Vampire Tamer ( R18)

Lise's expression was unreadable as she tackled me to the ground, our bodies colliding with a force that knocked the breath from my lungs. I barely had time to process what was happening before her lips crashed into mine, fierce and demanding.

My initial shock quickly gave way to a flood of desire, my body responding instinctively to her touch. Lise's kiss was a mix of urgency and control, her tongue parting my lips and exploring my mouth with a hunger that left me breathless. I moaned against her mouth, my hands gripping her shoulders as if to anchor myself in the storm of sensations.

Her hand slid up my side, fingers skimming the sensitive skin beneath my shirt. Each touch sent sparks of electricity through me, heightening my awareness of every movement, every breath. Lise's lips moved from my mouth to my neck, her fangs grazing my skin and sending a shiver down my spine. I gasped, arching against her, a mix of fear and exhilaration coursing through me.