Clovice unniversity

As I blinked away the remnants of sleep, I found myself enveloped in the plush interior of a luxury car. The seats were upholstered in soft, supple leather, and the air was filled with the faint scent of expensive cologne.

The sleek lines of the car exuded an air of opulence, with polished wood accents and gleaming chrome trim adding to its elegant allure.

In front of me sat the driver, his hands steady on the wheel as he navigated the winding roads with practiced ease. His expression was unreadable, his gaze fixed on the road ahead as if nothing else mattered.

I turned my head, and there it was – my suitcase, sitting beside me like a silent sentinel. I reached out and ran my fingers over the familiar fabric, a pang of pain shooting through my ribs as I moved. I winced, the memories of what had happened flooding back to me in a rush.

"Where is the person who saved me?" I asked, my voice hoarse with sleep and uncertainty. The driver remained silent, his eyes focused on the road ahead. For a moment, I thought he wouldn't answer, but then he spoke, his voice cold and detached.

"I don't know where the boss has gone," he replied, his tone devoid of emotion. I felt a twinge of disappointment at his response, a pang of longing for the mysterious figure who had come to my rescue.

Before I could dwell on it further, another question bubbled up inside me. "Where are you taking me?" I asked, my gaze drifting out the window. The forest was nowhere in sight now, replaced by a well-lit road lined with bustling traffic.

"Well, you're going to Clovice, so I'm going to drop you off in front of the campus of the University of Clovis," the driver replied matter-of-factly, his tone leaving no room for further inquiry. I nodded, a sense of resignation settling over me like a heavy cloak.

I blew out a long breath, as if trying to dispel the weight of the world from my shoulders. It was clear that I was being swept along by forces beyond my control, carried along on a journey that I had never intended to take. But as the car continued to hurtle down the road, I couldn't help but wonder what awaited me at the end of this unexpected journey.

As the car approached the outskirts of Clovice, I pressed my face against the cool glass, eager for my first glimpse of the town. The sun was setting, casting a golden hue over the landscape, and there it was—Clovice, nestled in the heart of a verdant valley.

The town was a tapestry of old-world charm and modern mystique, where cobblestone streets intertwined with sleek monorails, and gothic spires rose alongside gleaming towers.

The air was alive with the buzz of magic; I could feel it tingling on my skin. Clovice was renowned for its magical academy, and as we drove through the town, I saw why. People of all races and species moved through the streets in harmony.

Vampires with their aristocratic poise shared laughs with boisterous dwarves, elves glided by with an air of grace, their ears peeking through cascades of hair, and here and there, the shimmer of a glamour revealed the true form of a dragon or demon choosing to walk in human guise.

"Wow," I breathed out, my eyes wide with wonder.

"Here everyone lives in peace," the driver said, his voice a soft rumble that seemed to echo the town's tranquil vibe.

The university loomed ahead, a colossal structure of stone and enchantment. Its towers reached for the skies, adorned with ivy that glowed with an ethereal light. Stained glass windows depicted legendary battles and scholarly pursuits, casting colorful patterns on the ground.

The main gate was an archway carved with runes, and as we passed through, I felt a wave of energy wash over me.

In front of the entrance stood the reception, a grand pavilion with open sides that welcomed all who sought knowledge. And there, like a guardian of lore, was a dragon woman. Her scales were a lustrous emerald, catching the last rays of the sun.

Horns crowned her head, curving into elegant points, and her eyes were pools of ancient wisdom. She wore a gown that seemed woven from the night sky, stars twinkling within its folds.

I stepped out of the car, my legs shaky but determined. The dragon woman's lips curved into a smile, revealing a row of perfectly white teeth.

"Hello, what is your presence worth to me?" she asked, her voice a melodious hum that resonated with power.

"Hello, I'm here to register," I replied, my voice steadier than I felt.

From the depths of my cloak, I produced a bag of gold coins, the weight of my future resting in my palm.

"Well, what's your full name?" she inquired, her gaze never leaving mine.

"Eileen Caldwell," I said.

She turned to her computer, her claws clicking against the keys with surprising gentleness. A moment later, the printer whirred to life.

"Someone has already paid your registration fee," she announced, her tone suggesting this was not an uncommon occurrence. Someone already paid that weird, who could that be.

She handed me a student card, the plastic cool and smooth in my hand.

"Welcome to Clovice University, your room number is 167, I hope you will like it here and classes will start tomorow" she said, her smile broadening.

I clutched the card to my chest, a mix of relief and anticipation bubbling within me. As I looked around at the bustling campus, at the faces of humans and creatures alike, I knew that my journey had truly begun. 

Now all I have to do is go and see my room and even if I don't know who paid for my registration, it doesn't matter, at least I'll be able to save a bit.