chapter 20

When the principal turned to see who was calling him, it turned out to be Nucho as he impatiently and briskly run towards him.

"What do you want now Nucho?" the principal asked exasperated.

"Sorry to bother you sir. But it's important that you see what's happening in your school, you won't believe your eyes...." he grasped for oxygen and then continued. "There's Beer, alcohol, drugs, violence, mischief and all sorts of forbidden conduct are being practiced by students behind the school hall, you gat to see this sir, immediately, then you'll finallybelieveme that this time around I am not behindthe misconduct." Said Nucho breathlessly.

For a moment the principals nerves faltered at the thought of it. He hurriedly told Nucho to take him where they were as he locked the door behind him.

Ken watched them as they went away, when he was sure that they were out of sight, he swiftly grabbed his phone and called Vivian told her to come out of the office, that the cost was now clear.


When Ken called Lola, telling her that the operation was a success, she left the pool to dry up herself so as to come rejoin the group and discuss the way forward after analyzing what was contained in the document.

Nor sooner had Lola left the pool than Vivian, Ken and Nucho appeared at the pool to relax after a challenging, dangerous operation like that.

The three of them stood by the edge of the pool waiting for Lola.

"Alright so what's next?" Ken asked.

"What's remaining is having fun, can't let this moment go to waste, no way dude." Nucho said and jumped into the pool and joined the other students.

Ken looked at Vivian who quietly stood besides him. "Seriously are you not going to join the fun?" Ken asked her.

"I didn't come to this school to have fun. Besides people bore me, I have much more fun by myself." said Vivian curtly.

"Oh, sure you do." Ken said blandly. "Well you can't spend your all life like that, it doesn't hurt to have a little, trust me you will thank me later."

Ken extended his hand behind Vivian and pushed her into the pool. And she caused a tremendous noticeable splash.

"What is your problem!" Vivian yelled out in frustration, wiping the dripping water off her face.

"Sorry, I just had to do it, it was so tempting." Ken said and extended his hand to pull Vivian out of the pool.

When Vivian grabbed hold of his hand, she forced and pulled Ken into the pool with herself.

When the rest of the students saw that, they thought as though they were playing and decided to go join them in the fun. Splashing each other water, throwing balls at each other and incredible laughter. Surprisingly, Vivian seemed to enjoy it and they carried on the fun.

Few minutes later Lola came out of the changing room, stood at a distance, and enviously watched them having fun in the pool.

'Come on, have as much fun as you can, cause it ain't going to last for long. And as for you Vivian treasure your little miserable precious time you spend with Ken, cause Soon it's me he will be having fun with and spending time with and not those pathetic idiots. Mark my words Ken, am going make you mine, even if it takes me a lifetime. Am going to make you love me, you will love me Ken, I don't care who I have to get rid of, for me to be with you, I would do it. Even if it means getting rid of them in blood, I would gladly do it. Not even the useless, pathetic Vivian will stand in my way, for as long as I Lola Aitkin still lives, no one will have the pleasure of standing in my way. I love you Ken and I will always do, no other woman deserves your love and affection except me. You are mine, you've always been and you will always be. Kenny....'


That very next morning Vivian was in her blue pajamas, that became so sexually transparent showing off her superb body, due to the rising sun in the morning.

She was heading down to the football pitch for jogging and her morning exercise routine.

Even though she seemed to be in one piece, her nerves were still twittered and her neck felt as if it'd been boffed with a meat axe.

After several rounds around the ground, she heard voices, strange familiar voices.

As she looked through the wired fence, she felt blood mount to her face and her heart bit quickened upon seeing the two people who were slowly heading towards her and stood along the way.

She recognized the principal but she couldn't point out the person he was with, not until the principal mentioned his name did she recognize him.

In fear of being seen, she swiftly moved away from where she was standing and hid behind a tree as she quietly listened to there conversation.

"Now listen Lucas, how sure are you that they won't be any difficulties when you reached the airport I wouldn't ever wish for such." the principal said tensely.

"Don't worry your head sir. With these papers that you have signed, I can assure you that there is going to be free and safe passage for the girls. The mayor is making sure everything goes smoothly." Lucas assured him.

"So when do you plan to move the girls?" asked the principal.

"Tomorrow morning, so that as they reach the airport that would be probably at night, cause at night they won't be alot of people to suspect a thing. That way we can easily load them into tanks and ship them to Chicago, as simple as that." Lucas said delightfully, he was certainly enjoying every second of it.

By now they were at a considerable distance from where Vivian was hiding and she was unable to get what they were exactly saying.

After waiting till they were out of sight, she left and went to get ready for class.


Through out the morning class session till break time neither of them uttered a word to each other, Vivian pulled up this face full of tension and bewilderment, Ken on the other hand tried as best as he could to break through to Vivian but to no avail.

Lola was no where to be seen, God knows what she was up to. And Nucho, well he was just in his own world.

When everyone in class started leaving for break, leaving only Vivian, Ken and other two girls. Vivian sat in her chair and thought to herself;

'Should I tell him what the principal and the mayor are planning on doing?' She questioned herself.

'No I don't think so, am gonna do it myself, I don't need nobody's help, am better off on my own.'

Ken got hesitantly to his feet. He looked at Vivian intently, her face was tense and blank.

"Are you honestly going to be that sulk the whole day?" ken asked her.

Vivian smiled. It was a cold, bitter smile.

"I don't suppose it bothers you, now does it? Moreover, why do you care?" she said disdainfully.

"What's the matter with you?" Ken asked her.

"What do you mean what's the matter?"

"Huh... You are putting on that face and attitude at the moment."

"Really, What do you mean 'that face'? This is just myself, although..."

She paused, looked at him, forced a fake smile, looked away and continued speaking.

The smile could have meant anything and by anything I mean something bad, provided it's coming from Vivian.

"I'm impressed of how self serving you've been acting recently. You hesitate when I ask for a favor but when Lola does you gladly jump for her. I've been analyzing rationally and precisely everything happening since day one." she said in her slow drawl.

She turned and stared at him the way a vicious snake looks at its prey.

" Anyway its doesn't matter." she added on.

" Really? "

"Yes, now excuse, I have to be somewhere."

She stood up abruptly and walked away.

After a few moments, lola sent Ken a message requesting him to meet up with her as soon as possible.