80. Skinning and tooth extraction! All good stuff!

The alpha wolf slowly emerged from the pack, its form several sizes larger than ordinary wolves, eyes deep and profound.

The scar near its eye seemed to remind me of its battle prowess.

The wolves surrounded me, and the alpha wolf snorted,

"Little Brother Ma, You...shouldn't have come...to mess things up. These people will all end up as sacrifices. You might protect one, but can you protect them all?"

Beings from the Immortal Family perceive things differently from us in their eyes, they can see these people's fates. I stood there and chuckled softly,

"Do you know... you will also become my sacrifices? Ninth Lord, Hu Tu!"

Ninth Master Chang's phantom immediately appeared behind me, and Hu Tu rushed forward without a second word and started fighting.

It was clear the wolf spirits didn't expect such formidable beings from the Immortal Family to be with me. Ninth Master Chang straight away devoured two, and Hu Tu, not to be outdone, stuffed one into his mouth.