This is too much

Stepping onto the campus of Clovice University, I felt a surge of independence. "There's no need, I'll take it up myself and you can leave," I told the driver, eager to embark on this new chapter alone. But he shook his head, a silent sentinel of duty.

"The boss told me to take your things up, so I'll do it," he insisted, his voice firm yet devoid of any emotion.

I paused, a flicker of curiosity lighting up my thoughts. "So your boss paid for my registration?" I ventured, seeking some clue to the identity of my mysterious benefactor.

"Yes," was all he said, and we moved towards the boarding school, leaving the question hanging in the air like a promise yet to be fulfilled.

The boarding school was a marvel of luxury and magic. The facade was a blend of classic architecture and modern design, with soaring columns that seemed to support the very sky.

Inside, the grand foyer boasted marble floors and crystal chandeliers that danced with light. Lifts with gilded doors whispered open, and grand staircases spiraled upwards, their banisters carved from enchanted wood that shimmered with a soft glow.

"My room is 137," I said, more to myself than to the driver, as I clutched the card that was my key to this new world.

We walked down the corridor, our footsteps muffled by the plush carpet that ran like a river of red and gold. Each door we passed was an artwork in itself, with intricate designs that hinted at the wonders within.

Room 137 awaited me, its door adorned with a panel that housed a laser pointer. I held out my card, and with a beep, the door swung open, revealing my sanctuary.

The room was a testament to opulence and comfort. The main area was spacious, with a ceiling that arched high above, painted to resemble the sky at dusk. A chandelier hung like a constellation of stars, casting a warm glow over the room. The walls were lined with bookshelves, filled with tomes that whispered tales of ancient magic and modern innovation.

To one side, double doors opened to reveal a kitchen, a culinary haven with surfaces of polished granite and cabinets crafted from dark wood. The latest magical appliances promised ease and efficiency, and a small table sat by the window, offering a view of the university grounds that stretched out like a promise.

Adjacent to the kitchen, another door led to the bathroom, a sanctuary of relaxation. The tub was a pool of tranquility, large enough to swim in, with jets that promised to soothe away the aches of study and adventure. The tiles gleamed with spells of cleanliness, and the mirrors reflected not just my image, but the potential of the person I could become here.

I turned to the driver, about to thank him, but he was already retreating, his duty done. Alone, I stepped into the room, the door closing behind me with a soft click. I was enveloped in luxury.

" Maybe this is too much." I said sighing.

After settling into my luxurious new room, I decided to take a refreshing shower to wash away the travel grime. The warm water cascaded over me, soothing my tired muscles and refreshing my spirits. Once I was clean and dressed, I grabbed some coins from the small bag Rya had given me and headed out to explore the city and the campus.

As I walked through the bustling streets of Clovice, I couldn't help but marvel at the diversity of the people around me. Vampires, elves, dragons, demons, and humans—all living together in harmony. It was a sight to behold, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at the vibrant tapestry of life that surrounded me.

I pulled out my phone and opened the GPS app, using it to navigate my way to the nearest supermarket. Along the way, I couldn't shake the feeling that people were whispering behind my back, but I brushed it off, assuming it was just my imagination playing tricks on me.

Finally, I arrived at the supermarket, a bustling hub of activity with rows upon rows of fresh produce, meats, and dry goods. The air was filled with the tantalizing aroma of spices and herbs, and my mouth watered at the thought of cooking up a delicious meal.

I made my way through the aisles, carefully selecting ingredients for dinner. I picked out some fresh vegetables, a cut of tender meat, and a variety of spices and seasonings. At the checkout counter, I handed over my coins to the cashier, who rang up my purchases with a friendly smile.

As I made my way back to the campus, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. People continued to whisper and stare at me as I passed by, but I couldn't figure out why. Was it because I was new? Or was there something else going on?

Lost in thought, I nearly collided with someone coming out of a nearby shop. "Oh, I'm sorry," I said, stepping back to let them pass.

But instead of apologizing, the person just glared at me before muttering something under their breath and walking away. Confused and a little hurt, I continued on my way, trying to ignore the strange looks and whispers that followed me wherever I went.

Back at the campus, I headed to the communal kitchen to prepare dinner. As I chopped vegetables and seasoned the meat, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled over me. What was it about me that had everyone whispering and staring?

Lost in thought, I nearly burned the food, but I managed to salvage it just in time. Sitting down at the small table in my room, I dug into my meal, trying to push aside my worries and enjoy the delicious food.

But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. As I finished my meal and cleaned up the dishes, I made a mental note to keep an eye out for anything suspicious. There was something strange going on with people that's weird.