chapter 23

By now Vivian was able to read the tension and worry on Ken's face.

"Hey, what's up. You look as if you've just witnessed your whole world sink right before your eyes. Anything wrong, or maybe you don't like the idea of going to my apartment or maybe it's because of the call you received, is that so?"

"No it's not like that. Don't get me wrong am really thrilled about it, that I will finally have the book you've been praising. I really can't wait to read it. The truth is that...." Ken paused to gasp some oxygen.

"What is it, come on say it already." insisted Vivian.

Ken felt pretty good seeing Vivian so worried about him. He managed to pull up a well convincing sadness on his face. "Well the thing is that, Russell and his friends just called, that they are in the upcoming debate competition due tomorrow morning and that I might be one of the person having some key documents of the research we made that might guarantee their winning, so as we speak they are waiting for me at my apartment."

"But why didn't you just say so, it's important that you see them, they just have to win, cause if they don't the whole school will look down on us."

"I didn't tell you cause we're already on our way to get the book, which we are are all thrilled about it, and I didn't want to ruin that."

"Stop being silly, the book can wait come on let's go, let's not keep them waiting." said Vivian.

'Wow, it was that easy. But why do I terribly feel bad and guilty about it? Is it because am lying to her and she's blindly believing and trusting every word I say, and just when I developed a mutual understanding with her and finally made her smile and laugh for the first time and then she later finds out that I've been lying to her all along. Damn will she ever forgive me?'

They arrived at Ken's apartment a minute or so after seven. It was dark and quiet.

"Where are they, could they have gone already?" Vivian asked.

"It seems so." Ken said.

Just then, they heard a faint noise inside and the door creak.

"Hey Ken, they might be waiting for you inside, you might have left your door unlocked." pointed out Vivian.

"Oh yeah, you might be right. Come on in." Ken said allowing Vivian to go through ahead of him.

Just then, almost at once as Vivian entered the house, Lola, nucho and a few classmates they invited, stood up and as loud as they could shouted out, "Surprise!"

Vivian was indeed taken by surprise. She turned to look at Ken who acted as surprise as she was.

"What's the meaning of this nonsense?" asked Vivian with a stab of fury in her eyes.

Before Ken could speak up, Lola already came in.

"Listen Vivian Ken had nothing to do with this, it's Nucho and I who planned all of this." said Lola joyfully.

"That's right." a girl pointed oug, "We are so very grateful to be your friend and classmates, can't you see that Vivian. We pulled up this little party to show how much we value and appreciate each other, Especially you Vivian So please don't say no to this kind offer." begged the girl.

"Yes Vivian and it's because of you that Nucho changed from his brutal and harsh way of treating people into a kindhearted and good person." said Lola.

The others also moved up close to Vivian who stared and looked at them in disbelief.

The shortest girl of them all came up, "it was really so brave of you to stand up and defend yourself from Nucho. None of us dared to do such a thing, we used to be so scared of him. But ever since you came, he has completely changed. I really can't thank you enough." the girl said and smiled carelessly.

"We've also heard that you are the one who prevented Nucho from being expelled, that was really so kind of you. You are really something else." pointed out Laura, a tall thin girl.

They all fell silent, waiting for Vivian to say something. As she blankly and expressionless stared at them.

"Wow, I literally don't know what to say." lamented Vivian.

"You can start by saying thank you." said Ken who was standing behind Vivian.

Vivian simply ignored Ken's statement.

"Well, you all should know that this is a share waste of time. I would rather be anywhere but here. I have to deal with some serious pressing matters at the moment, I simply don't have the time for such worthless leisure." Vivian said disdainfully and turned to face Ken. "And you, what on earth where you thinking? Faking your love for literature all for this. How stupid. Anyway even though you had to ask I still would have refused." scorned Vivian.

The tall thin girl looked pretty sad and demotivated, "Please don't say that Vivian we did all this for you. I truly admire your guts and courage. Can't you please stay, even for a minute, please?" pleaded the thin girl.

"I do appreciate your kind gesture, I really do. If it was up to me I would honestly stay but I have something important to attend to at the moment and I honestly don't have time for such leisure."

"So you mean you won't stay?" asked Lola dispassionatly.

"Am afraid I won't, don't get me wrong. I'm really indebted to all of you for what you've done especially you Nucho, I will surely return back this kind favor you've shown, I promise. If you would excuse me am leaving now." she said and walked out of the room.

No one dared to stop her for they all knew what a hard stone she was when she made up her mind.