Chapter 13: The Advent of the Ice Age

Jack emptied the entire warehouse of Mart Warehouse!

Goods worth billions had all entered his alien space.

He also pretended not to know anything and reported to the senior management of Mart at the first time.

Soon, the news spread to the senior management of Mart.

A large group of executives were shocked and rushed to the scene, reporting the incident to the police.

Tom Watson, the general manager of warehouse, saw the empty warehouse and his face turned whiter than snow.

"Oh, my God! How can I explain this to headquarters."

In fact, the headquarters of Mart had issued an order requiring them to transport all materials back in the shortest time.

It was said that this was an instruction from the senior management of the country, and the ship they sent will soon arrive at the T Port.

Now, everything was over!

On the other hand, Jack was not worried at all that his affairs will be exposed.

After all, in just two hours, all the billions of goods in the entire warehouse disappeared, which was too unbelievable.

Even if the police investigated with all their might, they wouldn't be able to find out in a short period of time.

Moreover, Mart was a foreign enterprise, not a state-owned enterprise. So there was no need to say much about the intensity of this investigation.

However, he still pretended to be nervous and afraid and cooperated with the police investigation.

After a night of interrogation, Jack was released.

The police were also very skeptical about this matter.

Because they investigated the footage inside and outside the warehouse.

Although the internal recordings had been turned off, it was impossible to steal millions of cubic meters of supplies without leaving any trace.

However, through the video footage around the warehouse, no traces of vehicles passing by were found.

That was to say, the tens of billions of materials either disappeared out of thin air, or... Mart itself played a trick of self-theft. If inferred through logic, it was obvious that the latter was more reasonable.

After all, unless it was a supernatural phenomenon, it was impossible to explain how those millions of cubic meters of material disappeared without a trace in just two hours. As for ordinary employees like Jack, although it had also raised some doubts.

However, the logical issue of the disappearance of materials cannot be explained, and even if there were problems with internal employees, it was not the main contradiction.

As Mart was a foreign enterprise, there was no official background involved.

The case was too big, so the efficiency of the police's actions was naturally not as fast.

Even because of concerns about international impact, they played a game of kicking the ball with the investigation.

If you wanted to investigate this matter thoroughly, let alone in three days, it might be for three months!

Jack was ordered not to leave T City for a short period of time.

And he must always cooperate with the police and the internal investigation of Mart.

Jack cooperated very well and was then released.

After returning home, Jack took a look outside through the blinds of the french window.

Today was December 10th, 2 days left until the arrival of the Ice Age.

In the following time, he only need to stay at home and not go anywhere, and he can lie down and win the rest of his life.

Thinking about the billion's worth of goods in the alien space, which contained almost all the necessities of life, Jack felt very secure in his heart. He returned to the bedroom and lay down. After a busy night and cooperating with the interrogation, he was also a bit tired.

Jack slept until the evening. When he turned on the TV, the news was about the theft of Mart's warehouse.

Due to the excessive and bizarre number of materials lost in this theft, major news stations across the country were competing to report on it.

"Such a large warehouse, it was emptied in just a few hours. Someone must have been guarding it!"

"It must have been done by insiders, most likely by Mart executives themselves, in order to defraud insurance."

"That's millions of cubic meters of supplies. Even with a big truck, it's impossible to pull them all in one night."

Jack smiled slightly, and no one would know the answer to this matter until the end of the day.

For the next two days, Jack stayed at his own home and didn't go anywhere.

He knew that there was not much time left for this world.

For safety reasons, he would not leave his room without permission.

During this period, the police and the investigators at Mart headquarters called him over again and inquired about him.

Although they also suspected that Jack's behavior that night was somewhat inappropriate.

But on the one hand, the investigation time was short, and on the other hand, there was no conclusive evidence. They suspected it, but it was also impossible to arrest Jack. During this period, some acquaintances sent messages to inquire about the inside information with Jack, but they were all fooled by Jack.

Finally, December 12th had arrived.

Gamma rays passed through a blue star at 2 o'clock in the morning, only for a moment, but the impact on this planet was devastating.

Jack closed the room completely a few hours in advance, and then the fireplace began to light.

Because soon, with the dcepletion of energy, things like air conditioning and heating would completely fail.

All ways of heating can only be achieved through the most primitive means.

At two o'clock, he sat on the sofa in front of the huge french window, holding a bottle of beer in his hand, staring out of the window.

Suddenly, a white light appeared at the end of the sky. Although it was midnight, the earth became bright as if it were dusk. But this light only lasted for a short two seconds and then fell silent.

Most people have already fallen asleep at this moment, so they have not noticed the change in that moment.

But Jack, who knew what this meant, now his entire back was icy cold.

He swallowed the beer in large gulps, and the refreshing Budweiser beer gave him a hint of calmness.

Jack thought and casually threw a few high-quality woods into the fireplace.

He reached out and turned on the TV, watching the programs inside while waiting for the changes in the world. Just a few minutes later, the sky outside began to drift with dense snowflakes. At first, the snowflakes were only as big as fingernails, but in less than two minutes, they began to turn into fluffy snow!

The wind outside the window began to howl, and the snow outside seemed to become terrifying in an instant!

Suddenly, a sky full of heavy snow appeared over the entire city!

This was the power of nature, and when it changed, it would not greet you in any way.

Jack's heart began to feel a bit nervous.

Although the safe house he built himself was perfect, he had experienced a cold apocalypse, so it was inevitable that he would have some worries.

I didn't know if this safe house, which costs up to 8 million dollars, can completely withstand the upcoming cooling down! However, as the flames blared in the fireplace, the indoor temperature also became incredibly warm.

Even a bit hot.

Jack glanced at the indoor temperature and it had reached 32.6.

Looking outside again, the overwhelming snowflakes had already submerged the entire city.

Jack's heart had calmed down a lot.

He reduced some charcoal, after all, the temperature in the room was too high and uncomfortable.

Jack was not in a hurry to sleep, he still had to continue observing the next changes.

As for rest, there will be plenty of time in the future, and you don't have to go to work anyway.

In less than half an hour, a thick layer of snowflakes had already accumulated on the balcony outside.

Jack opened his phone to read the news and found that news about the sudden drop in temperature had spread throughout the entire network.

On the internet, there were all voices complaining incessantly, and netizens were clamoring that this year's cold winter had arrived too early, and they had not had time to prepare winter clothes.

"Damn it, the weather is already minus ten degrees Celsius!"

"Tomorrow, it's estimated that the road will be frozen over. How can I still go to work?"

Some people are also very happy.

"It's snowing so hard that you don't have to go to work tomorrow, haha!"

Especially some friends from the south were excited and posted photos of themselves with Big Snow.

They had never seen such heavy snow in the south before.

Jack shook his head; it was just the beginning.

The heavy snow would continue for at least three more months and the temperature would continue to decrease.

By then, they wouldn't be in such a good mood to enjoy the snow.