Chapter 19: Taking an Ice Bath for You

David finally felt scared.

He took out his phone and called 120.

But the phone couldn't be dialed, and David called for more than two minutes, showing that the lines were all busy.

David's heart was cold, and at this moment, the outside world was freezing, even the hospital was in a state of shutdown.

Even if there were hospitals that insisted on operating, it was impossible to send ambulances to rescue people outside due to heavy snowfall and city lock downed.

David was also a ruthless person. After hesitating for a long time, he decided to undergo surgery on his own.

At the very least, he needed to take out this crossbow arrow.

After struggling to return home, he took out a knife, alcohol lamp, gauze, and hemostatic medication from the drawer.

He often fought with others on weekdays, so naturally these things were kept at home.

David cut open his pants legs with a knife, and when he saw the wound, his face turned pale with fear.

Under the extreme cold and low temperature, the wound on his leg had frozen.

Although this temporarily stopped the flow of blood.

But around the wound, it had started to turn blue and purple, and there was no sensation in the calves.

David's heart was filled with despair. He knew that in such times, he could only rely on self-rescue.

Fortunately, he was a ruthless troublemaker who, after thinking for a moment, performed surgery on himself.

Due to the frozen calf, the pain sensation has become numb under low temperatures.

So even without anesthesia, he successfully completed the surgery.

However, due to the excessive pain during this process, he almost passed out.

And that calf, obviously, was also useless.

David lay on the sofa, panting heavily, and his heart was filled with hatred towards Jack, who had shot his own arrow!

"Jack, you little brat, I must kill you, definitely!"

David's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

He's not joking, but really planning to kill Jack!

Otherwise, how would he continue to live in T City in the future?

David picked up his phone, but because he was blocked by Jack, he had to tease Jack in the owner group.

"Jack, you bastard, wait for me. If I don't kill you, I'll write my name, David, upside down!"

The owners actually didn't know what happened.

But upon learning that Jack had offended David, everyone couldn't help but sweat for him.

David was an authentic thug, he's really ruthless!

However, if everyone knew that Jack had shot him an arrow and even disabled his leg, they might be too scared to speak.

However, some people were very excited.

For example, Aunt Anne, who used to suffer from Jack's weakness, happily said, "It's best for a dog to bite a dog. Hmph, neither of you is a good person!"

"It's better to have that thug David kill Jack because of this damn thing cursing me. "

And Jenny also saw the news in the group.

She pursed her lips, hoping that Jack would be cleaned up by David.

Due to Jack treat her so coldly that he didn't even know he would obediently bring her to the door when she, the goddess, ordered something to eat?

However, no one in the group dared to speak out, fearing that this matter might involve themselves.

Jack burst out laughing when he saw this news.

As long as he didn't leave the safe house, he wouldn't take David seriously!

Jack sent a voice message to his phone.

"What are you? You only know how to bark! If you dare to provoke me again, the remaining leg will be useless to you!"

The owners in the group were all in an uproar when they heard this voice message.

They didn't expect that Jack would dare to confront David!

And it seemed that he also injured one of David's legs.

David was tightly holding his phone, almost breaking it.

"Jack, son of bitch, wait for me, I will definitely kill you!"

Jack also said without hesitation, "Dog thing, come over if you have courage! Let's see who dies first!"

It has to be said that after the end of the day, Jack was also very open-minded.

Without so many concerns about public order, good customs, and social morality, now he didn't need to give face to anyone, it's just satisfying!

On the other hand, David's lungs were about to explode.

After returning to the room, relying on the insignificant function of the air conditioning, he gradually regained consciousness.

But the intense pain in his legs made him grit his teeth.

If he wanted to move now, he can only rely on crutches.

After careful consideration, David felt that it was not difficult to kill Jack.

He thought he was shot an arrow just because of carelessness.

Now that I was on guard, I can definitely call my lackeys to rush into Jack's house, and kill him!

Anyway, it's freezing outside, and hospitals and police stations were all in a state of shutdown.

Now was the best time to kill someone.

David immediately called his lackeys and asked them to bring weapons over to help him get rid of Jack.

Many of David's lackeys lived nearby. After receiving David's orders, they all brought machetes, baseball bats, steel pipes, and other items to David's house.

Seeing the injury on David's leg, these lackeys all clamored to kill that person and take a revenge for David.

David said coldly, "I'm not in any big trouble. I'll wait for the snow to melt in a few days and go to the hospital to recuperate for a while."

"But this dog dares to shoot me, doesn't he live impatiently?"

"How will David continue to mess around in the future without killing him? "

The little brother under his hand said at that time, "Anne, tell me his room number, and I will go and chop him now!"

David nodded and said, "he lives in 2401 of this building, but this little armed brat is very cunning. He has a crossbow in his hand. He was the one who ambushed me with the crossbow."

A little brother held up a steel pipe and shouted, "This person is not very good at martial arts! He's actually playing sneak attacks!""

David said, "Be careful when you go over. I know he's the only one in their family. As long as you don't let him shoot you, knock open his door, and kill him casually!"

David's subordinates were all fugitives. Although they knew that Jack had weapons, they were not afraid either.

Instead, they became excited one by one.

Now that the city was under lockdown due to the snowstorm, there was no law or order, and they can openly come knocking on people.

The malice in human nature was unleashed recklessly on them.

So they took the arms and went to Jack's house together, wanting to break through the door.

And Jack also knew that David would not give up so easily and would definitely come to seek revenge. However, there was no tension in Jack's heart.

He was at home, playing games while using split screens to observe the movements inside the entire building. When David's lackeys came over, they were all clearly visible to him.

The table in front of him was filled with equipment, waiting for them to come and give them a lesson.

Anyway, those social scumbags were also worthy of death, and Jack would not have any soft-hearted thoughts.

In no time, David's lackeys arrived at Jack's home.

They knew that Jack had a crossbow in his hand, so they were a bit careful when they came over.

A few lackeys were holding wooden boards as shields in front of them.

After arriving at Jack's doorstep and realizing everything was fine, they took action.

"Open the door!"

"XXXX, dare to shoot our Boss, today we will kill you!"

They cursed loudly while using the hammers and iron bars they brought to smash the door of Jack's house. They wanted to break through the door and teach Jack a hard lesson before handing it over to David for disposal.

Jack played the game calmly.

He happened to get stuck with the boss in the first level and died seven or eight times without passing. At this moment, his mood was a bit bad.

Upon hearing the screams and "thump thump thump thump thump thump" outside, Jack angrily shouted, "Can't you use some more force? You haven't eaten yet!"

Those lackeys became even more angry when they heard Jack being so arrogant, and their attacks became even heavier.

However, the safety door made of twenty-centimeter-thick alloy was difficult to open even in small explosions.

Not to mention they used primitive smashing methods to break through the door.

After struggling for a while, a few small white spots appeared on the metal door, just a little paint peeling off.

Not to mention breaking the door, there's not even a depression.

Those lackeys looked dumbfounded.

"XXXX, this door is actually made of pure metal! It's still so thick, how could it be smashed!"

"xxxx how many enemies does this person have? "

But when they came, they made a promise with David to beat Jack to death and bring him back.

Now they can't break through the door, and they can't go back to work, so they kept smashing and yelling outside the door.

Jack's game character had died again.

Listening to the cries of lackeys outside, he finally became a bit annoyed.

He went to the kitchen, connected a water pipe to the faucet, and then climbed up to the shooting port.

The lackeys outside the door didn't notice above their heads.

Jack sneered, then turned on the faucet, aimed it at them, and walked over.

The turbulent current in the narrow corridor was like a rainstorm, which immediately drenches them.