally wanting to persuade me, but upon seeing how ruthless the Yellow Skins were, he didn't dare even breathe heavily.

Jia Bodong originally wanted to make a move, but Anna stopped him.

"Don't act rashly, or we'll both end up dead here. She's not an ordinary Chuma Disciple. A common Chuma Disciple can only ask the Immortal Family to do small tasks, but she can command the Immortal Family to risk their lives for her—we cannot afford to provoke her."

The lead Yellow Skin glanced at me and only snapped Jia Boren's neck, ending his life after I nodded.

After the lead Yellow Skin swallowed the flesh and blood in its mouth, it bowed to me and said:

"We're even now for your kindness to us. There is something else we wish to request."

Seeing my nod, that Huang Xian said hopefully:

"We want to join your cause, hoping..."

Master Huang popped out of my pocket at that moment and sarcastically said:

"I want to join too, and I haven't been allowed in yet. These creatures... Greedy, thinking of gaining some favor for doing a bit of work..."

I laughed and touched the small bottle with my hand, signaling for Master Huang to hold his tongue.

These Yellow Skins indeed had ulterior motives, but considering how they had risked their lives and pursued their goals, I couldn't be stingy with what they deserved.

Looking at the wounds on the Yellow Skins, I felt somewhat moved and said softly:

"You've regarded me so highly and worked so diligently for me. If I were to say no, then I would truly be ungrateful. There's no problem with joining my cause, but I hope that Master Huang can take the lead. If you have no objections, then this matter is decided."

The lead Huang Xian, hearing my words, didn't see a problem and immediately bowed:

"We naturally understand the significance of Master Huang to you and know about your debt to him. He is a decent leader, and we are willing to follow him. With your future promise, we shall follow you without regret or complaint. However, you have not yet established your... cause, and we should..."

I nodded and said:

"Yes, I will formalize my cause in two years, and you should know the reason. For these two years, you may continue your cultivation here, and when I establish my cause, I will have Master Huang inform you all. Thank you for holding me in high regard. I will certainly not let down the Immortal Family in the future..."

After hearing this, the Yellow Skins were all very pleased, congratulating each other with formal bows.

Master Huang snorted, expressing some dissatisfaction to me:

"Don't thank them. Your grandmother's cause is one of the most prestigious in our region, and naturally, your own doesn't fall short. Normally, it should be those from the main veins of Changbai Mountain coming in. It's favorable fortune for these subsidiary creatures to join. Moreover..."

After saying this, Master Huang stopped talking. I didn't ask further. I had felt something unusual about this trip. The elder sending me out must not have been a punishment, but rather a path meant for me to follow.

As for why I must follow it now, perhaps it's simply my time.

Maybe they also sought to protect me...

But destiny cannot be defied.