Chapter 15: Angelic Bitch Seeks Supplies

At this moment, Jenny was curling up in her rental room, tightly wrapped around her two blankets.

Although the air conditioning had been turned on to 40 ° C, the indoor temperature cannot even reach 0 ° C.

She was shivering all over with the cold, feeling cold air pouring into the blanket.

After seeing the photo sent by Jack, Jenny immediately widened her eyes.

She couldn't believe that in such cold weather, Jack was still wearing thin pajamas, comfortably eating steak and drinking red wine. It was clear that everyone lived in the same unit!

Why did it feel like living in two worlds?

Especially after seeing the delicious steak on the table and the bottle of high-level red wine, Jenny's saliva was about to flow down.

As a top-notch angelic bitch, she had researched these high-level products.

According to her knowledge, the steak that Jack ate looked like an authentic top tier.

Especially the French red wine he had at his disposal was definitely of the Chateau level, costing at least 20000 to 30000 dollars per bottle!

I was freezing to death now, but Jack was living so comfortably, which immediately made Jenny jealous to death.

She immediately sent a message to Jack.

"That's great! I also want to eat steak and drink red wine."

She felt that her suggestion was already very obvious.

According to Jack's previous personality, he would definitely take the initiative to bring her steak and red wine at this time.

But after seeing this sentence, Jack smiled happily.

Were you still using yourself as a past licking dog?

He replied slowly to a message.

"If you want to eat, go to the supermarket to buy it. "

After seeing this news, Jenny's face immediately stiffened.

It was nonsense.

It's already minus sixty or seventy degrees outside, and now any inch of skin exposed to the outside was at risk of frostbite.

She was such a delicate girl, how could she make such excessive demands!

Jenny gritted her teeth and said angrily, "Jack, you're really not a man! You didn't even know to come and show off for giving you such a good opportunity, humph!"

At this time, Jenny still had some backbone.

Although she really wanted to eat steak and drink high-level red wine.

But in her eyes, Jack was just a fish in her fish pond.

Moreover, she believed that the snow disaster would pass in a few days.

So, she still tried to maintain her image as a proud goddess and did not actively ask Jack for something to eat.

Jack didn't continue to pay attention to Jenny, but went to watch other chat groups, intending to see some good shows.

When he saw the group of homeowners in their community, he happened to see Aunt Anne from the neighborhood committee calling on everyone not to panic and to stay at home honestly.

"Don't worry, it's just a sudden drop in temperature. At most, two or three days will pass."

"Don't rush to grab supplies, trust our officials."

"Our neighborhood committee will also help everyone find ways to get through this snow disaster. Please obey orders and follow orders, and do not cause trouble for the authorities." A homeowner raised objections.

"I don't know when it will stop with such heavy snow. It's troublesome for us to go out now. Can we stock up on some supplies at home?"

"Yeah, why don't you go out and buy some groceries and come back? I'm afraid the prices will go crazy again in the next few days."

Aunt Anne immediately increased her tone.

"What are you doing? Is this adding trouble to us?"

"Grabbing supplies will only lead to higher prices, and everyone will have to eat high priced vegetables."

"If anyone dares to hoard supplies and I find out, don't blame me for reporting him to the higher ups for disturbing orders!"

Jack saw Aunt Anne, who was commanding everyone like a leader in the group, and a cold smile curved around his lips. Today was the first day of the Ice Age, and due to the cold weather outside, the supplies in the supermarket had not been fully looted yet. If you ventured out in heavy snow at this time, although there was a risk of frostbite, there was definitely a chance to stockpile certain supplies.`

But due to Aunt Anne's intimidation, many people had a lucky mentality and did not go out to buy groceries.

The final result can be imagined.

At this moment, Aunt Anne 's spear suddenly pointed at Jack.

She idolized Jack in the homeowner group.

"Jack, you had already stocked up a lot of things at home before. Now that the snow disaster is severe, you can't be a negative example."

"You should stay at home these days, and if I find out you're going out shopping again, don't blame me!" Jack's face turned disgusted.

This old woman, last time because she asked for something from him, he didn't give her.

So, she kept it in her mind and this time she found the opportunity, she didn't forget to taunt him.

Unfortunately, the neighborhood committee lady was nothing to Jack now.

He replied with a sneer, " Aunt Anne, no one knows how long this snow disaster will last. If it lasts for a long time and everyone has nothing to eat, can you take responsibility for it?""

Jack's question can be considered as expressing the opinions of many people.

Everyone was dissatisfied with Aunt Anne words, but due to her identity as a member of the neighborhood committee, they didn't dare to refute them.

With Jack taking the lead, others immediately stood up and asked.

"Yeah, you don't want us to hoard supplies. Who will be responsible for the shortage of food and drink?"

"Can you afford this responsibility? "

Aunt Anne felt a bit uneasy when she saw everyone standing up to refute her.

At the same time, she hated Jack even more in her heart.

Surprisingly openly refuting her in the homeowner group, was this not giving her face?

"Don't worry, our neighborhood committee can responsibly tell everyone that there will be no shortage of supplies! The snow disaster will also pass quickly."

"And you, Jack. Don't incite people at such times, your behavior is against the law and discipline!"

Aunt Anne, who was curled up at home, gritted her teeth and said harshly, "Jack really doesn't know who has the right to order others. I'll come back and find a way to arrest him in prison for a few days."

Jack burst out laughing.

At this time, the old woman still wanted to act like she used to, relying on her little power to act recklessly, which was really ridiculous.

"Oh hey, I can't afford to wear such a big high hat."

"Don't worry, it's so cold outside. I won't even go out even if you ask me to. Feel free!"

He had already stocked up all his supplies, so there was no need to go out and grab vegetables from the supermarket with others.

But those who believed in Aunt Anne 's lies would be miserable afterwards.

Jack sighed in his heart that the end of the day was approaching, and he didn't know how many people would die from cold and hunger.

However, some people deserved to die, such as those who killed their neighbors in their past lives.

Regardless of whether they live or die, Jack had made up his mind to persevere.