Chapter 7 Purchasing Equipment

After reading the introduction to safe houses inside, Jack immediately selected his own service offerings.

The first step was to reinforce the entire house, replacing the entire material of their house. The walls, ceilings, and floors were all made of 200mm thick alloy, directly replacing the original walls.

This was an aviation material that weighed only one-third of steel, but its strength was ten times that of precision steel! Using this material to create a safe house can fit perfectly into the building where Jack lives, and there would be no problem of overload. The window glass was made of the best bulletproof glass in the world today. Secondly, the ventilation system was equipped with air filtration function.

No harmful gas can enter from the outside.

Finally, there was a complete monitoring system that can monitor the inside and outside of the house in all directions without blind spots.

And all the doors were replaced with thick anti-theft doors of the same material as the bank vault, making it difficult to open them even with small bombs. In short, Jack's request was only one - to make his house an absolute inviolable Iron King! After checking these options, Jack handed the computer to Wu.

After reading it, Wu couldn't help but widen his eyes.

A house of only 120 square meters, yet crafted like an iron bucket.

"As long as weapons are added, this is simply a fortress!"

Wu murmured.

Upon hearing these words, Jack's eyes flickered.

"Oh, do you still have research on fortresses?"

Wu chuckled and said, "I used to work as a mercenary abroad, and I have a deep understanding of military knowledge."

A spiritual light flashed through Jack's mind.

He suddenly lowered his voice and said to Wu, "Do you have a way to get the gun?""

This sentence also made Wu 's expression become serious.

In our country, firearms were not allowed to be privately held.

"Sir, you should understand that in principle, that kind of thing is not allowed to be held privately."

Wu also whispered.

"Have you encountered some terrible enemy that made you so scared?"

Jack borrowed a donkey from the slope.

"That's right, I offended some people on the road. They were very ruthless and had guns in their hands."

A house of only 120 square meters, yet crafted like an iron bucket.

"As long as weapons are added, this is simply a fortress!"

Wu murmured.

Upon hearing these words, Jack's eyes flickered.

"Oh, do you still have research on fortresses?"

Wu chuckled and said, "I used to work as a mercenary abroad, and I have a deep understanding of military knowledge."

A spiritual light flashed through Jack's mind.

He suddenly lowered his voice and said to Wu, "Do you have a way to get the gun?""

This sentence also made Wu's expression become serious.

In China, firearms are not allowed to be privately held.

"Mr. Zhang, you should understand that in principle, that kind of thing is not allowed to be held privately."

Wu also whispered.

"Have you encountered some terrible enemy that made you so scared?"

Jack followed his words.

"That's right, I offended some people on the road. They were very ruthless and had guns in their hands."

"I just thought, can we also use some guns for self-defense? Otherwise, we can only hide in the house and get beaten, it's not a problem."

Wu chuckled and said, "Sir, I'm afraid I can't help you with this kind of thing. We're a legitimate company." However, from Wu's eyes, Jack could tell that he wasn't unable to get a gun, but rather unwilling to wade in the muddy water.

Jack took a deep breath.

Then he said to Wu, "The safe house project I'm working on will cost over eight million dollars. If I still have problems later, it won't have a good impact on your company."

He stared at Wu and said word by word, "I just want someone to defend myself. If you can help me with this favor, I won't treat you unfairly." Wu didn't speak, frowning as he weighed the matter.

He naturally had connections.

However, he was not clear about Jack's background, so of course he dared not easily introduce him.

"You can go back first. Although I can't do this, I can help you inquire. If there is any news, I will contact you again." Wu clearly couldn't make up his mind for a moment.

However, Jack didn't push too hard either. Guns and other things really need to be careful. He smiled and said, "Okay, I'll wait for your news."

"By the way, I'm in a hurry about this matter. Please come and help me create a safe house as soon as possible."

Wu said, "At most half a month, we can help you build it."

After discussing with Wu, Jack signed the contract on the spot.

Similarly, he paid a deposit of 1 million dollars.

As for the remaining balance, there was no chance to pay it again in this lifetime.

Leaving the Z Security Company.

The problem of living had basically been solved.

Next, Jack returned to the car and called one of his acquaintances, Lewis.

Lewis ran a hunting ground in T City.

Several hundred acres of land had been wrapped up in West Mountain, where various harmless small animals were kept for people to go hunting and leisure on weekdays.

In his hands, there were many legally obtained crossbows, composite bows, and air guns.

Jack had played a few times before, so he had Lewis's contact information.

He called Lewis to help him buy a batch and suggested that he could purchase it at a premium.

Lewis was a businessman, and there were also times when he asked for help from Jack, so he easily agreed to this matter.

"Brother Jack, why do you buy so many equipment? These things can only be used for hunting, or you can play with them yourself. You can't use them to hurt people!" Lewis asked with a smile, but his words were a bit cautious.

After all, things were sold from his hands.

If Jack used these weapons to harm someone, he would also be in trouble.

Of course, those who can open a hunting ground in T City naturally had a background.

But there was no need for others to take risks because of Jack, an ordinary friend.

Jack chuckled and casually found a reason: "You're overthinking! I've made plans with a few friends to go hunting at the African wildlife park in a while. So, get more equipment!"!

Lewis clicked of the tongue twice and said, "Oh, Brother Jack still knows how to play! But there are many lions and dogs in Africa, so be careful!"

"Mmm hmm. That's settled then. How long will it take to get the things ready for me?"

"Hi, I have ready to make ones here. You can come and pick them up when you have time later."

Jack didn't procrastinate either, so he immediately drove to the West Mountain Hunting Ground and bought the things back.

For him, the current time was very precious and cannot be delayed for a moment.

He purchased five precision steel crossbows and three advanced composite bows from Lewis, with 300 arrows each.

In addition, he also bought two high-quality hunting knives.

This was made of Damascus steel, very tough and sharp, and it was extremely difficult to damage unless it was a long-term chopping of hard objects.

This thing was definitely sharp for self-defense (chopping people)!

All these things were packed to the brim of a trunk.

Looking at this pile of equipment, Jack suddenly felt a strong sense of security in his heart.

Immediately, he pulled a cart of equipment back home.

As they were all purchased through legitimate channels, he had also obtained a hunting certificate to play, so he was not worried about being questioned by the police. When he returned home, it was already dusk.

Jack went out again and enjoyed a hot pot meal alone.

Thinking that he would have to make his own hotpot in the future, he immediately paid and ordered 10000 pieces of hotpot seasoning.

The waiters were all scared out of their wits, thinking that Jack was someone from a hostile merchant who came to cause trouble.

But fortunately, restaurant's service was relatively good, so they didn't directly argue with Jack.

Later, the manager of the restaurant came over and inquired with Jack before taking on this order.

However, the condition was cash payment to prevent Jack from being sabotaged by hostile merchants.

Jack was very pleased and paid over one million dollars directly on site.

With such a generous gesture, the restaurant manager was overjoyed and even gifted 500 portions to Jack.