81. Even peeing can turn into a dragon, wow

Leaf and Jiu Yue realized what was happening faster than Zhang Duo and immediately pulled him toward the villa. Seeing a few policemen still trying to stop me, I frowned.

At that moment, Ninth Master Chang couldn't hold back his anger and took over my body.

"After all this talk! Still no good, huh?"

When my mouth emitted a man's voice and my eyes turned into that of a snake's, not a single person present dared to obstruct me.

"This prize is mine, it's my spoils of war. Keep pestering and you'll end up just like them!"

Having said that, an uncontrollable killing aura emanated from my body, and nobody present dared to utter a word of dissent.

Master mumbled from the side:

"If they were going to cause trouble, why didn't they hurry up? If it weren't for us standing our ground, the casualties today would've been more than just a little, wouldn't they? Now they even begrudge us a little spoils of war."