A multi-day challenge on an island

As the crowd of students dispersed, I couldn't help but feel a knot of stress tightening in my stomach. Being partnered with Zaya Swanson, the top performer from yesterday's test, was a daunting prospect. But maybe this was a chance—a chance to be on the winning side, rather than facing her as an opponent.

Just as I was lost in thought, Zaya suddenly appeared next to me in a blink of an eye. Her teleportation startled me so much that I almost lost my balance. Before I could tumble to the ground, Zaya's strong arms caught me, holding me securely.

"Careful there," she said with a friendly smile, her crimson and purple eyes twinkling with amusement. Up close, she looked absolutely stunning. Her beauty was captivating, her smile capable of melting hearts. "We're partners now. I can't wait to work with you."