We make a good team

The darkness was suffocating, the silence oppressive. I moved through the shadows, my small flame flickering, barely enough to pierce the gloom. Every rustle, every whisper of movement set my nerves on edge.

My heart pounded in my chest as I called out for Lise, hoping for a response, but the silence swallowed my voice.

Suddenly, a holographic message materialized in front of me, glowing with an eerie light. "Big rogue demon is approaching," it read, the words sending a shiver down my spine.

My eyes widened in fear. "A big rogue demon?" I whispered to myself. I had barely survived the shadowy figures. How was I supposed to handle a rogue demon?

Before I could fully process the warning, the ground began to shake. I stumbled, barely keeping my balance as the tremors grew stronger. From the darkness ahead, a massive figure emerged, its form becoming clearer with each step.