Chapter 257: Waiting to Go Back and Directly Enter the Bridal Chamber!

"If we have a deal, I'm taking her away today!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Long Yutian's eyes lasciviously settled on Ye Nuanxi's figure. This woman had guts but lacked brains. If bombs were so easy to handle, how would he even carry on with his business?

"Of course, it counts. When Ye Zhenxiong gives his word, it stands!"

For Ye Zhenxiong, Long Yutian's arrival was a life-saving straw, particularly because Yang Yuerong had heard the bomb threat was false, and her previously paralyzed state resurrected instantly. She suddenly sprang from the ground and took over from Ye Zhenxiong, "Brother Long, this girl should've belonged to you four years ago. Although it's four years late, it doesn't change your marriage arrangement!"