chapter 29

The morning hot sunlight came through the shutters and lying across the bed was Ken.

The clang of the telephone on the bedside table brought him upright in bed.

He reached for the receiver lifted it off its prong and yawned a hello into the phone.

The chiefs voice barked in his ear.

"What the hell have you guys been upto? I've been waiting for your feedback since last night."

"Feedback on what? We haven't yet laid out the main plans, special agent Rider is one difficult person to work with. She doesn't update me on anything unless she wants me to help her out with something. Do you know how hard it is just talking to her, I was even doubting whether she was the agent am working with, cause she hasn't been saying anything. She's really unbelievable, ever rude, cold, commanding and unfriendly. I can't believe you sent me to be her assistant."

"So what you are saying is that you guys haven't sat down to discuss how you are going to hardle this assignment. I can't believe this, really. Cause last night she called me, she told me that everything is ready and that you are blowing off your cover and finally bring down these men. And now you are here saying that you have no idea what's going on."

"Listen chief, that means that she has started off on her own, it's loud and clear that she wants to do this assignment on her own, she doesn't want me around nor my help, so let it be. Chief am aborting this mission, am withdrawing from this assignment it seems as if my work is not needed. You've seen the kind of canning person you sent me to help, it turns out that she's doing just fine on her own."

The chief let out a bellow.

"That's an abomination soldier, you are going forth with this mission whether you like it or yes, and that's an order soldier. This is a very dangerous mission, she certainly can't handle it on her own. So I want you to get up, man up and go after her and get over with this once and for all. I believe in you soldier, we all do. I will call you later for further information. When you get back, Rider is going to be in some deep displine for disregarding my orders."

"Wait, just wait a minute here. I will only carry on this mission, on one condition."

"What is it?" asked the chief.

"When we are done and succeed in this and come back alive, I want to severely and personally despline Dark Rider it's high time she learnt some manners."

"Very well then, as you so wish, it is done. Let me know if you need something along the way, all the best soldier." the cheif said and hung up on him.

He replaced the receiver gently and ran his fingers through his hair, then languidly, he reached for his watch, lying on the bedside table, and saw it was twenty-five minutes past six.

Unable to remain any longer in bed, he moved the sheet aside and silently left the bed. Moving over to the window he lifted the blind a few inches.

Already the early sun felt hot against his face as he looked down the narrow street.

'You are in for it, Odette I will make sure of it that you get what's coming to you. I am going to enjoy every minute of it.' he said with a grin, walking back to his bed, sat down and grabbed his phone, dialled and waited.