Chapter 256 Damn, the pretense was seen through!

"How is it, you don't actually think that once the Ye Family crumbles, it will become yours?"

Ye Zhenxiong trembled with rage, then step by step, he approached her, first steadying Yang Yuerong, whose legs had gone weak from the fake bomb scare, "My lady, no need to fear. I don't think she dares. If she dared to set off a bomb, she would have done it four years ago when her brother died, not wait until today!"

That's what he said, but Ye Zhenxiong had no confidence in his heart. Shen Peirong had killed herself to get back at him for cheating; it wasn't impossible her daughter might really do it. However, he had to stay calm. Yang Yuerong was already so frightened. As her man, he must be composed. She had borne the stigma of a mistress for many years and had finally become legitimate. Naturally, he should treat her well, "Yuerong, don't be afraid, with me here, she wouldn't dare act rashly!"