chapter 28

Seated poised on Lola's door steps was Nucho. He looked so tense and exasperated.

Time and again he would glance at his watch, and become even more annoyed.

After a moment or two of waiting, Lola finally showed up.

"Took you long enough." lamented Nucho, standing up from the door step.

"I was speaking with Ken. Does that bother you?" asked Lola as she walked passed him to unlock the door.

"Of course it does. And not only that, you promised me that this party will get me closer to Vivian now see what happened."

"So what. Huh... You literally can't pin that on me. The only one to blame here is your lunatic Vivian. That girl is unpredictable. Everything was going according to plan and it could have succeeded but thanks to your beloved Vivian everything was ruined."

"Don't you dare call her names!" warned Nucho.

"Alright whatever. But as for me, i won't rest until I have Ken at the palm of my hand. All to myself. I don't know what you are going to do about your crazy girl. But let me tell you this one thing, I wouldn't hesitate even for a second to blust her head off if I was given a chance. Bare that in mind." she scorned, opened the door, stood at the door way and without turning she said. "Goodnight Nucho, get yourself some rest. It might do you good." she said and shut the door behind her.

Nucho hesitated for a while and then walked away reluctantly.



Lucas shifted uncomfortably in his chair and sinking lower he said, "Not much of a deal to me. It's your word against mine."

Vivian nodded.

"That's right. But you and I know quite well the kind of man the mayor is and not to mention how much he loved and still loves his nephew, who you murdered. Upto now the old man would give anything to find the killer. We can just imagine what he would do, if I happened to tell him this juicey information that you are the Culprit. He would probably burn you alive or if you will be so lucky he will probably send you to jail for life imprisonment. But we all know his not that type of man who likes the police, so he would deal with you personally and we all know what he's capable of doing. It seems to me that you just have to accept my offer of helping me out if you want to avoid your boss knowing about your little life secret."

Lucas just sat there, staring at her. Realizing he really had it coming.

"Don't look sad, Oscar." she said, grinning at him. "After all am sure you wouldn't want to risk and lose this position you've worked hard to attain. Cause you will lose everything including your own life. Now let's get down to business. I want you to get rid of my uncle, this ruthless good for nothing russian minster and if you cooperate I won't have to tell your boss nor send the video to the police."

Lucas felt a cold sensation snick up his spine.

"You're crazy. You are really out of your mind russian girl. What makes you so sure that right here, right now I won't blow your heads off?"

"I suppose you would also do that but you will just complicate things for yourself. My boyfriend and my men are out there and if they don't hear from me in the next twenty four hours, they will have no choice but to inform the mayor that you are the killer he has been hunting for all these years. So be your age buster and think wisely." She suddenly got to her feet. "I am going to stick around until you are done with this little business you have with the mayor of whatsoever you are doing with these girls, I honestly don't give a freaking damn. After that, then you and I will have a little friendly talk about what I want you and your team to do for."

Vivian began to move across the room, a little swagger to her shoulders. "I know what I'd do, but maybe you don't think the way I think. But don't let that spoil your dreams."

Lucas watched her walk to the door where she paused to look back at him. "And no funny business Oscar." she said. "You can try to act difficult for a while. That's only natural and it won't do any harm, but what you want to get clearly into your head is that you are on a hook. You'll find out fast enough that the hook is on good and really deep and it'll stay in." She collected a bottle of Scotch and a glass from the table.

"I don't encourage people I work with to drink." he said very distant and contemptuous.

"I don't need any encouragement." she said curtly and sat in one of the lounging chairs.

Lucas struggled with his temper and then, to her surprise, he calmed down.

"Hugo!" Lucas called out and in a moment, Hugo walked in.

He was a gigantic Frenchman who was Lucas's most trusted man, chauffeur and many other things.

"Hugo, this Russian girl is going to be my special guest for the time being. But do keep a close eye on her on my behalf, I don't need any funny business around." he said with a feverish look.

"Oui Monsieur," growled the Frenchman.

"Oh and one more thing, tell the men that we are starting off in an hour. Tell them to get ready and get the girls ready, Promptly."

Hugo said that he would see to it and left swiftly.