

"Second." - I raised my finger as soon as Glory Girl got into a fighting stance, raising her clenched fists. Never before would I have dared to fight Mini Alexandria, the Barbie of Associated Damage, Victoria Dallon, known as Glory. In the city, Glory was not taken very seriously, her appearance and deliberately frivolous behaviour, hot-headedness and hasty actions, as well as the very fact that she was a schoolgirl... All this influenced the attitude towards her. And, of course, the fact that she is a heroine. The townspeople did not understand this, but the status of a hero immediately made the parahuman not so dangerous, it was calm next to the heroes, heroes are shackled by a bunch of rules and norms, heroes are called upon to protect, heroes do not kill people, do not maim them... and even the criminal has the right to have Miranda read to him and handed over to the police, or the PRT – if the perpetrator is a parahuman.

In fact, any parahuman is dangerous and it doesn't matter if he is a hero or a villain, it's just that the former have better PR. However, people did not understand this and therefore they treated Glory Girl a little condescendingly, did not admire her, rejoiced when they saw her fly in the sky and took autographs with pleasure, but at the same time she was ... A nice girl who tries to be a heroine. Even her nickname pointed to it, a villain who would destroy buildings and structures on the same scale would be called Devastator, Destroyer, Hogger, or something else. She's the Barbie of Associated Damage.

Nevertheless, it should not be underestimated, it is not for nothing that it also has a second nickname - Alexandria on the minimum wage. Mini Alexandria. Alexandria the Younger. With a blow of her fist, she can break through a brick wall, she can throw a car at me, or she can tie a telegraph pole around me. Everything that good old Superman is capable of, except maybe lasers from his eyes. And that's thank goodness. Strength, invulnerability, the ability to fly – never before would I have dared to challenge her. And even now I have a chance to leave - it is enough to block her view with Swarm and dive into the alleyway, take off the hoodie and let a pink T-shirt with a unicorn out of her jeans, tie the hair in a ponytail... and go about your business calmly. Unwritten rules, damn them. To begin with, it's unlikely that you will be able to recognise the terrifying Poison Ivy in me... And even if I do, I'll deny everything.

And, even if I go into battle, I have almost a thousand Medici by my side, I have Kunoichi on my face and in my hair, my Omega squad, the last line of defense. In the air above us hang "Stings", modified Japanese killer hornets, Glory Girl has no chance. She's breathing, I can see she's vulnerable, at least through the pulmonary alveoli, I've got bomb ants with botulinum toxin type A, with strong binary acid, with whatever. Today I did all my homework. I'm ready to fight, and it's only the team that separates Glory from writhing on the asphalt, poisoned and devoured from the inside. I don't know exactly how its invulnerability works, but the internal mucosa must be vulnerable, how else does it get oxygen, how does it feed?

And if that's not enough, I'm still Butcher XV. Pain impulses, festering wounds, the ability to form blades from anything (limitations - you can't grow a blade from organics), teleportation with an explosion, the ability to always hit the target... Lots of options.

But I teared the black handkerchief from my belt and tied it around the back of my head, covering half of my face. I tightened the knot tighter, removed the "Kunoichi" from the skin of my face. What for? I have a feeling that I'm going to be punched in the face, and the neurotoxin in my Kunoichi is not the kind of substance you want to smear on your skin, I assure you. With a handkerchief on my face, my anonymity is at least a little preserved.

"You're an idiot." – Glory Girl said, "You're blindfolded, you fool. Or are you the one who gives up? Then turn your back to me and clasp your hands on the back of your head. Slowly."

"You know, Glory Girl, I've never really liked you," - I said, tilting my head to one side and then to the other, stretching my neck. I snapped my knuckles, clenching the fist of one hand with the other. I'm bouncing on the spot. I moved easily from side to side, as if dancing. My body obeyed me like a perfectly tuned mechanism, like an expensive sports car on a race track. The power overwhelmed me. Stop hiding! Stop holding back! If, where I can realise myself fully, give my best, give myself free rein – it is in a duel with Glory! She's invulnerable, I'm almost. She's strong, but I'm not a slick either. And today there will be no tricky tricks, no backstabs, no poison in the air, no traps on the ground. It will be just a duel, a fight. God, how I missed you...

"You're not all right in your head, weird." – Glory Girl raised her hands: "I'll beat you up so hard that you'll forget your name."

"I have only one request, blonde." - I turned my head to her and saw with my insect eyes how creepy it looks – I'm all in black and blindfolded, but I move as if I can see everything. And I see. From all sides. And my fruit flies are already sitting on Glory's costume, for some reason beacon worms can't get under her skin (invulnerability?), but it stays on her clothes. And I know exactly where her knees are, where her elbows are, where her wrists are, and where her head is. Because a couple of flies settled on her tiara.

"Request?" - Glory's voice is mocking: "Like the last wish? You're a creepy girl, Weird. Give me your request, and then I'll put you to bed, pack you up, and send you to the PRT. You're Bakuda's partner, aren't you? I saw you talking nicely. That from Undersiders was also with you. So, you can't fool me, you're a villain. New?"

"New." - the thought flashed through my mind that this is where I should pout my lips, how is it that so much has already been written about me on PHO, given the stupid name Poison Ivy and the threat level eight, and Glory did not even recognise me when they met. I guess that's how rock stars and actors feel when they say, "You remind me of someone, I can't remember them."

"And she's already a villain. So, what did you want to tell me, girl, before you woke up in the comfort of the PRT?" - Slava came down to earth and moved easily from place to place, her footwork commanded respect. So, she is not just a cardboard fighter, she also did her homework.

"My request is very simple, Glory – please don't hold back. I'm strong." - I said, rushing into the attack. Glory blocked the first blow, deflecting it to the side. And then it flies to the side, demolishing some kiosk with its body and crashing into the wall of the house. Of course, the first strike is a trick. Bought.

"Argh!" – throwing some debris to the sides, Glory flight out of the breach in the wall, she is like a rocket – she crashed into my stomach and threw me away! The world is turning upside down and getting dark! Rumble!

"Tc!" - I found myself almost hammered into the wall of the house, pushing off with my elbows, getting out of there. I found Glory Girl with my eyes. She hanged just five centimetres above the asphalt, her face radiated fierce joy.

"Okay." - I rushed to her. Punch, punch, punch! Left, left, side, hook, block, grip, push, she did not give in, put out her knee and pressed from above - broke the grip, immediately without a swing - she briefly hit me in the face with an elbow, I barely have time to put my forearm! But it's a big blow! There's a crunch in my hand, but I don't feel any pain, even though my hand hanged like a whip. Without giving her a chance to take advantage of it, I hit my head on the bridge of my nose, stepped on my foot and pushed her with my hip! She recoiled, and I rolled to the side. My hand was back in the ranks, I fingered it, feeling the strength in every movement.

I glanced at Slava. She squinted in my direction. She smiled. I have a lot to think about. During the exchange of blows, there was a moment when my gnats were able to touch her body and I managed to implant a beacon in her. However, this suggested that her invulnerability is temporary. It regenerates almost immediately, but it can be overloaded, spammed with the damage inflicted. Hmm.

I watched her dance easily, shifting her body weight from foot to foot. I see a dirty spot on her side, where I was able to break through her defenses and kick her in the liver. Despite the removal of the defense, Glory did not even wince. She's light on her feet, she's fast and technical. Whoever her coach is, he doesn't eat his bread in vain.

She can't see my eyes, but I can see her, and she's looking at me. At some point, time seemed to stand still for the two of us, I see a challenge in her eyes and gladly accepted it! In a fraction of a second, her hand is already flying into my head, changing direction and cutting through the air diagonally, revealing itself into a "shuto" - a sword hand! A hard block on my crossed forearms and I can feel the road surface cracking beneath me! A powerful knee kicked and the world flashed and darkened in my eyes, I tasted blood in my mouth, and the Butchers on the verge of consciousness went berserk and screamed.

"Die, bitch!" - Swara shouted. "We need a heroine!"

"Don't you dare lose to her, four-eyed... slut," - unexpectedly, First Butcher backed me up. "It'd be a disgrace! Hit her with a pain impulse!"

I ignored all these cries from the maniacal cheerleaders in my head. I raised from the asphalt, wiping my mouth with my sleeve. Spit aside. Crimson.

I planted a foot forward, shifted the weight of my body forward. Backward. A leap. A dance. Forward-backward, side to side, never taking my eyes off Glory. Still, I'm not going to attack her with insects or pain impulses; we're equal now, it's a duel. What could be more noble than a duel? Eventually, only one of us must stand, but if I do it any other way than just with fists, I won't respect myself. Or will I? Why do I feel like not just getting into a fight, but challenging myself? Doesn't matter. Adrenaline coursed through my veins, Butchers demanded a fight, my abilities demanded a fight... I want this fight!

"And you're strong," – Glory Girl gave me credit, rubbing her wrist and tilting her head. "But still, you've lost," she sat down on the ground and danced around, circling me without taking her eyes off me. She's like a big cat, her movements so smooth and unhurried, but it's a deceptive impression. I know she can explode into an attack at any moment.

"Wow. – Glory Girl herself gave me a compliment," - I replied, circling her in the other direction. I'm enjoying this conversation, this pause, and... I lunged into an attack! I swept Glory's leg with a low roundhouse kick, and barely did she pay attention to it—immediately I unleashed a barrage of blows, a calculated combination, two punches to the head and a finishing blow—an upward elbow strike, lunging forward, like an elephant impaling its enemy on its tusks, just as Tony Jaa loves to do! Glory Girl didn't manage to block; her defense is overloaded, and she took a blow straight to the face! She rebounded backward, clutching her face, and I—planted my foot on the ground and assumed my stance.

There won't be any rush in our battle; I won't charge forward, trying to finish her off; I'll give her a chance to stand up and recover. After all, she allowed me to rise, didn't she?

Glory Girl struggled heavily on the ground, stood up, holding onto her nose, her face covered in blood. But when I see her eyes—I understand everything.

- Raaaaa! – she took off, and I barely have time to cover myself from a kick to the head, as I immediately flew away... how?! I don't see her punches! She accelerated and unleashed a hail of blows, I don't have time to dodge, I don't have time to block! I covered vital places, shrunk under this hail of blows, bones crackled, my mouth filled with a salty taste, I swallowed something small and smooth... she knocked out my teeth! The world turned over and I'm thrown aside, something rumbled and... everything went quiet.

I slowly realised that I'm lying on my back, littered with some debris, apparently the remains of a long-suffering hot dog stand.

"Damn it! I overdid it again! Heck!" – a voice came from above, I see Glory Girl standing over me, her face is broken, blood is flowing from her nose, her eye is swollen, she is looking at me and her hands are shaking: "I hope I didn't kill her? I need to call Amy! Damn... damn…"

"Who the hell are you talking to?" – I got up, throwing the fragments of the kiosk aside and Glory Girl – took a step back, her only unburied eye – rounded.

I crunched my shoulder back into place and twisted my head, warming up. I have new teeth in my mouth. They said that orcs have teeth instead of currency, so I knocked out a chicken laying golden eggs and new ones grew. So, inflation is not far away.

"You!" - Glory Girl exclaimed: "you... it's like you weren't beaten at all! It's not fair."

"Who would say." – I raised my hands: "Shall we continue, Nice Girl?"

"You're weird. But..." - Glory Girl raised her hands and a cheerful rage flashed in her eyes: - "God, it's been a long time since I let myself go! Finally, I can't hold back!"

"Likewise, Nice Girl. Well? Come here..." - I lowered my hand and made a gesture with my palm. Glory Girl raised her clenched fist and... we hear the rumble of a motorcycle.

"The Armmaster" - Glory Girl said, and I can hear the disappointment in her voice. I'm looking at her. Her nose is broken, her eye is swollen, trickles of blood run down her chin, but there is a fierce fire in her eyes. In the one eye that hasn't swollen yet. And I understand the Glory. To think that I have nothing in the body of a Butcher, but I already want to show off my heroic strength, and exercise properly, open my arm, swing my shoulder. This feeling is familiar to everyone who has been strong and young, the desire to test yourself, give your best, challenge and win.

And she – how many years has she been living with this? She's a heroine and she can't maim or kill, and she's trained to constantly control her power. And yet she constantly breaks down, because she is a Barbie of Associated Damage – I think she compensates for the subconscious desire to straighten up and straighten her shoulders. And most importantly, if she doesn't hold back, then... who will give her the uncluttered joy of hand–to-hand combat at close range? Who can withstand her blows? And who needs it? Glory Girl is not invulnerable at all, and now I know it. She can be killed. Two bullets from a large–caliber rifle, one after the other at once. With poison. Probably by radiation. And I–I can be killed too.

It's hard for me to explain, but suddenly I understand her. And I'm even a little sorry that now our duel with her will end. The Protectorate, the Armmaster, the Miss Militia and the rest will arrive. I can't fight with all of them, it's easier to leave. And that means the fun is over. I'm going to call the clones and...

"It's a pity." – Glory Girl said: "I liked it. Just a little more and I'll kick your ass."

"Oh, of course, it's easy to say that when help is about to arrive." – I answered: "and weakly one on one, girl on girl, as it should be?"

"Am I with you? At any time!" - Glory Girl snorted, folding her arms over her chest, her white and gold uniform is stained with blood, and covered in dirt and dust: "at least when. Even now. Let's move away. One on one?"

"Where to?" - I asked, realizing that the idea is stupid, but I really want to get up. How is it with the Humpbacked Horse - "Be merciful, brothers! Let's have a little fight."

"Ship graveyard." – Glory Girl offered: "there are no civilians there, and we won't break anything... superfluous." She looked at the wreckage of the kiosk. Another trophy to the greater glory of Barbie Associated Damage.

"Come on!" - I agreed: "only... I don't have a car. You saw them leave in it. And on foot, I..." - actually, I have a Butcher tele-porter, but I don't want to give myself away. At least for now.

"I won't carry you." – Glory Girl responded: "You're a villain! Maybe that moped over there?"

"It's a mess," - I pointed out, "besides, we'd steal it. But what about the right of private property, sanctified since the time of the Roman Empire?"

"Well... you're a villain." – Glory Girl pointed out: "and besides, if they see me carrying you through the air, then my mom will kill me. And Director Piggott will torture me."

"That's okay." - I shrugged my shoulders: "so, tell me that you chickened out. I can give you my word that I won't attack you in the air. Besides, you can always throw me down from a height, once you don't have to bother, it's already a flatbread."

"You're weird." – Glory Girl pointed a finger at me. The rumble of a motorcycle can be heard very close.

"Ahhh! Okay, grab my hand, let's fly fast and low!" - she hold out her hand: "and no tricks!"Chapter 25

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♦ Topic: What's Going on in BB?

In: Sections ► News ► Events ► Brockton Bay.

Bagrat (Topic Author) (Veteran) (Expert)

Hello, everyone! What's going on in BB? What do you guys know? Here's what I know at the moment -

First – in the middle of the week, it became known that the Asian Dragon Lung, the cape of incredible power, Dragon of Kyushu Island, the one who could stand toe to toe with Leviathan – is killed. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, killed. Not died from choking on shrimp or stale sushi, but killed. I know simple extrapolation doesn't work here, and you can't say "whoever defeated Lung is stronger than Lung and can fight Leviathan on equal terms". Here we have a "rock-paper-scissors" situation; whoever killed Lung might die from a thrown rock.

A day later, the local PRT branch in BB released information that Lung was killed by a new cape with the temporary alias "Poison Ivy". Seriously, who comes up with these names at the PRT?

Brockton Bay – what do you guys know about this new cape and their name? What does he look like, who is he anyway – a villain or an independent cape? Maybe a vigilante?

White Fairy (Veteran)

You don't even know half of the story. That same evening, the BBPD (Brockton Bay Police Department) issued a press release about the "Slaughter at the Fish Market," listing thirty-two (later thirty-seven) members of the ABB gang, Lung's closest allies, as victims.

Coincidence? Lung died and almost forty of his thugs perish in the same area at the same time. Of course not. My assumption – the new cape emits a poisonous cloud that covers a certain area. His alias speaks to that – Poison Ivy.

There's panic in the PRT; they said they'll call in a special task force to restore order and capture Poison Ivy. By the way, they still haven't decided on his status – villain or vigilante.

Laser Augment (Newbie)

"What?! What kind of status can a mass murderer have? Are you out of your mind? This jerk has killed more people in one go than all the victims of various thugs on the streets in a year! Are you kidding? Villain, definitely a villain. What's there to think about? The local PRT director should take all measures to slap a Kill Order label on his forehead.

Coyote-C (user)

Whoa, easy there! It's not all that straightforward! Who knows what the circumstances were – maybe Lung and his thugs attacked the newcomer, and he, trying to save himself and the people around him, had to release a poisonous cloud. Although with such powers, he should be called... something else. Nuclear Fart?

FlippinMad (user)

I'm scared! Lung was so strong and so big. And now they say at school that there will definitely be a reshuffle of power spheres. Who this new cape is – nobody knows. Although my sources in the PRT said that Wards and Heroes are forbidden to conflict with the new mask, it's recommended to call for reinforcements, and also that he's been assigned a threat level – eight.


What sources are you talking about? Where do you get your sources? Do you even understand what 'threat level eight' means? There are only ten of them in existence! Are you saying that someone of that danger level has emerged in Brockton Bay? Almost Slaughterhouse Nine?! I don't buy it. Lung... he was practically invulnerable. Most likely he got tired of being the 'terrifying Kyushu dragon' and simply staged his death, put the corpse of some poor homeless person in his place, burned thirty people along with him who could have recognized him or had information about his plans, and now he's sitting on a beach somewhere in Miami, sipping a pina colada from a tall glass with an umbrella surrounded by tanned bikini-clad babes.

Azavae (veteran)

Unfortunately, I have to confirm. The new mask under the temporary alias Poison Ivy has been assigned a threat rating of eight. This rating is based on the number of victims as well as the speed at which the lethal outcome occurred."


In: Sections►News►Events►Damn Brockton Bay!

Bagrat (Thread Author) (Veteran) (Expert)

The Butcher has arrived in BB! Earlier, someone from the Teeth had already made a mark on the forum, I am quoting: "We're heading to BB to chew gum and kick ass, and we're all out of gum! Fat lizard Lung put on his fins, spurred the horses, gave the thumbs up, and ordered long live! Yeehaw! Brace yourselves, BB chicks!"

Later, a conflict erupted between the Protectorate Heroes and the Butchers, as well as the capes from the main roster of the Teeth. And you won't believe it, it all happened on the school grounds! Miraculously, none of the students died.

But that's not the main thing. The Protectorate and PRT are silent, but it's already known that practically all the Teeth capes are dead. Yes, that's right, baby. Not arrested, not packed into that goddamn assembly foam, not taken away in special transport for arrested capes and not tucked behind bars or in the Prison. No, they're dead. Animus, Turmoil, Vex – these are just some of them. But the main thing is – where is Butcher XIV? What happened to him? Please give feedback, I'm worried.

Miss Mercury (Protectorate Employee)

Indeed, Butcher XIV and part of his gang under the collective name "Teeth" attacked the Protectorate Heroes during patrol. Engaged in the fight were Armmaster, Miss Militia, Triumph, Velocity, Battery, and Assault. Shortly after, almost the entire New Wave team arrived at the scene except for the underage members. Subsequently, a third party got involved in the conflict, the newly emerged cape Poison Ivy. As a result of his actions, Teeth capes – Animus, Turmoil, Vex, Jambalaya, and Cortez – were killed. None of the Protectorate Heroes or New Wave, as well as civilian individuals, were harmed by Poison Ivy's attack.

As for the whereabouts and condition of Butcher XIV, nothing is known yet. Please refrain from spreading panic and unsubstantiated rumors.

Thank you for your cooperation.

FlippinMad (User)

It was just terrible! Absolutely terrible! They locked us all in the school basement, and there was a battle going on outside! Seriously, the plaster was falling off the walls! I thought I was going to die from fear. One girl felt unwell, I helped her. They called an ambulance, and she was taken to the hospital. I think she'll be okay, although who cares.


So, you go to the same school as me?


Hey! Is this the official position of the PRT or the Protectorate? And since when is it "location and condition unknown"? Is Butcher alive or not? Was his body found on the scene or not? If not – then Butcher is alive. If his body was found – then Butcher... is also alive. Damn bastard is immortal.

Space Zombie

Guy! You can't talk about a lady like that! Butcher is a girl. And she has tits. Personally, I prefer Butcher with tits than Butcher as Armmaster.


Believe me, I fully agreed with you two hundred percent. Not because of the tits, but because with Armmaster's knowledge and skills, Butcher would become incredibly powerful. What's stopping him from building a nail-sized bomb with a power of two hundred megatons in TNT equivalent?


So, The Butcher is now Armmaster? Brockton Bay is doomed.

Miss Mercury (Protectorate Employee)

Please, stop spreading unreliable information! As soon as I have an official press release in my hands, I will publish it immediately. The investigation is ongoing. Please be patient.

FlippinMad (User)

BB is turning into some kind of hellish chaos. Conflicts between the Wards and the Empire have started at our school. And my friend got elbowed in the face by some bespectacled nerd who doesn't get jokes. The overall level of violence is rising. Another friend stumbled and scraped her knee. A guy from the neighboring class got jumped on the street... Dad says we need to move.


It's a common thing. Have you heard of the broken windows theory? If the level of violence rises in small things, it rises everywhere. And in your BB, there are a bunch of capes, constant gang wars, and the economy at rock bottom. What do you expect? FlippinMad, you're a schoolgirl, right? Let's chat?


Guy! Gross! She's still a schoolgirl!


Half the users here are schoolboys and schoolgirls anyway. And maybe it's some bearded dude trucker. Or two truckers, taking turns and laughing at the comments.

Miss Mercury (Protectorate Employee)

Official Protectorate press release is out. Butcher XIV has been killed by Poison Ivy. The information is confirmed; the body of Swara, formerly known as Butcher XIV, was found at the scene of the skirmish between Heroes and Teeth. Based on this information, all Protectorate Heroes and Wardens, as well as independent cape teams, are advised to stay away from the cape temporarily named Poison Ivy.

FlippinMad (User)

Is anyone actually monitoring this chat? It's all just perverts!

White Fairy (Veteran)

Damn. Just damn. Poison Ivy killed Lung. Butcher killed Poison Ivy. And now Butcher has a cape in their tally who killed Lung! Thanks, Brockton Bay, as if Slaughterhouse Nine hasn't paid us a visit yet.


Dude, seriously – don't jinx it. At our school, it's really all knives out – reds and greens with "eights". Violence everywhere. My friend recently snapped and knocked out one of the girls who was bothering her, she totally lost it.


I told you – the broken windows theory. And you – you're also a schoolgirl? Answer me, I messaged you privately.


Back off, creep, I'm a guy! Moderator!

(E.S.Reaver - user banned. Reason – making indecent proposals to forum users)


In our BB, there are not only capes and thugs but also perverts. Gross.


Just for theory's sake – a cape, a thug, and a pervert could be the same person. These concepts aren't mutually exclusive. So... welcome to BB, kid.

♦ Topic: Gang War in BB

In: Sections►News►Events►Gang War!

XxVoid_CowboyxX (Thread Author)

It's begun! The ABB have taken to the warpath! Explosions all over the city, PRT has sent out messages, urging citizens to stay away from windows and not to go out onto the streets! I'm staying home. But who are the ABB fighting? Are they really up against the Eights? And who's fighting for the ABB? Isn't it just Oni Lee left?

Bagrat (Veteran) (Expert)

The ABB have also announced some Bakuda, a cape, a bomb specialist. If you hear explosions – that means Bakuda is on the warpath. Now that Lung's gone, if the ABB don't show they can hold control even without heavy artillery – they'll sink, man.

The ABB are Lung's creation and nothing else. We say Lung, we mean the ABB, and vice versa. Without Lung, the ABB are just a bunch of unruly kids. However, Bakuda is determined to prove otherwise. And yet our city is already restless, somewhere out there Butcher XV in Poison Ivy's body roams, a cape who killed Lung, mind you! Nothing sends shivers down your spine, huh?

PS - Poison Ivy's power (and now, Butcher XV) is not about releasing poisonous clouds, but controlling insects. Huge, specially bred insects that sting their prey with neurotoxin. Now you feel the chill, huh? Or is it still just shivers down your spine? If so, one of those shivers might be a poisonous insect of Butcher with a belly full of neurotoxin.

PPS - To all disinterested parties, I sincerely recommend – get out of BB. It's not worth it.


Poison Ivy is a girl. I have evidence and photos. Downloaded from the Liit & Uber resource. And also... better not look there if you've just eaten. It made me sick. She's a complete psychopath. Crazy as hell. Normally Butcher doesn't manifest themselves so quickly in a new user's mind, I suspect this crazy bitch has always been like this – after all, on her first day, she killed almost forty people. In a short video, this nutjob literally devours a guy to the bone in seconds. Ew...


Holy shit! No, well, did you see that centipede that popped out of the poor bastard's eye socket? Of course, he's from the ABB and all that, but I really feel sorry for the asshole. A terrible death. Who is this Butcher XV? And why the hell does she have the nickname Poison Ivy? She's Weselvul, Lord of the Flies, don't you feel the references?

XxVoid_CowboyxX (Author of the topic)

I've got it all figured out! Lung was not killed! He transformed into this Poisonous One, and then he faked his death, but the Teeth found out about it and came to shorten him, and he destroyed the Butcher and became a Butcher himself, and then defeated him inside his head. Bakuda took advantage of the fact that none of the ABB recognized Lung and rebelled, and now this is personal for Lung!

FlippinMad (user)

God, man, you need treatment. I have a weirdo in my class like you, who believes in conspiracies and powers in vials. And also, that the Trimuvirate is actually the source of a global conspiracy and they release villains from prisons on purpose. You'd better stay at home and stay away from the windows. Otherwise, you'll bite someone and infect them with paranoia.


You don't understand anything, it's all a big conspiracy! Watch the video! It also shows that this is personal for the Butcher! How she bullied Bakuda... and the bugs ate the guy for a reason, this is the price for betrayal. It's all clear, I'm telling you. We have a new boss in BB now – Lung the Butcher! ABB is a branch of Teeth!

Miss Mercury (Protectorate Worker)

We kindly ask you to stay at home and not go near the windows. XxVoid_CowboyxX – and a separate request to you, stop dispersing such wild conspiracy theories. The situation is under control, information about the incident will be known in the near future.

Bagrat (Veteran) (Expert)

I watched the video of Liit and Uber. I have a chill on my skin in half with goosebumps. The new Cape, or rather the new Butcher number XV, is a cold–blooded, cruel and ruthless bitch. The kid must have been about twenty years old. And yes, he was dressed in gang colors, he was a bandit and he had a gun in his hands, but he definitely did not deserve to die like this. Now it becomes clear how she killed Lung. Attack by poisonous insects from all sides, neurotoskin poisoning, overload of Lung regeneration... a terrible death.

And... did you notice that the Butcher is standing next to the Undersiders? Are they in league? This will mean a serious strengthening of the Undersiders... or their joining the Teeth team.

FlippinMad (user)

Holy shit! Holy shit! Glory Girl beat the Butcher! That's... that's cool, isn't it? Or... not?


What?! What makes you think that? Evidence? Videos, photos?!

FlippinMad (user)

Well... she just flew over my house and held that dark girl's hand like a vulture holding a chicken! I... I didn't have time to film it!


That's crazy.

Bagrat (Veteran) (Expert)

A new video on the website of Uber and Liit. The fight between Glory Girl and the Butcher XV. Has Glory Girl gone crazy? She kneaded it to death, so she can become a Butcher herself! Look, I recommend it, Glory Girl knocked the dust out of the Butcher so that it is very expensive! The heroine of BB! I hope she's okay, I won't survive if the Nice Girl becomes Butcher number XVI.…


He won't. Glory Girl is actually not a human, but an android, her outer shell is soft, but in fact she is an artificial intelligence. Preoccupied artificial intelligence. The guy from Arcadia told me.

FlippinMad (user)

Here! Here! A video was posted online! Someone managed to film Glory Girl dragging the Butcher through the air, apparently, she wants to arrest her! Grabbed her like a predator's prey! Glory Girl – well done! My heroine! I will definitely thank her!


Uh... haven't you seen the video? Glory Girl holded the Butcher in two arms like a bride. Carefully so. If it hadn't been Glory on the one hand and Butcher XV on the other, I would have suspected a romantic relationship. Seriously, what's going on in our city?! Is Glory Girl carrying a Butcher in her arms?!

FlippinMad (user)

Well... she probably dragged her to the PRT... to imprison in a cell…


The PRT is in the other direction. If Glory Girl dragged the Butcher somewhere, it was to his private prison. The prison of your heart... the relationship between the Butcher and Glory Girl! Holy shit!

FlippinMad (user)

Ugh, fuck!

Bagrat (Veteran) (Expert)

!!!???? Seriously, what's wrong with you?! How old are you anyway?


Everything says it! She was carrying her in her arms! Carefully! This Butcher is nothing like that, tall and thin, purely a model. Did you see how they fought?! It's like a dance! A courtship ritual! The Butcher did not grab a machine gun, did not incite her wasps, did not hit her with a painful impulse even once! I'm telling you, it's a courtship ritual! And now Glory Girl will drag the Butcher into his lair and together they will make nice little Butchers... or are they Butchering? Or Butcher Shops? And what are we going to call this couple – GloButchers or Butcherglories?


And people also say that it's me who's fucked up…Chapter 26

Glory Girl gently set me on my feet and then stepped aside. We were at the Ship's Graveyard, a place that served as the source of many urban legends, a place loved by teenagers to frequent, a place parents adamantly forbade those very teenagers from going to. They say this is where only newly-triggered capes train. But most likely, it's just one of the city legends.

I am looking at Glory Girl. The blood from her nose had stopped flowing, she wiped her face, and now looked like an ordinary cheerleader girl who had just taken a punch. It looked funny – her eyes were swollen; her nose was swollen.

There are no trivialities in life, I think, as to how she put me down – it matters. We are enemies, but she didn't throw me down, didn't shove me from three or five meters away, and didn't immediately attack. No. She gently, softly, almost exaggeratedly softly – placed me on the ground. I have a theory that you never really know a person until you fight them. Yes, only like that. You can live for years next to someone and not know what they're capable of, how they'll act in this or that situation, and the labels "hero" or "villain" have nothing to do with it.

So, what does the behavior of Victoria Dallon, Glory Girl, and Mini Alexandria tell me? That she's brave, that she's hot-headed, sometimes excessively so. That she's not going to gain unfair advantage, she prefers to play fair, by the rules, even if it's disadvantageous to her. In battle... oh, in battle she gives herself over to her passion completely. Just paint her green and she's ready – Hulk smash!

The Tattletale was right, I like people like that. Honest, sincere, straight as an arrow. Right. Probably because I'm not like that? In life, I always take advantage, and what's better than hitting someone in the back from the darkness, when the enemy doesn't expect it? So, why am I behaving like this with her? Why do I let her hit me? Playing the victim? No, I don't see her as a victim, although both here and there – I could still kill her in a couple of seconds. My combat abilities are much wider than hers, she can only punch, kick, maybe throw a car eventually. I could avoid close combat with her altogether. Tear the distance and attack with "Stingers", they're the fastest I have. Burst right in front of her face a dozen ant-grenades with botulotoxin type A. Make her rot alive. Hit her with a pain impulse. In my head – thousands of ways, hundreds of schemes and scenarios of a fight.

But – no. I'm fighting Glory Girl with my fists. Why? Because I need it. To feel the fight, to stop hiding in the shadows. Strength against strength, without tricks, without backstabbing, without unfair advantage. Here we agree – she didn't even try to hurt me when we were flying high to the Ship's Graveyard, yet she could've just risen higher and unclenched her fingers. Bang! No punch to the face compares to the kinetic energy of falling from a hundred meters high. I would survive, I would teleport, but then I would know for sure that Glory Girl is capable of treachery.

Now, after the soft landing – I know that Glory Girl is not capable of such things. And I... though I'm cynical and capable of much for victory (as one acquaintance said - if you can't win fairly, just win), but next to her, I won't do that either.

- Ready? - Glory Girl asked me, stretching her neck, rotating her head demonstratively, and not taking her eyes off me.

- There aren't enough judges. Or are the rules regular - whoever's left standing wins? - I asked, smiling. When you don't know what to do - smile. Now I'm switching on the Tattletale, she loves to annoy her enemies. Although - what am I saying? She loves to annoy allies too.

- The duel ends when I pack you up and take you to the PRT. - Glory Girl said firmly, raising her hands and taking a stance: - no other way. You're a villain and...

- I'm actually not opposed to fighting. - I answered, rubbing my wrist: - just where did you get the idea that I'm a villain?

- You hang out with Bakuda and that bitch from the Undersiders, who takes on too much. Tell me who your friend is and I'll tell you who you are. - Glory Girl replied: - are you gonna talk? Or?

- Or? Just remind me to continue this conversation later. Personally, I don't consider myself a villain, though I'm not a hero like you. I prefer a life without labels. I'm ready. - I took a step forward. In Eastern tradition - a bow. Fighters bow, clasping their hands in front of them as a sign of respect to an equal. But Barbie of Associated Damage, is a Western girl and I extended my clenched fist forward. After some hesitation, Glory Girl - took a step forward and pushed my fist with hers. A customary greeting of boxers in the ring. Equal to equal. You're a fighter and I'm a fighter, I respect you for your strength, your ability to control your body, I know that you, like me, can inflict pain, endure pain, that behind you - hundreds of hours of training when you, just like now, raised your hands, assuming a stance, so that these movements became one with you. Wake you up at night, push you off the bed with a blow, and you - like me, roll over and without even understanding what's happening, - jump up and stand in this very stance. When the world around will crumble and collapse into hell, and Satan himself will crawl out from under the ground - you, like me - will simply raise your hands and take a step forward.

We are different, you're a bright blonde, a cheerleader, a popular girl, a star, when people look at you, smiles appear on their faces, and I'm dark, with long black hair, skinny, unremarkable, people don't notice me, they turn away after barely glancing, but...

But we are similar. I don't know where from, but I know it for sure. Each of us has stood in front of the mirror more than once, raising our hands and assuming a stance, clenching our fists. I don't know the reasons, but I'm absolutely familiar with this feeling - the desire to become stronger. So, between me and the bright girl from the poster of the New Wave - there is more in common than between anyone else.

She broke into an attack, and I rushed towards her, as if diving into the frenzied rhythm of the fight. I turned off the Tactician's power, I am not listening to the Butchers' advice, I kept only the strength, speed and perception of the Swarm (I can't turn it off if I want to).

We circled around each other, exchanging blows, driving each other into the rusted hulls of ships, kicking up dust, flying away, jumping to our feet and grappling again. At some point, we clinched and fell to the ground. Glory is strong, very strong! But... I turned over on the ground, threw my leg, squeezed her head, grabbed her arm and ... it didn't work to make a painful elbow lever, she let go of me and turned out. He jumped back.

I jumped to my feet and rushed to her, but she put her hands up and I stopped. What?

- Your handkerchief is untied. – She said, pointing at me with her finger. I looked at myself from the outside, through the Swarm, I saw that Glory is right – while we were messing around on the ground, the handkerchief flew off. I spitted to the side. More blood.

- I don't care, - I said, wiping my mouth, "we're big girls. Whatever I'm wearing right now, it's going to tear anyway. You're hitting like a steam hammer."

- If you don't care, I certainly don't. Shall we continue? - she raised her arms, standing in a stance.

- of course. – and the world is torn apart again, space and time ceased to be one, time flew in fits and started, then slowing down and I can see in all details the fist of Glory in my face for a split second before I am thrown back and imprinted into the rusty hull of the ship, the rumble and roar! Darkness, flashes! Time is compressed and now I'm raining down a hail of blows, overloading the defense of Glory and with a final kick into the hull, I broke through the cabin of a small tugboat lying on board. Glory Girl flied out of the wreckage, her face is distorted by a grimace of rage, she grabbed me by the throat and slammed me into the ground! Crunch, salty taste in the mouth! A blow! She is sitting on top of me and... I am barely managing to cover myself with my crossed forearms! A blow! From above, with all her strength, with all her weight, with everything she has! A blow! I can feel the ground cracking under my back. A blow! With each new blow, my bones cracked and broke, she rised up and cut from above, with her forearms, fists, elbows, she is like a furious thresher, like a jackhammer, driving me into the ground!

Take it! The creature! Bitch! Aaaarrgh! – Glory is shouting and the world flashed before my eyes again. I got it…

Then – abruptly, without interruption, as if the light had been turned on – I was already sitting on top of Glory Girl and hitting her with all my might on her once graceful, doll-like face. I saw that my punches are hitting the target and I'm growling, I can't speak, I can only growl. Get it, get it, get it! I've never loved people like you! Beautiful, popular, self-confident... people like you have made Taylor's life hell! Take it!

Darkness again. Flashes of pain. Bone crunching. Somewhere far away is the cry of Glory. A cry of rage.

I'm lying on my back and looking up. A plane is flying in the sky high above us, leaving a white trail behind it. I have a salty, glandular taste of blood in my mouth. Everything hurt... and they also say that Butchers don't feel pain, huh.

- I've always dreamed of flying. - I said, looking at the plane in the sky, "I wonder what it's like?"

- At first it was very funny. – Glory Girl responded, sitting next to me and looking at the sky with me: - and then... you get used to it. It's cold up there.

- So, you would fly in tights, it would be warmer... - I said, turning my tongue sluggishly: - Tc! You knocked out half my teeth again.

- They will grow up. – Glory Girl said, gently touching his swollen nose bridge: - and you broke my nose.

- I tried very hard. - I said, trying to sound proud. It doesn't work out very well. We are silent. I have an emptiness inside. But this is not an oppressive, draining emptiness of strength and will, as during depression, it is a pleasant emptiness. Even the Butchers fell silent, my insects peacefully sat down, the world around is transparent and simple. It's good for me. It was as if I had thrown away all my worries and fears, as if I had been cleansed. I'm smiling. If only Tattletale could fight... I wonder if she can?

- What was that at the end? - Glory Girl asked me and I turned my head to her.

- Irish lights out. - I said: - my dad is half Irish. They do that there.

- Really? Freaking freaks. I almost killed you. – Glory Girl said: "your head turned a hundred and eighty degrees from the impact."

"Pfft... it's just a spinal fracture. The neck can't twist like that. Look at you…

- It's not fair. Your regeneration is frenzied. – Glory Girl remarked in response: - if you hadn't been recovering, I would have worn you out like a rag. And how many times your hands have broken, I've lost count.

- Anything that doesn't kill me makes me stronger.

- Oh, so you're a fan of Nietzsche? I thought it was the Eights who professed Nietzscheanism and all this "So spoke Zarathustra." You're from the ABB, aren't you? You should quote Sun Tzu and all that eastern wisdom.

- Now, wait... - I sat down with a groan and put my hands on my knees: - how is it – a worthy enemy is better than an unworthy ally.

- That's it. Ouch... ouch... - Glory Girl turned to me with difficulty: - You hit me hard. Amy's going to go crazy. Yes, and Mom will get it.

- It's good when the family knows. - I chuckled: - you are with open faces, everyone knows you. It's probably inconvenient, but there are no questions in the family. Where you were – in the Graveyard of Ships, was beating the cape villain. And that's it, my hands, come in to dinner. And I still have to figure out where I've been and why I have a new hoodie... because you tore this one to shreds..." I am looking down. I'm still wearing a torn pink unicorn T-shirt.

- I... by the way, I wanted to ask – why such a T-shirt? – Glory Girl looked away: - it doesn't seem like your style.

- Well... uh... come on. — I finally decided: - this is a disguise. I'm in civilian clothes, right? I could run away from you, and then throw away my hoodie and stay in a T–shirt. No one will think that I can be gloomy in a pink T-shirt, and even with a unicorn! What? What are you laughing at?!

- Stop it, my ribs are broken! Ahah... - Glory Girl grabbed her stomach and slowly fell on her side: - I can't! Aha-ha! Pink! This is... a disguise! Fucking sparrows! Disguise!!

- Why are you laughing? This is the art of hiding. Is it unexpected? Didn't you expect that? This is the disguise! In the wild, you need to hide and be invisible, and in society, in the city, you need to become like others, get lost in the crowd and ...

– Aha-ha! Have you seen your face in the mirror?! – Glory Girl is rolling slowly on the ground laughing: "Ahah... bitch, it hurts... ouch... ouch... ooh... ahaha!" Stop it!

- I'm not doing anything! You're riding around here and laughing like a horse! What's funny, explain..." - I folded my arms over my chest. My bones are healing, something is crunching in my back, and I'm starting to feel noticeably better. The Butcher has a cool ability after all.

- With your gloomy face and such a T–shirt, as soon as you go out into the city, people will look back at you! – Glory Girl said: - yes, you need to get lost in the crowd, you need to be like everyone else, but you can't put on a clown hat, a red nose and skis on your feet, you can't attract attention. And you... oh, my God... aha-ha... disguise. You're our invisible... okay. Get up. I'll carry you.

- Where is it going?

- How to where? You're a villain, you've lost. That's it, into the camera. Hands on the back of your head and all that stuff. I won't read you the rights, I don't remember it very well myself. Well, they'll read it to you on the spot.

- Really? - I looked at her with undisguised skepticism. Her ribs are broken, the bridge of her nose is swollen, she dragged her leg, if not a fracture, then I beat off her hip significantly. Now Glory Girl was only able to fly very slowly and then not in the most attractive position. Of course, the Panacea, the most famous Cape healer is her own sister, so I'm not worried that Glory will remain a cripple. At the same time, right now Glory Girl is a disabled person who will not take a step without "ouch-ouch". As it should be after a good fight. She should lie down, rest, take medicine and fix fractures, and not rush into a fight again. Moreover, I'm already in shape, as if I hadn't fought at all. It's a pity that the Butcher doesn't have the ability to heal others.

- Actually, there is. - Edward said in my head: - firstly, it is the ability to control blood, and secondly…

- Shut the fuck up! Shut up! – growled the Butcher: - shut up and that's it!

- Saliva. - Edward continued: - you will laugh, but this ability…

- Shut up, bitch! I'm going to kill you!

- ... from the original Butcher.

- Well, that's it, you won't live!

"Why don't I know about it?" - I asked Edward and felt the mental equivalent of a shrug.

- Probably because this ability acts on others and not on himself, - he logically suggested: - when did the Butcher want to cure someone else?

- All right! Damn, it's just fine! – the Butcher rolled his eyes: - the bespectacled slut! Don't you dare! The Butcher has a Legacy! The butcher does not heal anyone! The Butcher is crippling!

- We agreed about the bespectacled…

- I'm not calling you a bespectacled whore anymore!

- She's not bespectacled anymore. – Quarrel intervened in the conversation: - does not wear glasses, are you stupid? And you, Taylor, you have a great opportunity.…

- What kind of opportunity is this?

- Cure your heroine-girlfriend. Just apply some of your saliva to the affected areas. Hmm... I don't even know how... probably with your tongue? I wonder if you need to lick it all over, or is it enough to stick your tongue down your throat?

- Ugh! Well, that's it, I'm not listening to you... - I switched to other channels of perception. I'm looking at Glory. She is looking back at me. She is a fighter and understands perfectly well that right now she is not my opponent. But she's not going to give up, and moreover, she threatened to put me in a cell. Hmm.

– Listen, what do you have here... - I distracted her attention and before she has time to react, I pulled her phone out of her pocket.

- It's useless... - she started, but I quickly pressed her finger to the screen and jumped aside.

- Hey! Give it back! Do you hear?! This is private property and …

- Yes, please... - I gave her the phone back: - I just wrote down your number. And called for help.

- Help?

- Well... you can't take me to the PRT alone. However, I won't wait. But you wait, they'll arrive in fifteen minutes. Otherwise, if I leave you here, tomorrow the newspapers will write that I left you in the Graveyard of Ships, and you got lost and starved to death. And thirst. And so, they make a bloodthirsty maniac out of me…

- Wait. Wait... are you Poison Ivy?!

– A stupid name for me.

- Are you Butcher XV?!

- The idiotic habit of calling people by numbers. The XV. By the way, I have a name. I'm Taylor. I hold out my hand for a handshake. Glory Girl automatically took it into her own.

- And you are Victoria Dallon, nice to meet you. However, since help is coming, and I don't want to end up in a comfortable PRT cell, I think it's time for me to go.

- Mom will kill me ... - Glory Girl barely moved his dry lips: - I will not live. And a Panacea…

- If you're thinking of running away from home, I texted you there, this is my number. And... fight if you want to. Our fight is not over.

- what?

- Well, you said it yourself – the duel will end when you take me to the PRT cell. Until then, nothing is finished. Okay, I really have to go, I have a lot to do. And you just wait, the PRT will come for you now.

- Fucking sparrows... - Glory Girl pulled: - Holy shit. I've been fighting with... you, the Butcher XV for fists?!

- And showed yourself worthily! You prescribed me such cradles. Oh! Here it is. I put a small object in her hand.

- what is it?

- My tooth. That's how you knocked dozens of them out of my mouth, it is lying around everywhere, but this one is for memory. I've already got it for myself.

- I'd say you're fucked up, but since you're Butcher XV, that's clear by default. And... how are you feeling? - Glory Girl asked cautiously: - voices in your head? Kill and rape everyone? Burn down the city?

- There is such a thing. – I nodded: - but I seem to be coping so far. And they don't even cause trouble. Although you should have heard what they're offering to do to you.

- Oh. Really?

- Yeah. Quarrel is offering…

- Whoa, that's it. I don't want to hear it. She raised her hand and grunted in pain, "you know, if it wasn't for this fight, I probably would have been angry. Or scared. Or... I don't know what. But right now, my head is so empty... and for some reason I'm not the least bit surprised that I'm talking to you. It's kind of surreal, isn't it?

- Don't tell me. It feels the same. - I nodded.: - and you are unexpectedly pleasant to talk to, Glory Girl, although I thought you were a sugary girl from an advertising poster.

- Well, that's it. My direct right is the key to communication between people. – Glory Girl smiled wryly: - and... oh. A motorcycle again. Do you hear?

- The gunsmith. Okay. I really have to go... call, write... as soon as you get better and want to measure your strength…

- You're stupid. What's there... yes, I'm going to be locked up at home for a week now after this... eh.