Chapter 12 Empty a Billion-dollar Warehouse

Jack asked the courier to deliver 100 giant buckets to the warehouse.

Then he put it in the space and brought it back home.

After returning home, Jack started turning on all the faucets and pouring water into the bucket.

At this speed, we can fill all 100 buckets in at most a week.

Days passed by day by day.

Jack had been idle all day.

He spent every penny in his hand without saving anything.

Go to the best restaurant every day for meals.

Then purchased a large number of dishes from top restaurants and store them in his own separate spaces.

And during this period, he went to the shooting range in T City every day to practice crossbow and firearm shooting, striving to improve his skills. It's not realistic to train oneself to become a skilled fighter in just one month.

But with a crossbow and gun, coupled with a super safe house with an all metal shell, he would not be afraid of any potential danger. Such actions naturally cannot escape everyone's eyes.

But everyone around him treats Jack as a joke.

They felt that he had a mental problem and everyone was mocking him privately.

Even Jenny deliberately distanced herself from Jack and refused to communicate with him.

Just like that, time passed day by day.

More than twenty days had passed quickly, and the end of the day was not far away.

Jack had collected a massive amount of supplies, including food, weapons, and heating equipment.

However, these did not provide him with enough sense of security.

He decided to start with the huge warehouse of Mart.

As long as he emptied this warehouse, he can obtain a massive amount of supplies that he will never use up for ten lifetimes!

Why not choose to take action on the last day? It's because Jack thought of something - in the previous life, he vaguely learned that the senior management had actually received the news of the arrival of gamma rays in advance.

So they started quietly transferring a large amount of daily necessities before ordinary people were aware of it.

Jack dared not to gamble; he must take action in advance.

And considering this logic, even if all the materials in Mart's warehouse disappeared, the senior management who was eager to take refuge cannot spare much energy to investigate.

This gave Jack a suitable buffer period.

So, Jack returned to the warehouse and started working normally.

Mart warehouse had people on duty 24 hours a day, but at night, there were only 10 people on duty.

Jack decided to use the simplest and most crude method, which was to add sleeping pills to the tea they drank.

Anyway, it's only three days until the end of the world, and he's not afraid of being found out that he did it himself.

As these people were all old acquaintances of Jack, he easily succeeded.

After the drug effect took effect, they fell asleep, while Jack went to the surveillance room and turned off the entire warehouse's cameras!

He knew this place too well, and can think of every place with his eyes closed. Coupled with countless plans and exercises in his mind, he executed them very efficiently

After finishing all of this, he changed into a pair of shoes two sizes larger, put on gloves, and quickly arrived at the warehouse. Looking at the huge warehouse in front of him, Jack took a deep breath and began collecting those supplies.

As long as he scanned the shelf with his right eye, with just a thought, the entire shelf would appear in his strange space.

Jack was the first to arrive at the beverage area.

There were tens of thousands of tons of mineral water, beverages, and alcoholic beverages stored here, including many high-level red and foreign wines.

Jack didn't distinguish and packed everything into his own warehouse.

Quickly, thousands of cubic meters of alcoholic beverages disappeared in front of him.

The next one was the fuel area for daily necessities.

There were many smokeless coal and barrels of gasoline and alcohol here.

They were all household types, used for household storage or for travel and picnics.

There were tens of thousands of boxes of smokeless coal alone, not to mention those solid alcohol and bottled gasoline.

The quantity here cannot be used up by Jack alone for hundreds of years!

Jack did not consider leaving a portion for others, anyway, after the end of the world, these things could not fall into the hands of ordinary people.

So without hesitation, all these supplies were collected.

Then, utilizing my years of expertise in warehousing, I allocated areas to them in different spaces.

This would be convenient for personal use.

Step three, he arrived at the food area.

The quantity here was even larger, reaching tens of thousands of tons! Several warehouses were packed full, like several small mountains. Canned foods, packaged roasted chicken, and roasted duck; Expanded food, convenience food, high-level snacks.

It's really enough for me to eat for ten lifetimes!

Jack sighed.

He was not picky about food at all, he taken whatever he saw.

After picking up the food, Jack came to the sports equipment again.

Exercising regularly and building a strong physique were essential to maintaining good health, and even more to save lives when necessary.

Although the space in the safe house was limited, he was not polite about what can be taken. After all, the area of the other space was infinite, so it should be taken all. Among them, there were also some particularly practical things. For example, baseball bats and fencing were particularly useful weapons.

During the collection process, Jack found some particularly useful items. For example, skiing and mountaineering equipment included professional winter jackets at the national athlete level. These things can withstand extreme cold temperatures of minus 100 degrees Celsius! It was the latest technological product in 2050. Jack's eyes lit up. After the end of the cold, these were the top-level cold protection equipment! He immediately collected dozens of sets of top-level winter jackets and sleeping bags from the warehouse. After two hours, Jack emptied the warehouse of Mart, which covered an area of millions of square meters! After finishing these tasks, looking at the huge and empty warehouse, Jack felt an indescribable satisfaction in his heart. Now, even in the face of the coldest ice age, he had confidence that he can always live comfortably! Jack returned to his position, changed his gloves and shoes, and placed them in a different space. Then he drank a little tea with sleeping pills and fell asleep on the table. After an unknown amount of time, he was quickly shaken awake by someone.

"Supervisor, supervisor, something big is happening, wake up quickly."

Jack slowly opened his eyes and looked at the colleagues in front of him with a confused expression.

"What's going on?"

A warehouse employee trembled and pointed to the warehouse, saying, "Damn it! Our warehouse had been emptied by someone!"


Jack stood up with a surprised expression as he patted the table.

He pretended to come to the warehouse and naturally saw an empty scene.

Jack naturally knew better than anyone what happened.

However, his legs still softened and he spoke in a trembling voice, "What exactly happened? Why are all the supplies in the warehouse gone!" The employees around him also looked nervous.

"The supplies in this warehouse are worth at least tens of billions! Even if they are pulled by a large truck, it will take several days to finish.How does it happen?"

They remained silent about what had just fallen asleep.

After all, it's common for everyone to work night shifts and take a lazy nap at night.

Jack walked back and forth with a heavy face, pretending to be anxious.

Then he said to everyone, "This matter is too bizarre for us to solve. Let's call and notify the people above!" Although everybody was very nervous in their heart, he wasn't too afraid.

Because the situation escalated, they didn't actually have much responsibility.

The entire warehouse, worth billions of goods, disappeared in just two hours, which was clearly not something they can do.

They earned thousands of dollars in a month, and there was no need for them to work hard for the company.

Therefore, with Jack's words, everyone nodded in agreement.

Let the people above worry about this mess!

Jack immediately called the warehouse manager to inform him about this matter.

After hearing the news, the manager was completely shocked and even thought that Jack was joking with him.