Chapter 8: Gradual Arrival of Materials

Jack left the address and asked the employees to return and deliver the hot pot base.

As for food materials, they can be taken directly from Mart's warehouse at that time.

Only hot pot seasoning, this kind of thing would not really be taken out for sale, even the bagged hot pot seasoning available on the market was actually far inferior to what was available in the store.

Otherwise, no customers would run to the store to eat hot pot.

After finishing his meal, Jack was ready to go home when he received a call from the five-star hotel manager on his phone.

"Sir, we have prepared the 500 tables of banquet you ordered. Would it be convenient for you to receive them now?"

"Well, just send it over."

Jack returned home and waited for them to bring over all the delicious food.

These 500 banquet tables were enough for him to eat for two or three years.

Anyway, he still had eight or nine million dollars in his hand, and he didn't feel any pain spending money now. Instead, he was in a hurry to spend all the money.

On the way back, Jack thought about what else he liked to eat.

So he placed an order for several major restaurants in T City, asking them to bring him one hundred tables each.

Eight major cuisines, including Western cuisine, had ordered thousands of tables!

All of a sudden, I had covered up half of my life's meals.

Not long after, the dining car of H Hotel arrived at the entrance of Community.

Twenty to thirty vehicles surrounded the road, making the neighbors in the community dumbfounded.

Security guard quickly stepped forward to stop and asked what they were doing here.

The hotel manager explained the situation, but security guard insisted on having the owner come over before he could open the door.

After all, they didn't know what was inside the car. He couldn't easily let it go for the safety of the community. The hotel manager had to call Jack.

Jack went downstairs and arrived at the entrance of the community.

At this moment, the entrance of the community was crowded with people, including the neighbors of the unit building, as well as the spectators Jenny and Rose. Jack walked up to the security guard and smiled, "Hi, these are for me to deliver meals. Let them come in!" Security guard looked surprised.

"A delivery person? What kind of food do you need to be delivered in a dozen of cars."

The neighbors around were also in uproar when they heard it was a dining car.

"My God, there must be at least a few hundred tables here! Where is he planning to put them?"

"May it be Jack's family to set up a banquet."

"May he be getting married? But hundreds of tables are too scary."

"You can see clearly, that's H, a five-star hotel!"

"It booked hundreds of tables there, at least a million or so!"

"My God, it can spend a million or so on a banquet. Jack is really secretive!"

"I used to only know that his family had a good foundation, but now it seems like he might be a wealthy person."

The neighbors were discussing and their eyes towards Jack became fiery, with a hint of awe.

Seeing this scene on the roadside, Jenny pursed her lips and strengthened her determination to take Jack.

She took the initiative to walk towards Jack and smiled, saying, "Jack, what's been going on at home lately? You have bought so many things."

Jack ignored her and instead handed security guard a cigarette.

Security guard saw the owner coming and opened the fence door, allowing the convoy of H Hotel to enter the community.

Jack leads them ahead.

Although he didn't pay attention to Jenny, she showed no concern at all at this moment, chatting and laughing with him.

"Is there something at home that you can't tell me? Aren't we good friends?"

"In the future, I hope to learn more about you. But don't take me as an outsider."

Jack gave her a deep glance and sneered, "I bought all these things for my boss. And last time I went to a restaurant, he treated me." He sighed and said, "Oh, if only I were so rich."

Jenny's face suddenly changed.

"You're not joking with me, are you?"

Jack shrugged and said, "How could I deceive you? We've known each other for several years, and you're not unfamiliar with the situation in our family."

"My parents have both passed away, and I am just a warehouse manager. How could I have any money."

His explanation made Jenny's face uncertain.

She did also suspect that the wealthy second-generation family at least had to do big business.

And Jack's parents had passed away for several years, although they had left some family assets, they cannot be considered as a wealthy second-generation.

Now that Jack had personally admitted that he was not the second generation wealthy, all the doubts in Jenny's heart can be explained.

She silently distanced herself from Jack, then curled her hair and said with a polite smile, "Whether you are a wealthy second-generation or not, we are all best friends, aren't we? I am not a materialistic woman."

The word "friend" was deliberately bitten by her with some weight.

Angelic bitch never stopped doing things because she also needed an alternate and a licking dog to serve herself.

Jack curled his lips and didn't say anything to her anymore.

On the other hand, employees of H began to move tables and tables of large meals to the location designated by Jack.

Although there was a large amount of food at 500 tables, after being packed in a food box, the footprint did not appear too exaggerated.

Jack had good social connections, so he borrowed an underground warehouse from the property management in the community. Let him put the things into the warehouse first.

What Jack ordered were all top-notch foods, including abalone, Australian dragon, truffles, and caviar, having all the necessary.

It would take some time to transport 500 tables feast to the warehouse.

Even the hotel manager looked a bit surprised. After working as a manager for so many years, it was the first time he had encountered such a large takeout order. Jack told them to just move the things to the warehouse.

He secretly took advantage of the departure of the movers and packed all the food into his own space.

Others may have doubts and think that Jack is abnormal.

But in this world, everyone was quite busy, how can anyone spare the time to care about you as an unrelated person?

So whether it's neighbors or hotel employees, at most they just talk a few words, and no one really cared.

Soon, all 500 tables of big meals were taken into a different space by Jack.

In the evening, Jack received a call from Wu, the manager of Z Company.

Wu told Jack that they were ready and could come to Jack's house at any time to build a safe house.

When was convenient for Jack to start working.

Jack told them directly that they could come tomorrow.

And he planned to move to a hotel first.

After discussing the matter of the safe house, Jack was waiting for Wu's next message.

He had another very important thing to do when he came to find Wu, which is to use various life tools.

After hesitating for a while, Wu lowered his voice and said to Jack, "If you really need this, I can recommend a way for you. But the price may be a bit expensive."

Jack nodded, of course he knew about it.

But in terms of money, he didn't care at all now.

"This is not a problem, as long as the quality of the things is good."

Wu said easily, "Okay, since that's the case, I will help you recommend it. I will tell you the transaction location after three days."