chapter 19

She had only just begun to rifles lightly through the documents when it struck her suddenly that she was looking in the wrong drawers.

She frowned and when the thought came to her, it hit her in the stomach with all the physical force of a blow.

She threw her memory back, trying to think the way the principal would think. Of course he wouldn't put the document out in the open, he surely hid them somewhere secure, she told herself.

She went over to his table and opening the lower last, less obvious drawer she found some strange looking papers. At first it was a simple record of gratitude and minor details of the school.

Then when she turned the page new interesting elements began to appear, signed by the principal himself.

Before she could read the contents, Ken called again and as she picked up the call.

Ken yelled, "What the heck are you still doing in there, get out of there for God's sake. The principal will be there in the next two minutes!"

"Don't worry, I've found the documents, let me just take pictures of them then I will come out, okay. Keep him busy or something." without giving him a chance to speak she hung up on him.

She took pictures of the document and after perusing through the papers, she was awe stricken.

Making sure that she got the correct documents and returned everything the way they were, she called Ken to ask him if it was safe for her to come out.

"No! are you crazy, you can't come out now the principal is already reaching the door, we are screwed, you should have left when I told you to in the first place. Just find somewhere to hid. He will be entering the office any second now!" Ken said and hung up the call, without allowing her to say anything.

The situation was exhilaratingly paralysing. As he saw the principal getting closer and closer to the the office, as he saw him panting for the keys in his pockets, Ken's heart seemed to stop beating. The blood veins seemed to congeal. His mind had gone blank with panic. It had been a bad challenging moment.

He did not know whether to go after him and stop him from entering the office, but even if he had to do that, it would be too late, by the time he could reach him and stop him the principal would already be in the office.

Beause where he was hiding was pretty far from the office. He just had to trust and rely on Vivian to have found somewhere to hid.

When the principal reached at the door, got the key from his jacket, pushed the key into the lock and as he turned the key to open the door, someone called out behind him and he came to a stand still.