Aurelius, the Blue Flame

As I stood there, frozen in shock, an unexpected flicker of light appeared in front of me. A hologram materialized, shimmering with information that I desperately needed. The hologram displayed the dragon's name in bold letters: "Aurelius, the Blue Flame."

My heart pounded as I read on, the text revealing more about this terrifying creature:


- Blue Fire Magic: Aurelius can conjure and manipulate blue flames, which are so intense they can burn through almost any material, even water.

- Flight: Aurelius can use its enormous wings to fly at incredible speeds.

- Enhanced Senses: Aurelius has heightened senses, making it nearly impossible to hide from.

Power Level:

- Extreme

Special Note: 

- Defeating Aurelius: If you manage to defeat Aurelius, you will be granted the ability to use Blue Fire Magic.