Gathering for first graders

The next morning greeted me with the soft glow of dawn filtering through my window, coaxing me out of my slumber. With a tired yawn, I stretched my limbs before reluctantly pushing back the covers and swinging my legs over the edge of the bed.

As I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, a hologram flickered to life before me, displaying my daily mission: "Walk 5 km and then study." With a resigned sigh, I nodded to myself, knowing that it was just another part of my routine now.

Quickly, I rummaged through my wardrobe and pulled out my sports outfit, slipping into the comfortable attire with practiced ease. I grabbed a bottle of water, feeling the cool condensation against my skin, before heading out of my room.

The corridors were quiet, the early hour deterring most students from venturing out of their rooms. I savored the solitude as I made my way through the halls, the soft hum of the university coming to life around me.

Stepping outside, I was greeted by the gentle warmth of the morning sun, its golden rays casting long shadows across the campus. The town of Clovice stretched out before me, its streets still relatively quiet at this early hour.

With a determined stride, I set off on my morning walk, the rhythmic pattern of my footsteps echoing in the stillness of the morning air. I let my thoughts wander as I walked, taking in the sights and sounds of the town awakening around me.

As I rounded a familiar corner, I glanced down at my watch and was pleasantly surprised to see that I had completed my 5 km walk in record time. It was a small victory, but it filled me with a sense of accomplishment nonetheless.

Returning to my room, I took a moment to catch my breath before glancing at the clock. It read 6:45, a new record for me. I couldn't help but smile at the progress I had made since starting at the university.

With a sense of satisfaction, I headed into the bathroom and turned on the water, relishing the feeling of the cool droplets cascading over my skin. The refreshing shower washed away the last remnants of sleep, leaving me feeling invigorated and ready to face the day ahead.

As I stepped out of the shower, I reached for the towel and wrapped it around myself before opening the cabinet where my university uniform awaited. The uniform was a striking combination of black and white, with crisp lines and elegant detailing that spoke of professionalism and discipline.

The black blazer was adorned with the university crest, while the white blouse was neatly tucked into a pleated skirt that fell just above the knee. Completing the ensemble were a pair of polished black shoes and knee-high socks, adding a touch of sophistication to the overall look.

I quickly slipped into the uniform, smoothing out any wrinkles before admiring my reflection in the mirror. Despite the early hour, I felt a sense of pride in wearing the uniform, knowing that it symbolized my dedication to my studies and my commitment to excellence.

With a final adjustment, I gathered my books and headed out of my room, ready to tackle whatever challenges the day had in store.

Closing the door to my room, I couldn't help but notice the hushed whispers of the students nearby. Their eyes darted nervously in my direction before they hurriedly dispersed, leaving me standing there with a bemused expression.

"Why are people like that?" I muttered to myself, shaking my head in frustration. It wasn't the first time I'd encountered such reactions, but it still stung nonetheless.

Gathering my books, I made my way towards the campus, the weight of the tomes feeling oddly comforting in my arms. As I walked, my thoughts drifted, wondering what the day had in store for me.

Before long, a student approached me, her uniform adorned with two stars, indicating her seniority. She wore a friendly smile, her demeanor warm and inviting.

Her eyes, a deep brown , her hair cascades in waves of chestnut, each strand catching the light and shimmering with life. Her smile, a curve of reassurance, speaks of a kindness.

"You're new here, aren't you?" she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity.

I nodded, feeling a flicker of relief at the prospect of someone willing to engage with me. "Yes," I replied, offering her a tentative smile.

She gestured towards my books. "You won't be needing those," she said, her tone reassuring. "There's a gathering for first graders. Let me take you there."

Grateful for her guidance, I fell into step beside her as we made our way across the campus. Despite her friendly demeanor, I couldn't help but sense a powerful magical energy emanating from her, a presence that seemed to surround her like a protective aura.

As we walked, we arrived at a sprawling stadium, its grandeur taking my breath away. The stadium loomed before us, its towering walls adorned with intricate carvings and elaborate designs. The air buzzed with excitement as students bustled about, their laughter and chatter filling the air.

"Well, I'll leave you here," she said, her gaze lingering on me for a moment. "I have other people to pick up. And your room number?"

"137," I replied, a hint of uncertainty creeping into my voice.

She regarded me with a curious expression before nodding. "Okay," she said simply, before with a swift gesture, she placed her hand on my books. In an instant, they vanished into thin air, leaving me stunned.

"Don't worry," she reassured me with a soft laugh. "It's just a little teleportation magic. Your books are waiting for you in your room."

With that, she bid me farewell and disappeared into the crowd, leaving me feeling slightly bewildered yet intrigued by the possibilities of magic.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped into the stadium, marveling at the sight before me. The gathering was in full swing, students of all ages milling about, their excitement palpable in the air.

I found myself a seat among the crowd, eager to soak in the atmosphere and learn more about my new surroundings.