chapter 24

Ken looked at everyone disappointedly, "I am really sorry everyone, I did as I was told to bring her here and you all tried your best to make her stay, but we all know what type of person Vivian is."

"Don't worry bro it's not your fault not in the least. Now come on, let's help you clean this place up." Nucho said through stiff lips and patted Ken's shoulder.

Almost at once they all began cleaning up all the party decorations.


It was now twenty minutes past nine o'clock from the time Vivian left Ken's apartment.

She went back to her apartment, changed into a black suit gear, grabbed a few bucks and left.

There was a quietish square a block or two away from her apartment, with a railed garden in the center and a phone kiosk halfway along one side.

She made a turn towards the telephone-box and went straight to the box. It was unoccupied, and there was no one about.

She slipped inside, and dialed the number.

She felt tense as the phone of the person she was calling began to ring.

A deep, low, slightly artificially man's voice said, "Good to hear from you again, special agent Rider I've been waiting for your call."

Odette drew in a long breath, pressed button A and then said, "Like wise Chief, ah.. Listen am calling to inform you that I am taking this mission on another level. I've gathered enough information I need to know on the case. Here's what's happening, the mayor is buying off female students from the principal. Nearly half of the female students have gone missing. The principal issued up a fake field trip permit to use at the board as they move the girls to Chicago, in the next two hours or so. Great danger surely lies ahead for the girls, am determined to reach at the bottom of all of this. A guy named Lucas Rabener is currently in charge of the girls, by the order of the mayor. Track him down and send me his hideout immediately and tell me everything there is to know about him. Am joining up and blend in with the girls as they move them to Chicago, it's high time we put an end to this parade."

"Alright let me tell Mary to start working on it." Intelligence Officer chief said and after a moment he returned to the call. "I assume you've already explained all the basics and what is expected of ken agent white jaguar?" asked the Chief.

"Wiat what? That's the one i am with on this assignment, why didn't he say so. No offense Chief, his incompetent, he'll just slow me down, Sir. I asked for someone who's well trained and experienced not him. The boy is not ready he still needs more training, his not fit for this mission. Am capable of doing it myself and my way."

"He has done alot of training, it's high time his faced with a real actual mission."

"And of the agents you had to pair him with him, we are incompatible Chief. Please send me some one else. Jaguar isn't ready yet, he still needs more training."

"Whatsoever you say won't change a thing. It's either him or you both withdraw from the assignment and we'll gladly send someone else. So if you know what's good for, involve him and that's a direct order, understood?"

"Very well Sir, I will do just so. If that's all, would you direct the call to Mary."

The Chief cut the call, and connected Vivian to her personal assistant.

After a minute a girls voice said, "Mary here, how can I help you agent Dark Rider?"

"Tell me everything that you've found out about Lucas. I mean everything don't leave out anything. And tell me exactly how am going to move to reach where he is." Odette said.

Mary went on and told Odette every last little thing about Lucas. Including how and where he grew up from, his financial status, how and why he got where he is now and where he is hiding.

After that she went on and explained to her exactly how she will have to move to get at their hideout secret place. Odette patiently and calmly listened till she was done.

"That could be about all. Anything else I can do for you Ma'am?"

"Am going to be in Chicago tomorrow before sunset, before I reach Chicago, you should send ahead all of the best latest, sophisticated machines and gadgets fit for this mission, I shouldn't reach Chicago to find out you haven't done so. You will search for a hidden secure place where am going to find the equipment, and tell the guys to be prepared and go through the plans of operation that I laid out for them, I should also find them in Chicago. Is that understood?" commanded Odette.

" Yes ma'am, should I also inform agent Jaguar?"

" No, I will talk to him myself don't worry. Oh and don't forget to come up with an online profile of me, the name should be Patricia Balu, niece of the Russian Minister of lands and infrastructures. The rest you know what to do."

"Alright ma'am, anything else I can do for you?" asked Mary.

"Nothing for now, just keep in touch. I will let you know if I need anything else." she said and cut the call.

'Who needs ken? Not me of course, if I want to succeed am better off alone. After all, he needs more training to finally handle a real daring mission like this one.' She thought

Just then, she heard the sound of an

approaching vehicle, probably a taxi.

She slipped out of the telephone box, held up her hand, as the taxi neared her.

As it finally stopped on the other side of the road. She raced down the street, jerked open the door and scrambled in.

"Where to, miss?" asked the driver, shortly after she closed the door.

"Just go straight ahead and step on it." she commanded.

"Alright miss, you tell me where to go." the driver said approvingly and swung off down a side street and increased his speed.