Chapter 16: Aunt Anne Revenge, Jack Revenge Back

Jack sat on the sofa and yawned in boredom.

When others were living a life of hunger and cold, he was living even more comfortably than heaven.

Having the most perfect insulation system and an endless supply of fuel at home was enough to keep this safe house at the most comfortable and constant temperature throughout the year.

Next, he didn't need to do anything, just made himself happy every day.

There were no good programs on TV at this time.

Various live broadcasts had also been shut down due to extreme low temperatures.

After all, those beautiful anchors he liked the most on weekdays cannot tolerate temperatures as low as minus sixty or seventy degrees, or even over a hundred degrees, to wear camisoles and dance. If there were, Jack could only give a thumbs up and praise, "What a ruthless person!"

He opened up his own space, where there were many game consoles and 3A blockbuster games in the electronic device area.

What PS5 and switch or XBOX, there were hundreds of brand-new unopened ones.

As for game cartridges, there were even tens of thousands of sets.

Jack took out the latest PS5 and installed it on the huge 100-inch Sony TV at home, starting to play games.

He was playing the latest 3A action game of the year, "Angel and Witch 3".

There were also games on hand such as "Alden Ring", "Wizardry 3", and "Wolf: Shadows Twice".

If he found the game duration too short, there were games like "Civilization "and "City Skyline" that can make him enjoy playing.

If you wanted to pass the time, they were all very good choices.

In the future, there was no need to consider work and worldly wisdom. This kind of life was even more enjoyable than before the end of the world! As he was at home, Jack was only wearing pajamas, eating snacks and playing games, enjoying himself. After a while, his phone rang.

Jack took it over and saw that it was actually the annoying neighborhood committee Aunt Anne who was bothering him in the group.

"Jack, the roads outside are now blocked by heavy snow. You can bring your tools and come out to help sweep the snow later!"

In a commanding tone of speech.

Jack also saw that she called on everyone to go out and sweep the snow together in the group, but there were very few people who responded.

Unexpectedly, she found herself directly on his head.

Jack glanced at the heavy snow outside the house, and the entire floor was almost completely covered.

Three meters deep snow, it was almost impossible to sweep it by manpower.

And Jack also known that this snow would continue to fall for at least another three months.

Going out to sweep the snow now was not as fast as it falls.

Jack immediately declined, "Going out on such cold weather will freeze into popsicles in a short while. Even if we sweep snow, we will wait until the snow stops before we can talk."

Others below also agreed with Jack.

"Yeah, it's over minus 70 degrees outside. If you go out for a while, you might get frostbite."

"We're not in Northeast, and we don't have any decent cold protection equipment at all. How can we get out?"

Aunt Anne became anxious on the spot.

"What is your attitude? Isn't sweeping snow for me but for everyone "

"You are all young and strong men, when faced with disasters, do not take the initiative to serve the people and think about how to escape."

Her spearhead was directed towards Jack, who led the way in opposing her.

"Jack, I order you in the name of the neighborhood committee to go out and sweep the snow!"

"Now it is a critical moment, we must unite and obey the organization's command!"

Aunt Anne once again moved out of her identity as a member of the neighborhood committee.

"If anyone dares to take the lead in opposing me, it is against the leadership of the neighborhood committee! After the snow disaster ends, they will definitely be organized for liquidation!"

The owners suddenly dared not to speak up and became angry.

Now that the snow disaster had just arrived, various social orders still existed, and no one dared to violate them.

Although these members of the neighborhood committee might not seem to have much power, their small power was closely related to everyone on a daily basis, so no one dared to provoke them.

Everyone remained silent, and no one wanted to be this outstanding bird.

However, many people hoped that Jack would step forward and fiercely scold Aunt Anne, making him the leader who speaks for everyone. Of course, Jack knew the thoughts of these ostriches, and a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, showing an immense contempt for them in his heart.

But it's also impossible for him to swallow his pride.

So, he decided to directly tear her face off from Aunt Anne.

He flipped through the chat records above and found that several people from Aunt Anne 's team were young people in the community who were usually easy to talk to. And those troublesome thorns, or those in power and influence, she ignored behind.

So Jack sneered directly, " Aunt Anne is right. Since it's for everyone's sake, the people in your neighborhood committee should take the lead in going out to sweep the snow."

"And when it comes to being young and strong, why did you only call us a few when there were so many people in our community?"

"Do you think we're easy to bully? Those social people and the wealthy second generation don't even see you call them."

"Why, when you meet them, you won't talk even fart?"

Other homeowners nodded in satisfaction when they saw Jack's words.

"Jack is really my Internet mouthpiece. "

"That's right, all we're looking for are honest people. Why don't we go find those people like David and Ben?"

Everyone knew who those people Jack mentioned are.

They all lived in the same community, and there were some powerful people inside.

For example, David, who lives on the sixth floor at 601, was a well-known gangland who works on earthwork projects and had hundreds of people under his command.

For example, Ben at 802 on the 8th floor, whose father was a famous developer in T City, also had a relationship in official positions.

Aunt Anne didn't mention them a word from beginning to end.

Jack directly exposed the essence of Aunt Anne 's bullying and fear of the hard, which made Aunt Anne lost face immediately.

She didn't mention those difficult characters, indeed because she didn't have the courage, and they wouldn't even respond her. Aunt Anne had always bullied the weak and feared the hard.

If Jack had this personality before, Aunt Anne wouldn't let him go snow sweeping here.

She felt embarrassed and angrily posted several long voice messages in the group.

"Sweeping snow is a public service, for the sake of everyone. Some people only care about small things and lack any spirit of dedication!"

"Such people are simply the black sheep of our homeowners' group!"

"If you don't want to do it, then don't do it. Some people do it! Everyone's consciousness is much higher than yours."

"Also, I'm not trying to be special to someone. It's just that there's no need for each one of you to be special. I hope you figure it out and don't make any mistakes!"

"If you continue to post these slanderous comments about me, I will report them to the police!"

Aunt Anne 's explanation actually had a feeling of getting darker and darker.

Especially in the end, even claiming to call the police made Jack burst into laughter.

When other homeowners heard Aunt Anne 's words, someone already went to sweep the snow with tools.

But at this moment, Jack was not afraid of her at all.

Leaving aside her unreasonable behavior, the police would not support it at all.

Besides, she wouldn't even think that various social machines were operating normally, would she?