

Chapter 22

Even when I am rushing to the place marked by the beacon on the navigator map in my phone, I think about the method. The damn Tattletale left me no choice, or rather, of course, she left me with such a very simple moral choice. Yes... Do I have a choice, the recruit asked the sergeant in the soldiers' mess hall - yes, son, you can eat this shit or fuck it!

So I had a simple choice – to step aside, just not to respond to her message. Wait for Bakuda, the new leader of the ABB, to kill or subjugate the Undersiders, and most likely to kill them. However, it's not even a choice. There is no choice. I have the opportunity, right now I'm a very, very dangerous parahuman. Maybe even the most dangerous on the entire Northeast Coast. I'm almost invulnerable, capable of rapid regeneration, explosion teleportation, hell, I'm Butcher XV and Swarm all rolled into one. I can still be poisoned, shot with a high-caliber rifle with armour-piercing ammunition (I think), but I have a sense of danger from Edward, the third and first hero in the team. No, in the Hive.

I also have my Swarm, and if I only had Swarm, I'd still rush to the rescue. Because that's what people do. I can think of a thousand arguments why I shouldn't get involved in the conflict between Bakuda and the Undersiders, and ten thousand why it is necessary to do so. But I didn't really think about anything. As soon as I received a message on my phone, I immediately lifted the window and jumped out, only having time to pull on my sneakers and put on a black hoodie.

Thank goodness the car Tattletale had given me was still in the same place, and the keys were still under the mat in the driver's seat. The Tattletale also made sure that I had parental control over her phone so that I could see where Lisa was at any time. Or rather, her phone. For a while, she was actively moving, but now she froze. I rushed to the place, from time to time I came across ambulances and police cars. I can't see it, but my Swarm noted that there are flying capes in the sky. I don't have time to identify them.

In the meantime, there is a quick analysis of the options for behaviour in the head. Tactics and strategies, development of scenarios for a combat clash, taking into account my capabilities. Out of the corner of my mind, I noted that the schemes of attack, retreat and shelter of the hostages have become much better at me, my consciousness scatters scenarios like a squirrel gnawing nuts, once the scheme is ready. At the same time, with an overview of pros and cons, percentages and probabilities, weaknesses and vulnerabilities, where and what can go wrong and will definitely go, as well as options for eliminating these vulnerabilities, when morally acceptable, and when completely unacceptable. Is it the power of Tactics?

My Swarm found the Tattletale and the rest of the Undersiders in front, and there's a crowd there. I can step on the gas and simply burst onto the stage, throwing aside Bakuda's supporters and crashing into her jeep, immediately eliminate her and... Mission accomplished. Stop. She had just detonated her bomb. It is actually holding all these people hostage. Options?

Schemes and scenarios began to flash in my head at an incredible speed. Pros and cons. Options for attack and retreat. An inner voice is demanding an introduction from me. It all depends on the inputs, on the task that I set for my inner strategist. If the goal is just to save Tattletale without giving away your incognito, this is one option. You don't even have to think about it. A quick attack on Bakuda, her costume is full of open spaces, and my Stings, improved and modified versions of Japanese hornets, are able to penetrate up to two centimetres of almost any clothing and even Kevlar. They can't bite through armor plates, but everything else... Bakuda is doomed. If she's not stupid, then after her death, the self-destruct mechanism kicks in all these people, and most likely in the city. There will be a bunch of explosions. Despite this, the mission will be accomplished.

That doesn't suit me. The new introduction is to minimise civilian casualties. If possible. How? Two options are to immobilise, that is, paralyze or immerse in a coma... and I've already tried it on the Butcher. It didn't work out very well. It sucked, to be honest. The second option is negotiations. In negotiations, I need to speak from a position of a strong hand. I should have all the cards in my hand. Bakuda's psychological profile... hmm. She craves to be strong, she craves recognition that she is strong and smart, that she is superior to everyone else. Most likely an inferiority complex, she's Asian, right? And from the Lungs gang, where they usually wipe their feet on women, and she... She didn't even spare her gang mates, she implanted bugs in their heads. And it's not because she's so loyal, or rather, not just because. She's taking revenge. Well, she and Taylor have very similar problems... but Taylor restrained herself. It's not because Taylor is stronger or has the right moral compass. Just different circumstances.

But that's not what we're talking about right now, there's no time to feel sorry for Bakuda, as a last resort, with the Stinger biting into her unprotected neck.

As for the negotiations... unfortunately, negotiations with Bakuda can only be conducted from a position of strength. So, the first thing you need to do is scare her so much as possible. And talk to her in a language she understands. A language of overwhelming force. The language of fear.

I stopped the car, pulled the hood over my head, and raced to the scene. My "Stings", "Medici", ants-barrels with reserves of toxins and acid, gathered together with millions of others, all the insects that I managed to collect during the trip, and who did not lag behind - it turns out to be an impressive mass. Just what you need for the performance. The Eighth Plague of Egypt. Lord Lord of the Flies. Baal yawb or Weselbub. The embodiment of all the darkest and darkest things in the human soul. Hmm. Maybe it will work. Is this Bakuda an atheist?

-Give! Give! Give! A voice from inside asked me: "You can't do it!" You can't! You will... Your gut is thin. Give me the controls, you bespectacled whore! I swear I'll rip your guts out and...

"One more curse and you won't see any privileges for a year." - I answered the Butcher: "A year." Count how many days and hours it is?

"Your... aarrrgh! Taylor! Give me control of at least one clone! You can't install fear! I can do it! I've been doing this all my life! Hear! Give control and... I'm going to stop calling you a bespectacled whore!" - the Butcher growled. I hesitated. On the one hand, bending under the Butcher... And on the other hand, it is worth showing that I have not only a stick in my hands, but also a carrot. To show that I am able to meet halfway and cooperate, and also to give this very carrot a taste. When the Butcher tries direct insect control (under my control, of course), he will become more accommodating. As the Chinese say, a journey of a thousand li begins with a single step. And one more thing – it is worth admitting that he is right. A butcher knows how to inspire terror. He's a pro at it, and he can really do it better than I can. But if you've got one crazy maniac in your head...

"Ok. You are right." – I and the Butcher – jubilated in my head, the others shouted something in chorus, begging, begging, but I did not pay attention: – conditions – not a single civilian should die. It is desirable to reduce the number of deaths among the ABB militants, although this will be the case. Bakuda... I need her to deactivate all the bombs. I see? If you fail and screw up, I'll immediately take control. An attempt at deliberate sabotage is the cessation of cooperation for the duration of my leadership in your close interval. To put it simply, as long as I'm in charge, you won't have a say.

"I don't give a shit." - The Butcher replied, "Do what you want."

"So you're reneging on the agreement?"

"No! Give me a chance! All right, damn it, girl, I agree. I won't touch civilians, hand in hand. I'm not interested in weaklings myself... all?! Unhook yourself already."

"You know, one day we're going to work on your attitude," - I nodded, "I'm creating clones." "Prepare."

Millions of my insects gathered nearby and all at once – flocking, sliding, moving to the center of events. In the meantime, I'm pulling a hoodie over my head and approaching the crowd and thinking about how good it is to look like an ordinary civilian, without all those tight leotards and clown outfits that give you away as a kane from a mile away. And an ordinary girl in a black hoodie doesn't attract anyone's attention, and I just blended in with the crowd. In the past, I would have tried to stay away, but now the most dangerous and tough unit in my arsenal is me. Wait, what? My machine gun? Xo, massaraksh, I'm starting to think of myself as the Butcher. Okay, then, everything later...

"Taylor!" - Edward's voice in my head, he's been trying to get through to me for a long time, "Taylor, what are you doing!" He'll betray you! He'll show everyone that you're the Butcher!"

"Yes, I know." - I replied, "Now I have the power of Tactics, remember?"


"How long do you think I'll be able to keep this fact a secret?" And what will I have to sacrifice every time I try to hide that I'm Butcher XV? You can't keep secrets like that for long. I shook my head, "and... what's wrong with being a Butcher? On the contrary, being a Butcher is a plus, no one will try to kill you. Everyone will leave you behind. Both heroes and villains. It's bad to be a butcher, it's subjective – that you don't belong to yourself anymore. But I've already figured it out, I'm not even bored with you. You're a normal guy, Edward. Yesterday we argued with Muramasa about the quality of steel of European medieval blades and Japanese swords all evening, even Swara did nothing. Tinker is a bore... Give him the workshop. It's like being in a big family. Think so... There is a freak in the family, where to go."

"It's going to change your life a lot!" - Edward did not give up: "And your father! And friends!"

"My father... as far as I know him, he'll be glad to know that now he'll need at least the help of the Triumvirate or the Destroyer to hurt his daughter. As for my friends... I think I only have one friend, and she's standing by the wall over there. Well... At the end of the day, what's more important is my reputation or the lives of all these people. I think the answer is clear.

"Well... If so..."

"Quite so." - the crowd started to get excited when they saw so many insects flowing down and flying towards them, I immediately formed clones of insects, a shot ringed out, someone panics and pulled the trigger... spit. I don't even feel the insect deaths, the bullet just flew through the clone.

"What's that?!" - Bakuda's voice boomed, "Who are you?" Show up! Who are you?!"

At the same time, I am standing among a crowd of civilians, they are frightened, clutching improvised weapons in their hands and looking around. On the back of the head, some of them can see clotted blood, traces of surgery. Each of them is a hostage. What a shame that I can't end it all at once by simply giving the command to the Stings to attack. I urgently need a tranquilliser, reliable and non-lethal, just urgently, urgently. As soon as I help the Tattletale, I'll do it. At least spend all the money on this, maybe some tinkertech can you buy?

"Give, give, give!" - a voice whispered impatiently in my head: "That's it, come on!"

Handing over control of the clone to the Butcher. Or rather, not like that – I am still controlling each insect individually, he wouldn't be able to do that, he wouldn't even be able to control two cockroaches, these are my abilities. I am holding the insects together and just relaying the commands it forms, moving as if in a human body.

Clone – straightened the back and took a "step" forward. Slowly, as if looking into Bakuda's eyes.

"Who am I?" - the buzzing of insects formed a strange voice, on the verge of infrasound, a bassy, low-pitched vibration of the air, in which each individual sound seemed to reverberate in the chest: "Who are you to ask me questions? The clone made a gesture with his hand and the nearest ABB fighter grabbed his throat, fell to the ground, kicked, screamed, punched, kicked, while he is devoured alive by thousands of insects, turning the poor guy into a screaming piece of meat. From the nightmarish picture, even the faces of the gangsters turn white, someone opened fire, the shots are pierced by clones, several more join one, Bakuda threw up her grenade launcher, but the clone of the Butcher only raised a finger and those who fired immediately dropped their weapons and began to circle in place, shaking the insects off their hands. Bakuda's grenade launcher didn't work, the sticky substance of the spider glands, carried by the barrel ants, jammed all the internal mechanisms.

"Whoever shoots again will become the same." - the Butcher's clone raised his hand and a wave of insects immediately retreated from the body of the very first ABB fighter attacked by the insects. The crowd gasped, some turned away, you can hear someone being torn to the ground. The sight is not the most aesthetically pleasing, the insects ate the guy to the bone in a few seconds. I can't say it's a skeleton, there's still a lot of flesh, but the task was to intimidate. Eating a person in a few seconds is impossible. But don't have to. The neurotoxin killed him, and the insects only gnawed at the visible parts of his body, such as his face and hands. A special effort was made over the face, this part was supposed to look nightmarish, and it still does. The first impression is that he was eaten alive, devoured to the bone. No eyelids, no eyes, no skin all over the face, eaten mimic muscles, no nose. And as a finishing touch, after a shocked silence had settled and all eyes had rested on the bloodied skull, a particularly large centipede crawled out of its eye socket and slowly streamed down, sliding down onto the asphalt.

"Are you there." - The Butcher clone turned his head to Bakuda, "What did you say about fear?" Stand still, there are several thousand insects on you right now. The neurotoxin will paralyse you, but your death won't be so quick. My crumbs are already full. Did you know that there are insects that lay their larvae in other insects and even animals? And these larvae live there, in the warmth of the body, multiply, eat the body from the inside... And then they break out? I can make such an incubator out of you. Put down your damn grenade launcher and hold your hands so I can see them.

Bakuda swallowed nervously, staring at her henchman's body. She has been trying to shoot him with a grenade launcher for a few seconds, but then a huge spider slowly crawled along her arm, which is lying on the fire control handle, and she immediately threw the grenade launcher away, it hanged on her belt, and she hold back a scream, gritting her teeth.

"There's a good lady." - the clone said, and behind him, another ABB fighter fell to the ground, devoured by insects, his screams quickly turning into a strangled moan of pain and despair.

"For all the other stupid bastards, I explain that anyone who tries to escape will be devoured. Whoever tries to shoot will be devoured. Whoever shouts and argues with me will be devoured. Who I don't like... Well you know... You will!" - the Butcher's clone raised his hand, "You—who are you?"

"Me-me?" - the guy in the green and red colors of the ABB blinked: "I..."

"Oh, yes. Whoever asks idiotic rhetorical questions will be devoured." - insects buried the guy under them and his cries quickly faded away under a pile of chitin, wings and antennae, a dark wave covered him with his head.

"What else?" - the Butcher's clone said thoughtfully, "What did I forget to say?" Oh yes," he turned to the frozen Bakuda, "you. Remember when I told you that thousands of my insatiable babes are already on you, and you don't notice anything? Remember? Nod, if you remember. Good job. Well, I lied. In fact, thousands of my insatiable babes are already in you... Bakuda's eyes widened and she turned pale, and the Butcher nodded in satisfaction."

"Don't you believe me?" Do you think I can deceive you? Raise your hand, your right hand. Look at the back of your hand, don't be afraid, bring it closer to your eyes." - Bakuda obeyed him, brought her hand to her eyes, and I activated the beacon worm I've just implanted under her skin. These worms, when penetrating under the skin, released a toxin that numbs the nerve endings and a person does not feel pain when implanted. And it very small, but if you bring your hand close to your eyes like this and look completely point-blank... I know what she's seeing right now. She sees a worm no bigger than a fly larva is bursting right through her skin, bursted out, and leaned toward her as if it saw her. It has no eyes, the beacon worm can't see, but I know it. Right now, she's looking at something right in her body, something she can't control and... It's something, looking her straight in the eye.

"Aaaa!" - Bakuda shouted and hit her arm with all his might: "Ahhhh Get that thing away from me! Aaaa!!! She fell to the ground and began to roll on it, shaking off the imaginary insects: "Please!"

"That's another reason I let the Butcher out, Edward," - I said to the hero in my mind, "he knows how to strike fear into people's hearts. I wouldn't have done that. If you need to negotiate with a psychopath, it makes sense to show that no one is going to negotiate with them. No negotiation. Only capitulation. I would bargain for lives, I would try to put pressure on my mind and conscience. And the Butcher... I just had fun."

"I hope he didn't break it," - Edward muttered in my head.

"She was already broken." - I said, catching the eye of Tattletale, who is standing against the wall, tired and exhausted. In her eyes – horror, fear, admiration and ... Anything else?

Chapter 23

"I kept my word!" - the Butcher growled in my head, "Let me out!"

"And I'm grateful to you for that. But there is a time for everything, we agreed that you would resolve the situation, and then I would take everything under my control. However, you can be sure that you will be provided with tablet privileges and Internet access. Uh... For now, you don't have the right to communicate directly, but you can read and watch films, books and forums. Torture and murder – I don't promise, but if I have to deal with psychopaths again – I will definitely turn to you." - I replied, watching as Bakuda removed the rings that control her bombs remotely. She had them on her toes, it was crazy. Such delicate controls... And how did she walk? Accidental touches were not counted?

"It is all done!" - Bakuda said, trying to speak calmly and evenly, but her voice trembled, "That's it. I... deactivated all bombs."

"She's lying." – The Tattletale interjected, "She didn't deactivate all if it. She's got ways to blow up the city and all those bombs."

"This is... only in the event of my death." - Bakuda justified, not looking at the insect clone that was towering over her. I'm in my own body, sitting nearby, on the hood of her jeep, dangling my legs. The Tattletale – standing nearby, leaning her back against the car and crossing her arms over her chest. The Regent and the Grue got away in my car – the Regent needed urgent medical attention. In my opinion, the Tattletale would have liked to be so pale, but she insisted on staying and helping. And honestly, her help wouldn't hurt. I have a hood of a black hoodie on my head, and a pattern of my Kunoichi on my face, covering my face from prying eyes. Not that it made it much of a problem to determine who was who, after all, it wasn't difficult for Tattletale. To believe that idiots are sitting in the government and the PRT and the Protectorate and will not be able to find me and determine my civilian identity is to believe the fairy tales about the Unwritten Rules. Yes, Unwritten and Unenforceable. Look, the New Wave has already suffered... and the Marquis, too.

So, I'm not worried about my civilian identity. Nor do I worry about everyone finding out I'm the Fifteenth Butcher. Spit. They'll find out anyway. The important thing here is that this session of magic and its exposure takes place on my terms. Let's be honest, looking into the eyes of the circumstances, I will no longer turn out to be a hero. And it wouldn't have worked out from the very beginning. Maximum – Vagabond, an independent cape. Well... it would be a disappointment for Taylor herself, and I personally would find it uncomfortable to communicate with the authorities. However, I can safely exploit all these Unwritten Rules by sincerely pretending to believe in them. Here it is enough to put a mask on your face. And I have it on my face. Interestingly, I don't even get tickled when insects move over my facial skin or mess around in my hair. It is said that tickling is the body's reaction to unexpected touches, so it is impossible to tickle yourself. I perceive insects as an extension of my body, so I don't feel ticklish.

So, I'm sitting on the hood of Bakuda's jeep, dangling my legs, and drinking beer from a can. Bakuda had an entire crate under the back seat. It turned out that she loves Guinness, "dark with a velvety taste".

"Well, let them stay." - I allowed, scattering the clone in mid-air, "No one is going to kill you. And put them in a cage, too. Now you are my subordinate, and I take care of my subordinates. A little trust doesn't hurt, does it?" - I tilted my head to one side. The Butcher practically broke Bakuda, push a little more and she will commit suicide here and now, the Tattletale confirmed that she has a kill switch, and this is her only defense. She can't give it to me. He will never give it away. He'd rather die. And I don't need extra deaths now, and there are four corpses in place. And my insects spotted the Snitch, Uber and Liit's flying drone. I lifted the insects to block the viewing angles, but how successful was I?

However, we will think about the damage to reputation later. Right now, my main task is to neutralise Bakuda. She's already afraid of me. She was afraid of Lung. It was fear that brought her to this state. She wanted to get rid of him and finally take control of her life into her own hands. On the other hand, when she was near Lung, she didn't throw out such knees. Does this mean that she will be more comfortable in a subordinate position and instinctively longs to be subordinate? A lot of questions. I'll have to ask the Tattletale.

"Yes." - Tattletale said, "That's right. But it's more complicated than that. Lung... he... you know how women are treated in the ABB. And yes, this is unacceptable for gang members, for family... But there are ways."

"A what?" - I looked at Bakuda with different eyes. She's not fat, she's not ugly, nothing like that. The mask hides her face, but her body is that of a young girl in her twenties or twenty-five at most. Many of the customs of the triad and yakuza have been adopted in the ABB, and they imitate them. And there is a clear dividing line there, newcomers and juniors can and should be mocked, beaten and poked with or without a reason. Such is hazing within the "family". However, no sexual violence. Even hints of it are forbidden. Those who have been sexually abused, who sell their bodies for money, fall into a completely different category, and it doesn't matter whether that person has the ability or not. You are either a family member, a "bro", "aniki" and your boyfriend/girlfriend, or a commodity. They don't talk to the goods. The product is used and sold. And many young girls have made this mistake by trying to become "one of their own" in the gang, trying to please them, and as a result, ending up in the underground brothel of the ABB.

But you can't do that with Bakuda, she's a member of the family, she's a parahuman, her ability is quite impressive. And at the same time, she is an attractive young Asian... Lung circumvented this rule. After all, if there is a "relationship" between him and Bakuda, if she becomes the official mistress of the boss, then all chiki-piki. Except... I am sure that this was not a voluntary and mutual decision. Lung did it all himself. Yes, no one would dare to rape a newcomer to the ABB family. Especially a new one with abilities. No one but Lung.

"You know, I was the one who killed Lung." - I said to Bakuda, who is standing in front of me barefoot on the muddy asphalt. She gave all her grenades, explosives, knives, grenade launchers and pistols to Tattletale and now looked like a prisoner of war – in a loose shirt over her pants, without a belt or shoes.

"I know." - she said, tilting her head? – "Yes, I know. You're Poison Ivy".

"What an idiotic name." - I sighed, "I should do some rebranding." Lord of the Flies?

"No way." - Tattletale responded, "You're a monster as it is, and they'll make Satan out of you. Please, let's stay in a legitimate space. Even if you're known as a Rogue Vigilante, it's better than a Warrant to Kill."

"You're right." - I nodded. I don't feel immortal. The previous Butcher died, as did the Butcher before him and another before him. All of them are dead. They also probably considered themselves immortal and invulnerable. But no. The Butcher is immortal, just as Elusive Joe is elusive. It's just that no one wants to kill the Butcher or catch Elusive Joe... There is a lot of hassle. And so finishing off the Butcher is a simple matter, the first thing that comes to mind is, of course, poison. Guided aerial bomb. Kamikaze drone with explosives. An assassin with an ability nullifier. And thousands more ways. So no, Taylor, you're not immortal and you don't need to be dizzy with success. We keep our noses to the wind and don't try to fight windmills.

"What will happen to me now?" - Bakuda asked. I looked at her. She won't give up her last weapon, her kill switch. It must have been the first thing she had built into herself as soon as Lung broke her. So that it never happens again. And if she had to choose between torment, humiliation, and death here and now, she'd better activate this device right there. Lung broke her, the Butcher reminded her of that fracture just when she thought she was free. So you can't go too far with it, it activates the bomb. And not only his own, but also everyone else, still scattered around the city. Also, you can't give her freedom – she will untie herself again. So...

"You'll be in my gang now. Or rather, in a friendly team. A big family and all that." - I said, "Welcome to the Hive."

"That's not the same either," - said Tattletale. "Maybe Swarm?"

"Maybe." - I agreed, "- though Lord of the Flies sounds. Or else – MY NAME IS LEGION! And?"

"With such gags, not only will you have a Kill Order, but so will I." - Tattletale sighed, "Ladybug, my head is splitting into pieces. I also want to eat something other than energy drinks and protein bars. And sleep for twenty hours in a row. Your new subordinate knocked off half of my body, I have one solid bruise there. And soon the Protectorate will arrive here, you let the civilians go, they will get to the phones and show consciousness."

"Understood." - I nodded, "Bakuda, come with me. Tattletale – you must have a safe house in town, huh?" - strictly speaking, Bakuda was already completely mine, she wouldn't have dared to open rebellion, but... I wasn't going to test that. Once in her laboratory, among her tools and equipment, she was able to assemble a new bomb with some exotic properties, she could have tried. No, she needed to be alone for a while, to realise her new position. And I needed to be nearby to control her bad thoughts and impulses.

"No. No. I only have my apartment and... No! Well good!" - Tattletale rolled her eyes, "I know it's necessary!" But I feel sorry for my apartment, it is well renovated and I got attached to it... And you're going to kill her in the bathroom and eat her, and then I'll have to move out."

"I won't eat it." - I said, seeing Bakuda's eyes widen, "I need her. Why would I kill her? It's already under my control. If it goes against me, the insects will devour it from the inside. Well... As a reciprocal gesture, I can say that with her strength, sooner or later she will find a way to plant a bomb somewhere near me. Or me. This is a real relationship – mutual destruction. I understand that. I think I'll let you plant your bomb in me. I turned to Bakuda, "That would be fair."

"But—" she blinked her eyes in bewilderment.

"Look, it's not profitable for you to kill me, you'll die yourself. I didn't mean to kill you, but here is such a guarantee! If you die, I will die too. The beginning of a beautiful friendship! Who can say for sure – best friends until death! Or no, like this, only death will separate us! And?! That's great! I've always dreamed of this. Then it's a social experiment..."

"You're crazy." - Tattletale shook her head, "You're fucked up. Bakuda, detonate your bomb now. She won't stop until she makes everyone around her the same. It's an indoctrination."

"Are you serious?" - Bakuda ignored Tattletale, "Really?"

"Of course." - I shrugged, "That's a great idea. Instead of spending a lot of time trying to establish a relationship and earn trust, we're friends for life. However, it may turn out to be short."

"You—" Bakuda finally came to her senses, "I don't know. I've seen, but you're on a whole other level. Wait! You're the Butcher! You don't care about the explosion! You won't die, you'll be reborn, and I'll die! It's a sneaky trick."

"Look, there's nothing I can do about it," - I shrugged, "I didn't ask for that. The Butcher killed himself on me. But don't be afraid, I'm in control of him. So... Sometimes I let him out for a walk. And you'd better not meet him. I..."

"It's a clever move." - Tattletale squinted, "Don't throw me into the thorn bush, will you? Bakuda, you're never going to plan to blow up the Swarm because you're going to doubt yourself. And now you'll trust her more."

"Don't you tell me all the secrets, Tattletale?" - Bakuda squinted in response, mirroring Tattletale Girl's gesture, "Which side are you playing on?"

"A. Knowing this, you will become even more doubtful." - Tattletale smirked as she sat on her favorite horse to sow confusion and irritation in the ranks of enemies and allies. She didn't really care who she annoyed and dragoned. Do not feed her with bread, but let her demonstrate her intellectual superiority and poke others with a stick. Look, what idiots you all are, I'm the only smart one.

"Take a pie from the shelf." - I interrupted Tattletale before she can walk through Bakuda again, "You're the smartest person in the class, we get it. Bakuda, in the car. Tattletale in the back seat. Otherwise..."

"It's too late. Tattletale said in a cheerful voice, raising her head and looking up: "Should have done it before."

"Sometimes she just me off," - Bakuda grumbled under her breath as she recovers.

"Only sometimes? She me off all the time." - I answered, following the Tattletale, watching as Glory Girl is descending to the ground in front of us in all her ... Glory. For a fraction of a second, I feel admiration for her clear, regular features, her slightly upturned snub nose, her eyes wide open as if in surprise, the way she looks at us with pursed lips and expressions of displeasure. Thoughts flashed in my head about how I want to be humiliated and trampled by Glory, to lie at her feet and beg for at least a glance...

Before I have time to wonder at my thoughts, I am suddenly seized with fear. Glory Girl no longer seemed to be the embodiment of beauty and desirability, she is like Leviathan towering over us, her eyes flashing with an ominous red light, her fingers clenching into fists, and all I can do is run! Or give up! To fall on my knees and beg...

"Are you a fool?! It's her aura, you stupid bitch!" - The Butcher screamed inside me, "If you want to fuck her, fuck her! But don't you dare bow your head to her, it's a shame! The Butcher is always on top, you stupid creature!"

"Tc!" - It's like I'm lifting a heavy weight off my back. I straightened up and looked Glory Girl straight in the eyes. The impact of her aura is underestimated, Glory Girl is practically the Sovereign of our country. She is also invulnerable and strong. A single blow with her fist is enough to turn Taylor into a bloody pulp. Correction was enough. I'm not just Taylor now. And not just any Swarm. I'm also Butcher XV. So in hand-to-hand combat... We'll see.

From somewhere inside there was a desire to give Glory Girl a good slap on her beautiful face. It's probably Taylor, she doesn't like beautiful blondes. Beautiful, self-confident, kind of cheerleaders. Calm down, Tay-Tay, I told myself, just because you were bullied at school and just because you don't have that golden hair and gorgeous figure doesn't mean we're going to hate all beautiful blondes. Tattletale, for example, I'm okay with her, although it's such a thorn in my skinny butt.

"Stand! You're all under arrest!" - Glory Girl threw and beamed... Glory. Or rather, with its aura. But it doesn't work on me anymore, Tattletale looked at her with extreme skepticism on her face, not the slightest bit worried, and Bakuda... Here's a surprise. Bakuda is hiding from Glory Girl behind my back!

Well, I think, these are the fruits of my labours. She already perceives me as "hers" and also as "the elder who will protect me." Half the job is done. And in general, I did a great job today, I saved all of them and only four corpses. Which the insects have already eaten. And there was nothing, that's it. What's the case – what is your evidence? The handles are like that...

I summoned all my insects and dozens of clones stand around us. There's no one on the street but me, Tattletale, and Bakuda, but even if it's just for one audience, there's no need to relax. My job is to divert her attention and Tattletale and Bakuda out of harm's way.

Something flashed in my head, something seemed to prompt me to move my head to the side, to take a step back and to the side, to put out my hands — just like that... to bring the inertia of the blow to the end, sticking Glory Girl's head into the asphalt!

"Oh!" - Glory Girl jumped to her feet, her hair is not even wrinkled, despite the fact that there is now a decent hole in the asphalt. Damn! Municipal services can't even do the road surface.

"Tattletale, go with Bakuda to... Where they were persuaded. I said, "I think I'll be late." I'll talk to Glory Girl.

" Swarm, I beg you not to kill her. That would be bad for PR. Plus, she's cute." - Tattletale said, dragging Bakuda by the hand to the car. Glory Girl has been moving there, but I'm blocking her way.

"Since when do you care?" - I said in a casual tone, just to keep the conversation going, to show Glory Girl that I have everything under control. She's a stubborn girl, but maybe you can talk to her. In the end, I persuaded Bakuda! Ahhh Yes. Not me. The Butcher.

"I don't care," - Tattletale replied cheerfully, getting behind the wheel, "but you like those."