Chapter 14: Extreme Low Temperature, I Laugh and Watch the Wind and Clouds of the Outside World

The Ice Age had begun.

It's snowing heavily in the southern city of T, and there were discussions online. Some people were complaining, while others were celebrating.

But none of them knew that this heavy snowfall and severe cooling were not temporary, but would continue and escalate.

Ultimately, it brought about a disaster that no one could bear.

However, at this moment, Jack lay on the sofa at home, comfortably enjoying the temperature of over 20 degrees in the safe room, while tasting the chilled Budweiser beer, which was very comfortable.

At this moment, Jack's phone suddenly rang.

He took it over and saw that it was people from the mobile chat group chatting.

Among them are his previous classmates and homeowners in the community.

"Oh, my goodness, why did it suddenly snow so heavily? The weather forecast didn't mention it either!"

"I woke up from the cold in the middle of the night, quickly get up and turn on the air conditioning."

"Don't talk about it. Our broken air conditioner is not awesome. It's been getting colder and colder for half a day."

"I don't know how long this cold weather will last; I haven't bought any winter clothes yet!"

Everyone was discussing and expressing their emotions with various tongues.

However, Jack could feel that most people did not take the sudden cooling down as a matter of fact, but rather were pleasantly surprised. Jack was very clear in his heart that this was only temporary.

He yawned and didn't intend to continue reading.

Returning to his warm bed, Jack covered himself with a thin velvet blanket and comfortably closed his eyes.

His bed was very comfortable. It was a high-level product moved from Mart warehouse.

Especially the mattress, it was said to be the same style as a female celebrity and worthed 3 million dollars.

It's snowing heavily outside, the cold wind was howling, and the fireplace inside the house was burning brightly, with a pleasant temperature.

In such a comfortable environment, Jack quickly fell asleep.

The next morning, Jack was awakened by the ringing of his phone.

He opened his eyes and saw that it was Jenny who called him.

Having been disturbed and had a good dream, Jack naturally felt uncomfortable.

He took the phone and asked angrily, "Hey, why are you calling me so early in the morning?"?

Jenny was momentarily stunned when she heard Jack's icy tone.

However, soon she said, "Jack, it's so cold outside today! Did you know in advance that it would cool down when you were hoarding supplies?" Jenny's voice trembled slightly, as if she was trying her best to bear something.

Upon hearing this, Jack's mouth curved with a mockery.

Sure enough, this angelic bitch always sought help only when needed.

He lazily said, "I also heard my friend casually mention it, but I didn't expect the temperature to drop so much."

He lifted the blanket, and the temperature in the room was very high, making him sweat a bit.

When Jack put on his slippers and walked out to the french window, he was dazzled by the familiar scene.

The heavy snow outside had already submerged the entire city, and he can't even see the streets and shrubs on the roadside now.

Only the outline of urban buildings can be vaguely seen, and the first floor of many houses was mostly submerged.

And the heavy snow was still continuing, with snowflakes falling on the ground without any signs of stopping.

On the other end of the phone, Jenny was still saying, "No wonder you're hoarding so many things. Jack, you're really not telling me about this kind of thing in advance. It's freezing me!"

Jack frowned, surprised to find that she still had the face to complain about herself.

He hung up the phone directly and threw it aside.

Then, he went to the bathroom and took a comfortable hot shower.

Then I took out a top-notch A5 beef from the space, and had steak with pasta for breakfast.

During breakfast, he turned on the TV to watch.

Now it had just cooled down and there had been power outage, so the TV can still be watched normally.

However, even if there was a power outage, Jack had prepared various backup power sources, as well as dozens of generators and a huge amount of gasoline.

In terms of energy, it wouldn't be a problem to use it for at least three hundred years!

After turning on the TV, Jack was the first to switch to the morning news channel.

Although as a rebirth, he knew how things were outside.

But at this time, taking a look at the outside situation was also a way to eliminate interference.

On the news station, both anchors surprisingly wore thick down jackets.

You should know that in places like TV stations, central air conditioning was not stingy and was also a priority for power supply.

But if all the anchors need to wear jackets, it means that the temperature had reached a point where even central air conditioning cannot fully resist it.

The female anchor looked at the camera and tried to speak in a calm tone, saying, "Last night, a strong cold air hit various parts of the world, causing drastic changed in global temperatures. The general temperature dropped reached 70 to 100 degrees Celsius."

"The meteorological department is conducting an investigation into the cause of this cold air attack."

"In the next few days, I hope everyone pays attention to keeping warm and not getting frostbite."

"If it's not necessary, try not to go out."

"The official will resolve this issue properly, and we hope everyone does not panic."

"Don't spread rumors or believe them, let alone engage in material looting. The snow disaster will soon pass."

Upon hearing the words of the female anchor, Jack sneered.

After the arrival of the Ice Age, one can only rely on oneself to survive. If one really stayed at home and didn't do anything, they would definitely be the earliest ones to die.

The upper right corner of the TV already showed that the outdoor temperature in T City had reached minus 65 ° C!

You should know that during the day yesterday, the highest temperature in T City was still 15 ° C, which mean a sudden drop of 80 ° C!

Jack shrugged his shoulders. This degree of cooling was the same as in previous lives.

But now he was wearing pajamas, drinking red wine and eating steak with pasta, without feeling the cold outside at all.

After all, it was a safe house built at a cost of 8 million dollars, and he specifically emphasized the function of insulation, so the temperature inside the house hardly dissipates. At this moment, Jack's phone rang again.

He was very interested and wanted to see what his neighbors who used to joke about him were talking about.

The first thing he saw was the news from Jenny.

"Jack, why did you suddenly hang up my phone?"

She didn't want to go out in the ultra-low temperature of minus 60-70 degrees, so she wanted to ask Jack for food. Moreover, he couldn't have given Jenny a bite!

"It's so snowy outside that I can't go out. Didn't you buy a lot of food? Can you lend me some for now? I will repay you when the snow disaster passes."

Jack raised his eyebrows and a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Angelic bitch had a brain, knowing that with such heavy snow, food can become very expensive. But Jack knew that this glacier disaster would last for a very long time and would not pass quickly.

In his past life, he was deceived by this angelic bitch and gave her a lot of food to eat at home.

In the end, she actually killed Jack and had to dig out his ribs to make soup!

Such a woman, Jack now only wanted to tease her well and watch her tragic death. At this thought, a playful smile appeared on his lips and he sent a message to Jenny. After Jack finished speaking, he took a selfie with the steak and red wine on the table.

"You should ask me earlier. I've eaten almost everything I've stocked up at home. Look, the steak was just fried this morning!"

He deliberately took a picture of himself wearing pajamas and sent it to Jenny.